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Best Try you ever scored...



mine (as a 6"4 100kg number 8) was a chip kick (dont no y i did it.. fate) went horribly wrong, hit went almost vertical i over ran it... but the ball hit the oposite 13s head... bounced into my chest, and i ran 20 meters to score wat must be the jammiest try ever.
I play inside center and I made a cut back move that are teally tricky to do but if it is succesfull it is a try no matter what defences we are playing against

Who have scored a try of a drop goal that has failed
I started running sideways bunting 2 big fowards on they way, fended off a flanker then brushed off a tackle from the winger and scored a try. A slow lock was the last line of defence so i had nothing to worry bout. Im about 5"8 85 kgs playing No.8. Im pretty stocky though my uncles about 5.6 ft and 90 kgs and not obese and quick. Thoses bloody samoan body types.
playing socially with my mates... i intercepted a pass and ran about 50m to score a try, but i tried to do a matt giteau swan dive, the ground wasn't slippery and i ended up flipping myself over several times. it hurt at the time but its damn funny thinking about it
Scoring your typical 'prop' try after having about 5 seasons of no tries....not spectacular but I think everyone agrees that your try by a prop is better then 1000 Lote Tuqiri tries :)
I hear ya lol.

I ended up grubbering the ball 50 odd metres once to score playing at 12. It was raining, we defensively kicked out of our 22, with 2 chasers right on their fullback. He looked at us just as he was about to catch it, when my other chaser runs straight into him, dislodging the ball. I poked it through, then with basically (what I thought) no one in defence, tapped the ball again to make it go end over end and sit up instead of stopping to pick it up. It was then I realised their winger had come back, so instead of trying to get ball to hand, I thought another grubber would propel it into in goal where I could dive on it.

But the rugby ball being the shape it is, pretty much went sideways, but I managed to stay just in front, grubbered again (picking up I would have been tackled for sure) and just won the race to the ball to score. So I ended up going from near the left touchline at halfway, to scoring a few metres to the right of the posts.

Made a relatively easy task quite difficult :p
I scored a try from about 10 metres off our own try line when I intercepted an incredibly floated long pass and run the length of the field unopposed. Quite impressive for a 15st 6'1 openside flanker
still i fink mine is the best so far!

still i fink mine is the best so far!
Heh, from a scrum in our half we've unexpectedly attacked the blindside and a long practiced loose forward combination paid off, with me the one to beat their last defender and score.

But the most ridiculous that I've ever witnessed, they manage to take and poorly kick the ball away from in-goal, our fullback drops it and then, in panic or despair, decides to just kick forward :blink: - straight into the arms of one of their players, a clueless forward who was simply chasing the ball, thus setting him up for the race of his life.. lucky *******.
3 weeks ago i scored my 1st ever try. 30 metres out from the try line My prop mate blew over the 3 opposite players from the ruck leaving the fringez unposted. Playing at number 8 I just picked up the ball and just casually strolled over. The whole time I waz strollin and waz expecting the whistle to blow but it never came. Instead of bieng chased down and tackled The opposition were too busy standing around scratchin they nuts expecting someone to give chase but by the time they released I waz strolling over unaposed, it waz too late. I celebrated the try by doing a jumping round house kick, I waz on cloud 9 :cheers:
well i have the luck of scoring quite a few tries in training but terrible luck in matches being that im usually stuck in a ruck, out paced by the backs on my team to keep up or just knackered so ill hang back :p

but the one try ive scored was a beauty allow me to set the scene

last game of the season for me
5 minutes in, we kick for touch and get a lineout 5 meters out to the opposition, they overthrow, and me being at the back of the lineout dives on it

i think i win :D
well i have the luck of scoring quite a few tries in training but terrible luck in matches being that im usually stuck in a ruck, out paced by the backs on my team to keep up or just knackered so ill hang back :p

but the one try ive scored was a beauty allow me to set the scene

last game of the season for me
5 minutes in, we kick for touch and get a lineout 5 meters out to the opposition, they overthrow, and me being at the back of the lineout dives on it

i think i win :D

What! Distinkly average! just coz its ur 1st! i've scored loads my try was funnier... if u wnat a good try i was playing St.Ignatious college last season... playing 8 again i broke thru the line, (running over the 10) handed off the winger hu caught me and smashed over the 15 keeping on my feet the whole way, i had started the run on my 5 and scored under the posts 90 meters away.... much better than a line out, needed skill, strength, pace and fitness to do so.

lets here sum good trys not just normal ones boys!
Right, Huffi, for the love of god, type PROPERLY! Here is how your post should have looked:

What?! Distinctly average! Just because its your first?! I've scored loads and my try was funnier!

