I know I'm carping on all the time about comparisons with the NFL games, so this is my last mention of this (honest).
Played Rugby 2005 on PC for an hour back to back with 30 mins of Madden 2005 and 30 mins of ESPN ESPN NFL2k5 on x box (sad I know, I have no life).
Suprisingly, Rugby 2005 compared quite well. Graphically and gameplay-wise, ESPN was noticeably the best of the 3, but Rugby compared quite well to Madden (dodgy replays aside). Madden`s graphics were not really much better than Rugby and Madden played way too "fast".
ESPN with the gameplay set to "slow" was the best - the fends, side steps and shoulder charges are awesome, watching the re-pay of a good running play is as fun as executing the play itself.
Rugby 2005 certainly plays at the right speed, rugby games need to play quite slow coz there is so much going on.
Perhaps the use of the FIFA engine for Rugby 2005 was not as much of a "faux pas" as I originally thought.
Lot of room for imrpovement with Rugby 2005 but it's good fun - hope EA build on this and bring out improved versions each year.
Sega have lost the NFL licence to EA, so perhaps they'll turn to rugby to fill the gap in their franchises ? "ESPN Rugby2k6" ? Don't think so somehow, but it would be wicked if they did.
Played Rugby 2005 on PC for an hour back to back with 30 mins of Madden 2005 and 30 mins of ESPN ESPN NFL2k5 on x box (sad I know, I have no life).
Suprisingly, Rugby 2005 compared quite well. Graphically and gameplay-wise, ESPN was noticeably the best of the 3, but Rugby compared quite well to Madden (dodgy replays aside). Madden`s graphics were not really much better than Rugby and Madden played way too "fast".
ESPN with the gameplay set to "slow" was the best - the fends, side steps and shoulder charges are awesome, watching the re-pay of a good running play is as fun as executing the play itself.
Rugby 2005 certainly plays at the right speed, rugby games need to play quite slow coz there is so much going on.
Perhaps the use of the FIFA engine for Rugby 2005 was not as much of a "faux pas" as I originally thought.
Lot of room for imrpovement with Rugby 2005 but it's good fun - hope EA build on this and bring out improved versions each year.
Sega have lost the NFL licence to EA, so perhaps they'll turn to rugby to fill the gap in their franchises ? "ESPN Rugby2k6" ? Don't think so somehow, but it would be wicked if they did.