In response to AirBen - I would have stated the reasons why RC2006 is infinitely better than R06, but Ripper locked the thread - sorry about that.
1. Game engine - RC2006 is smooth and tight , R06 is jerky and all over the place. RC 2006 runs at 60Hz the whole time (as any good game should), whereas R06 goes at 25/30Hz - IMO this is unacceptable for a PS2 game.
2. Responsiveness - RC2006 responds instantly to your control - R06 is sluggish and lags behind, often not even picking up your input. Passing movements on RC2006 are slick and fast - you FEEL IN CONTROL. In Rugby 06 you constantly feel like the games is not keeping up with what you are trying to tell it to do.
3. Player intelligence - in RC2006 your team mates play like sensible rugby players - in R06 they run around like headless chickens. Just look what happens what you take a tap penaluty - every player on the pitch rushes in to the ball and nails you before you've even finished the tap!
4. Cameras - RC2006 has the best camera ever seen in a rugby game - far spinning end. The cameras in r06 are very poor.
Rugby06 is only a marginal improvement on Rugby 05, which I thought was a terrible, terrible game. RC2006 is a significant improvement on WCR, which was flawed but good fun.
Still - if you prefer R06 to RC2006, then that's fine - you just have a VERY different idea about what a good game is to me. I tend to go for playability over number of (superfluous) features.
1. Game engine - RC2006 is smooth and tight , R06 is jerky and all over the place. RC 2006 runs at 60Hz the whole time (as any good game should), whereas R06 goes at 25/30Hz - IMO this is unacceptable for a PS2 game.
2. Responsiveness - RC2006 responds instantly to your control - R06 is sluggish and lags behind, often not even picking up your input. Passing movements on RC2006 are slick and fast - you FEEL IN CONTROL. In Rugby 06 you constantly feel like the games is not keeping up with what you are trying to tell it to do.
3. Player intelligence - in RC2006 your team mates play like sensible rugby players - in R06 they run around like headless chickens. Just look what happens what you take a tap penaluty - every player on the pitch rushes in to the ball and nails you before you've even finished the tap!
4. Cameras - RC2006 has the best camera ever seen in a rugby game - far spinning end. The cameras in r06 are very poor.
Rugby06 is only a marginal improvement on Rugby 05, which I thought was a terrible, terrible game. RC2006 is a significant improvement on WCR, which was flawed but good fun.
Still - if you prefer R06 to RC2006, then that's fine - you just have a VERY different idea about what a good game is to me. I tend to go for playability over number of (superfluous) features.