First, sorry for my english but i'm french and it's difficult to me ...
I have a problem with the roster in Rugby 06.
I took modify roster's on this forum (Evol and BW) and i use woosah and darfh editors but i can't use this roster in a world league.
Explains : when i put the modify roster in my Rugby06 folder's and i delete existing roster in my document folder i have the good roster for play europe cup or tourney but when i start a world league i have bad name, bad face (like mallak, rossery...).
If someone can help me or mail me a roster that match on world league (with correct name, face or position for north hemisphere) it will be very cool.
Thanks a lot.
First, sorry for my english but i'm french and it's difficult to me ...
I have a problem with the roster in Rugby 06.
I took modify roster's on this forum (Evol and BW) and i use woosah and darfh editors but i can't use this roster in a world league.
Explains : when i put the modify roster in my Rugby06 folder's and i delete existing roster in my document folder i have the good roster for play europe cup or tourney but when i start a world league i have bad name, bad face (like mallak, rossery...).
If someone can help me or mail me a roster that match on world league (with correct name, face or position for north hemisphere) it will be very cool.
Thanks a lot.