If you want a good try I was playing St. Ignatious College last season, playing 8 again I broke through the line (running over the 10), handed off the winger who caught me and smashed over the 15 keeping on my feet the whole way!

I had started the run on my 5 and scored under the posts 90 meters away! Much better than a line out, needed skill, strength, pace and fitness to do so.

Lets hear some good tries and not just normal ones boys![/b]

Let me make this clear: post another abominable diatribe of awful spelling and text speak and I'll either edit it myself or delete it, depending on my mood.

Lucky for you, I am in a good mood.
I had tackled one of the opposition forwards and turned over the ball so I was last up from a ruck, being a 13st hooker in the 2nd half I didn't fancy running to the next ruck on the other side of the pitch so I stood in at 2nd centre in the backline.
We had an overlap so I was screaming for the ball and suprisingly enough it came to me. I could have just passed it out for the safe try but instead I managed to dummy and step inside the approaching cover and run in from 20 metres, stopping to wave my arm in celebration on the 5 metre line.

The only try I've ever scored without someone tackling me as I crossed the line.
What! Distinkly average! just coz its ur 1st! i've scored loads my try was funnier... if u wnat a good try i was playing St.Ignatious college last season... playing 8 again i broke thru the line, (running over the 10) handed off the winger hu caught me and smashed over the 15 keeping on my feet the whole way, i had started the run on my 5 and scored under the posts 90 meters away.... much better than a line out, needed skill, strength, pace and fitness to do so.

lets here sum good trys not just normal ones boys! [/b]

Gee man ur just the greatest, Someone better sign u up to play Proffesional cub rugby with all that talent. Dont toot ur own horn too hard there bro :bravo:
Playing 1st XV for my school, hurt my back the previous week when scoring a try, the dumb ass lock jumped on me while I dived for the try.

So the next week playing with this back off mine in huge pain I wasn't really in the match. I was jogging behind the oppositions team and they were on our 22 attacking. All of a sudden as I'm getting back to my left wing position when the ball appears out of nowhere on the 22m line, 5m from touch in no mans land. I pick it up and start running towards our goal line, 75 meters away. Two of the opposition are in front off me waiting to take me out, so I chip it ahead, a nice grubber that stays parrallel to the touch line, as I get to the ball it bounces up and sits perfectly for me to catch and score, still about 30 meters out when I get grabbed from behind without the ball, but the guy leaves me and I chip the ball forward again this time with my knee, the ball comes almost to a stand still 3 meters from the line where I pick it up and score right next to the poles!

The people next to the field went mad!
Playing 12 for Crusaders versus the newly-promoted African Bombers at our home ground, St Georges Park, about 4 years ago. Got a pin-point pass from our 10, coming onto the short pass at pace from depth, simple line-break really. So I`m cruising, with just the fullback to beat.

Only problem is, their fullback looks like a seriously bulked-up version of Jonah Lomu- all treetrunk legs, no neck etc. But then, for some or other strange reason, he doesn`t line me up for the tackle, instead deciding to crouch on his haunches in a very strange posture. And then he begins to freaking roar like a lion. Dunno, reckon the bloke watched way too much WWE or something. So I just ran straight at him, gave the big hand-off straight into the chest, and being off balance from his strange crouching and roaring thingey, he fell over. So I roared back at him as I trotted over the line. Nobody could stop laughing- both sides, all the spectators, even the ref!
i scored one where the opposition were going for a clearence behind their tryline, as it was kicked it bounced off one of our chasers and went sky high on their tryline, as i went to catch it i got taken out by my legs and ended up doing a foward flip type thing and somehow managed to keep the ball and down it!
not my most skilfull or best looking try, but most definately my favourite.

first ever game of competitive rugby, up against sherborne boy's 2nd XV, our 10 breaks from our 22, beats a couple of players and then floats a pass out to me on the wing.
I look up and see their winger closing down on me, so i step past him and put my head down, fullback gets across to cover when im about 5 yards from the line going at full pace, and i plough straight through him to score my first ever try
will never forget it.

funniest try i have ever seen, our fly half goes to clear from behind the try line, drills it straight into the face of an advancing player, breaking his nose, the guy collapses, and the next man behind him falls on the ball to score.... unbelievable

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