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Moments of the Year (minor Squidge warning)

Lé Ddanno

First XV
TRF Legend
Mar 27, 2015
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Quite enjoyed this. It's Squidge and I know he can be a bit Marmite, but there's no analysis here, just an excellent highlight reel.

Last minutes felt like a south park skit.


I stopped a sec when i saw the 5 million followers comment. I, like pretty much everyone here, watch rugby every weekend, and i am particularly fond of sevens. I had no idea, whatsoever, who she was. I asked around the table, people from far and wide, all rugby followers. No one, not a single person knew who she was.
Last minutes felt like a south park skit.

View attachment 22436

I stopped a sec when i saw the 5 million followers comment. I, like pretty much everyone here, watch rugby every weekend, and i am particularly fond of sevens. I had no idea, whatsoever, who she was. I asked around the table, people from far and wide, all rugby followers. No one, not a single person knew who she was.

Guessed before I looked at the video you were talking about Maher. You and your table must be living under a rock. I haven't watched a single women's game in years but am well aware of who she is and that she's recently transferred to Bristol for a few months. She's legitimately massive and I had a number of non-rugby people mention her to me during the 7s.
Guessed before I looked at the video you were talking about Maher. You and your table must be living under a rock. I haven't watched a single women's game in years but am well aware of who she is and that she's recently transferred to Bristol for a few months. She's legitimately massive and I had a number of non-rugby people mention her to me during the 7s.

maybe i 've been living under a rock. Or maybe, just maybe, i recognize that despite the gargantuan effort WR has done to leverage one sport with the other (women's with men's) regular followers still treat them as completely different sports. Both in 7s and 15s. Do you know what most regulars do/did when 'the most famous rugby player in the history of the sport' plays/played? They go/went to the toilet, or grab/bed something to eat or drink.
I kid you not. Unlike you, who's admitted to not watching a single women's game in years, i have. Walk to a men's sevens circuit and ask the regulars who do the know: Maher, Ashby or Blyde? I'd bet you the house, the car and the mortgage the last two get more votes.

And what does 'legitimately massive' even mean? That they put a shitload of money to promote a player, during a very short time window, in a Olympic year, from a rich and populous country? That tons of people jumped on the bandwagon for the duration of such competition? They gave her a like, subscribe, retweet or follow? Sure... i guess all the fair-weather fans that show up once every four years will know. They don't know how many players take part in a scrum in 7's, but what the hell. This is about likes and social media, not about the sport.
How many, how many of those 4.5 M they talk about will actually watch 5 Bristol games? If we could do this easily and practically, i'd wager not even 0,1% of those 4,5M (non-bristol fans, naturally) will watch 5 of their games.
So when you say 'legitimately massive' i have literally no idea what the hell are you talking about.

You have people who fly from Durban to Dublin to watch a game, following their team and their favourite players. Spending time, money, putting a shitload of effort. How many US fans will fly to Bristol to see her play?

'As of 2024, Alona Maher is the most famous rugby player in the history of the sport'

Are you serious? Are you really serious? Do you think, for a second, she could walk down the street in Paris/Cape Town/Sydney/London/BsAs and people would recognize her more than Du pont, Russell, Eben, Kolisi or Farrell?
Do you think more people will purchase tickets to watch rugby games because of her than others do because of the players listed above?
If you say 'yes', you'd be delusional or a liar (i dont believe you are either, just saying). And if you say 'no', you'd be admitting to the hypocrisy in the video.

The video cherry picks one and only one criteria and equates it to 'popularity'. That is nothing short of psychiatric.
The video has a few other gems. I like this one in particular (paraphrasing):

'NBC had a page that talked about Maher, etc etc.'

Who the hell, who the actual **** here goes to nbc to read about rugby?
The kind of fans that only watch olympic games' rugby.

Another part of the posturing Squidge does is considering both sports (women's and men's) as one. They are not. When two groups of people cannot legally/regulatory play against each other, they are not playing the same sport. It is not that complicated.

Let me add one last thing, that will probably shed light on the hypocrisy thingie. This is a rugby forum. I hope we can agree on that. Most of us here follow the sport rather regularly, read about it, go to games, pubs, talk about it with friends, discusss, argue online, etc. AND as per the video, Maher's was the #1 rugby moment of 2024. Not a top 10, not top 3. No. Number one.
So what's the problem? Well...

this is what i get when i look for the player who's supposed to embody the #1 rugby moment of 2024.
So we are either the most misogynistic forum in the history of mankind, we take women's and men's rugby as different sports and/or maybe Maher is not the colossus that squidge paints her to be. Or a combination of those.

But you know what, let's disregard everything I've said so far for a second. I'd like to ask you a simple: do you believe she is the most popular rugby player in the history of the sport?
Yes or no?
It's a simple question.

