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Assassin's Creed Revelations

M Two One

Tra la la la
TRF Legend
Oct 11, 2007
Club or Nation
Is anyone else excited about AC Revelations' release this month? I'm not much of a gamer anymore, honestly, but this series always catches my attention. I'm also enjoying the advertising for the new game, check out this recent one featuring athletes.

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Very excited - however I can't afford it until december :(

Bloody love the AC series - I was a little disappointed that they're continuing with the Ezio storyline, however I'm not just excited to see how it pans out :p
Will be interesting to see what time period they go to for the following one
This is gonna be awesome! I love it that we would be able to build our own bombs each with different effects...

Can't wait! It's on my Christmas list!!!
I listend to a podcast awhile back where they were talking about how well it would go in Victorian?(jack the ripper was mentioned I'm not good a history:p) London? I think that it would be a great setting for the game.

I agre with Oly here I think Ezio has been dragged on a bit would've been fine to leave him after AC2 IMO. While I love him I just feel that being about 50 sucks. What i'm most excited for is the over story with Desmond and co. particularly after the events at the end of Brotherhood. Also the multiplayer is great and looks like they've made it better?
The Ezio character had enough with two games, but I can accept it simply because we know this final outing is pretty much just to show off all sorts of incredible new mechanics to play with. Well, there's also the fact that we get a bit of story, but I think it'll be even less than what Brotherhood offered. A lot of people are talking about feudal Japan being a possible setting for the third game.
I actually like them carrying on with Ezio, he's a much more interesting character than Alatir ever was. Although, in saying that it will be quite funny to see a 50 year old running quickly over Constantinople's roofs tops:p

As for the next game, I think the French revolution is has been rumoured for some time, there have even been hints about it in the series (apparently, I find those bits a bit complicated).
I think the French revolution would be the best path at this point.

About Ezio—I like the character, I just want to see a new one now.
Oh ma gawd - Just saw the trailer on TV - LOOKS AMAZING

I've never wanted a game more in my life :lol:
Can't afford it until December 1st....I'm seriously considering trading in Rugby Challenge for it :lol:
I only trade in old games for new ones these days to save some cash and I think this one will obviously be worth it again.

Was it this trailer by chance?

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Looks amazing can't wait. Victorian London or even Edinburgh would be cool as would revolutionary France would be great as well.
That's what I love about the series though, it can go just about anywhere at this point!
I love that one too, but the gameplay footage is what has me so hooked. How about a proper AC film?
Been in love with the series since 2, but if I don't wait until Christmas I'm gonna lose a whole working week :lol:

I'm not too fussed about the Ezio thing, they're giving it some closure, but it would have been nice to have a new time period/protagonist.

From what I've read the most likely setting are: Revolutionary France, Feudal Japan, Victorian England, Colonial America and (not likely but would be very cool) Egypt under the Pharaohs.
Been in love with the series since 2, but if I don't wait until Christmas I'm gonna lose a whole working week :lol:

I'm not too fussed about the Ezio thing, they're giving it some closure, but it would have been nice to have a new time period/protagonist.

From what I've read the most likely setting are: Revolutionary France, Feudal Japan, Victorian England, Colonial America and (not likely but would be very cool) Egypt under the Pharaohs.

This could be very likely I think they've already done something involving this. I think it was a comic book.
Hmm, the main flaw with that would be going backwards rather than forwards? My feeling so far has been that we're gradually working our way towards Desmond's timeline. For all we know AC3 could be in the present (although that would be a massive shame)
I hope they don't bring it too far forward - I love the whole sword fighting/knives etc. aspect of it
If they bring it to the modern day it'd just be like Splinter Cell
Good gameplay video:
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