Saw that 'ledgendary' had been adopted into the TRF legsicon.
This got me thinking about all the great hedges in my life.
Why, there's Hedge One:
I remember climbing up and down this hedge, as naked as the day was young.
It seems as though it were yesterday, when it was actually the day before that.
Hedge Two and I have had some wonderful memories:
Had my first grope session alongside this one. It was with Erica Neddleswart. She was fresh off the boat from Switzerland where she had undergone some sort of 'operation.' We never spoke about it.
That night, we celebrated as only two young lovers can - very gently (her request).
Never saw her brother Eric again. Strange.
Onto Hedge Three, or should I say, Into Hedge Three:
I stumbled into this hedge, crying and frothing at the mouth when Bush got re-elected. If you look closely, you can still see the traces of vomit and blood I ejaculated over every passerby.
Hedge Four, or as I like to say, Hedge Phoar!
Beneath this lovely is where I first watched the "The Battleship Potemkin."
I watched it twice.
Discovered that my toenails grow to the side.
As does my knuckle hair.
Finally, Hedge Five (no jive!
It was beneath the shade of this great hedge where I fought the setting sun with blades of grass. Where I hid from turbulent clouds spitting forth black m's and w's. Where I cried as the pierced sun finally bled into darkness.
Woke up the next day with an empty absinthe bottle on my chest.
This got me thinking about all the great hedges in my life.
Why, there's Hedge One:

I remember climbing up and down this hedge, as naked as the day was young.
It seems as though it were yesterday, when it was actually the day before that.
Hedge Two and I have had some wonderful memories:

Had my first grope session alongside this one. It was with Erica Neddleswart. She was fresh off the boat from Switzerland where she had undergone some sort of 'operation.' We never spoke about it.
That night, we celebrated as only two young lovers can - very gently (her request).
Never saw her brother Eric again. Strange.
Onto Hedge Three, or should I say, Into Hedge Three:

I stumbled into this hedge, crying and frothing at the mouth when Bush got re-elected. If you look closely, you can still see the traces of vomit and blood I ejaculated over every passerby.
Hedge Four, or as I like to say, Hedge Phoar!

Beneath this lovely is where I first watched the "The Battleship Potemkin."
I watched it twice.
Discovered that my toenails grow to the side.
As does my knuckle hair.
Finally, Hedge Five (no jive!

It was beneath the shade of this great hedge where I fought the setting sun with blades of grass. Where I hid from turbulent clouds spitting forth black m's and w's. Where I cried as the pierced sun finally bled into darkness.
Woke up the next day with an empty absinthe bottle on my chest.