You walk into any rugby pub in the UK, RSA, NZ, France or Australia, ask a table of people who is Maher and i guarantee you most wont know. I guarantee you most will know who du Point is.

PS: i know this post will make me come across as a massive turd in here, but i find it incredible, actually mental, that some of you will watch that video, listen to what he had to say about the #1 spot and actually conclude he makes a good case. My take, if anything, is not a jab Maher. It's a jab at him and you!
She is the most famous rugby player in the world, it's not up for debate

Is she the best rugby player? No
Is she the best womens player? No
Is she the best womens 7s player? No

No one claims or argues those points - the only thing people say is that she's the most famous and that's just a fact, she has by far the largest social media following is the most likely to be recognised by non rugby fans due to the huge blow up she had during the Olympics, and broke out into the mainstream in America which trumps everything any other player has done in terms of eyeballs

The arguement isn't that she's most known amongst rugby fans it's just people in general - like my Mom would recognise Maher due to the Olympics, doubt she could name a single England, France or Springbok player though

FTR I didn't watch squidge's video because I find him insufferable, so I'm largely just ranting in general rather than at anything/anyone in general - I'm probably not addressing any of the points raised above as I don't think she has done anything that could be classed as the biggest moment of the year (I'm guessing her being on Dancing With The Stars is the moment? Or maybe just her social media following in general?). She does do a ton to bring rugby to her audience though, certainly a lot more than WR does on social media

I've just seen people raging about Maher's fame a lot over the last few months, and I don't understand why celebrity causes such a reaction.
Like I saw people saying "Well if Ryan Gosling signed for an MLR side does that make him the biggest rugby player in the world?"
Yes, Obviously.
Biggest. Does. Not. Mean. Best.
Interesting context Olyy.

Until the Bristol story broke I'd never heard of her.

But I don't engage with social media unless I really need to. I've got no interest in sevens at all or, being honest, women's rugby although I might watch a World Cup final if the Red Roses are playing.

I don't pride myself on an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Georgian u20s and nor do I watch quite as much rugby as some on here seem to - multiple games in a day are out for me bar 6N.

I am interested in the health of the junior club game that I enjoyed playing so much and at an elite level the Prem and international games. But not really beyond that to any great extent.

That won't be shared by all - no rights, no wrongs, everyone takes from the game what they want. But I'm also of the peak demographic for big game spectators, many of whom I suspect share similar views to me. It's just life that things evolve - all consuming passions in your 20s become mild diversions in your 50s after career, family and other interests get in the way.
Colour me shocked that people who aren't really into women's rugby or sevens rugby aren't familiar with the big names in women's sevens rugby.
Also colour me shocked that middle aged men aren't that familiar with a social media influencer.

Ilona Maher is an excellent rugby player, though not the best in even the USA 7s team. She's a tiktok star with a genuinely large following, and "celebrity" in USA (dancing with the stars).
Consequently, she probably has better name recognition worldwide than any other rugby player (though Dupont may have a thing or two to say about that - as one of the (other) faces of the 2024 Olympics).

She brings a lot of non-rugby fans to rugby, and she will shift a lot of shirts for Bristol. Who knows if any will stay once her contract is up?

Person, I'm only familiar with her through her rugby. I only found out the rest when I saw her being bugged up as the best known rugby player. It's undebatable that she's well up there, completely undeniable that she's the best known outside of the rugby community. Only Dupont could come close, in a way that's impossible to measure.
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Although I can understand why lots don't like Squidge; I personally dislike the way he over analyses plays; but I think he should be praised for the way he tries to draw equal attention to mens and womens, tier 1 and tier 5 rugby etc.

He does a better job of this than world rugby themselves, who are so predictable in their nominations for try of the year, or world player of the year!

Now, should Maher be no. 1? Dunno really, but in an Olymic year, where she blew up on social media like no other player, why not? It's only a bloody list by some guy on youtube, who included spots for annimals on the pitch, i.e. it's only a bit of bloody fun!

He obviously put a **** ton on effort into that video too, along with his brother, and I really enjoyed it myself. I don't do social media, so missed many of these interesting moments, whilst I struggle enough to find time to properly follow Welsh rugby, let alone rugby a few tiers down, so I loved seeing the accomplishments of some of the lower nations.

The Max Boyce thing was a bit cringe though. He had his day in the 70's!
She's an influencer who plays rugby. I had no idea who she was until my sister asked me about her and I've met a few of our women's sevens team.

Until she signed with Bristol I imagine very few fans of rugby had any idea who she was.
I know who she is but think this is exactly where Squidge misses the mark with staunch rugby fans. Not that he claims that's his target market.

