That's the result of a solar bed, where you're supposed t o wear protective goggles, since your eyes can be severly damaged by the UV lamps.
I can't help it, critique on every single picture:
1st: Is it my idea or is the third one starting from the left just too good to be true? Looks ilike he never learnt not to play with electricity. His outfit really finishes the look.
2d:Why is her skirt undone? I can't be the only one thinking 'saggy'. And yes, he does look like he's wearing something on his lipsticks, possibly chapstick (that's less bad then lipsitck, right?)
3d: Doesn't bother me too much, guy has a bit of a beer belly, but other than that, and the hair, nothing seems out of the ordinary.
4th: The guy looks like he was hit in the face with a frying pan. And too wide to be real.
5th: I'm having my 'I can count that left one's ribs' problem here. And with the way she's dressed.
6th: The couple in the middle should be shot for their outfit. And in his case, the hair-do.
7th: What alcohol can do for you, I so hope that's not father and daughter :s
8th: Those kids should be informed of the consequences of too much sunbathing, people get skin cancer like that. Not to mention the people pointing and laughing.
9th: They look pretty young, hope they'll get to their senses. There'ss till hope there.
10th: It's what I call the 'lights on, no one home' facial expression. The guy is an expert at it.
11th: I have a problem with the left girl's outfit. Underwear should only be seen by so many people, the entire world does not need to know where she buys her lingerie. On the guy, bad outfit, fake tan, wrong jewelry, and again 'saggy' boobs.