He presents it at such a remedial level. "Rugby player gets attention" being his moment of the year says it all.

He works hard and helps people access the game so fair play to him. But his grasp of the game is pretty basic and he panders massively to big names. If Frawley had have slotted a game winning DG in the Champions Cup final I doubt he'd ever claim it was the best club game of all time for example.

Fair play to Ilona Maher too, she's done incredibly well and got the game a lot of attention. But she will barely be a footnote in rugby history.
And I think what kinda upsets me is that it says a lot about how people view women's sports. The USA has some incredible women's rugby players but the sevens player with a funny tik tok is the one who is the biggest name and brings in the cash.
maybe i 've been living under a rock. Or maybe, just maybe, i recognize that despite the gargantuan effort WR has done to leverage one sport with the other (women's with men's) regular followers still treat them as completely different sports. Both in 7s and 15s. Do you know what most regulars do/did when 'the most famous rugby player in the history of the sport' plays/played? They go/went to the toilet, or grab/bed something to eat or drink.
I kid you not. Unlike you, who's admitted to not watching a single women's game in years, i have. Walk to a men's sevens circuit and ask the regulars who do the know: Maher, Ashby or Blyde? I'd bet you the house, the car and the mortgage the last two get more votes.

And what does 'legitimately massive' even mean? That they put a shitload of money to promote a player, during a very short time window, in a Olympic year, from a rich and populous country? That tons of people jumped on the bandwagon for the duration of such competition? They gave her a like, subscribe, retweet or follow? Sure... i guess all the fair-weather fans that show up once every four years will know. They don't know how many players take part in a scrum in 7's, but what the hell. This is about likes and social media, not about the sport.
How many, how many of those 4.5 M they talk about will actually watch 5 Bristol games? If we could do this easily and practically, i'd wager not even 0,1% of those 4,5M (non-bristol fans, naturally) will watch 5 of their games.
So when you say 'legitimately massive' i have literally no idea what the hell are you talking about.

You have people who fly from Durban to Dublin to watch a game, following their team and their favourite players. Spending time, money, putting a shitload of effort. How many US fans will fly to Bristol to see her play?

'As of 2024, Alona Maher is the most famous rugby player in the history of the sport'

Are you serious? Are you really serious? Do you think, for a second, she could walk down the street in Paris/Cape Town/Sydney/London/BsAs and people would recognize her more than Du pont, Russell, Eben, Kolisi or Farrell?
Do you think more people will purchase tickets to watch rugby games because of her than others do because of the players listed above?
If you say 'yes', you'd be delusional or a liar (i dont believe you are either, just saying). And if you say 'no', you'd be admitting to the hypocrisy in the video.

The video cherry picks one and only one criteria and equates it to 'popularity'. That is nothing short of psychiatric.
The video has a few other gems. I like this one in particular (paraphrasing):

'NBC had a page that talked about Maher, etc etc.'

Who the hell, who the actual **** here goes to nbc to read about rugby?
The kind of fans that only watch olympic games' rugby.

Another part of the posturing Squidge does is considering both sports (women's and men's) as one. They are not. When two groups of people cannot legally/regulatory play against each other, they are not playing the same sport. It is not that complicated.

Let me add one last thing, that will probably shed light on the hypocrisy thingie. This is a rugby forum. I hope we can agree on that. Most of us here follow the sport rather regularly, read about it, go to games, pubs, talk about it with friends, discusss, argue online, etc. AND as per the video, Maher's was the #1 rugby moment of 2024. Not a top 10, not top 3. No. Number one.
So what's the problem? Well...

View attachment 22438
this is what i get when i look for the player who's supposed to embody the #1 rugby moment of 2024.
So we are either the most misogynistic forum in the history of mankind, we take women's and men's rugby as different sports and/or maybe Maher is not the colossus that squidge paints her to be. Or a combination of those.

But you know what, let's disregard everything I've said so far for a second. I'd like to ask you a simple: do you believe she is the most popular rugby player in the history of the sport?
Yes or no?
It's a simple question.

You walk into any rugby pub in the UK, RSA, NZ, France or Australia, ask a table of people who is Maher and i guarantee you most wont know. I guarantee you most will know who du Point is.

PS: i know this post will make me come across as a massive turd in here, but i find it incredible, actually mental, that some of you will watch that video, listen to what he had to say about the #1 spot and actually conclude he makes a good case. My take, if anything, is not a jab Maher. It's a jab at him and you!
To be fair she was plastered all over the rugby section of BBC sport as well.

I had to go Google who this woman was, I asked my missus who has played international rugby (not the same women's international team I have coached), and she didn't know her either.

Infact she only recognised her when she saw a picture because of dancing with the stars etc...

Llona Maher is a celeb who plays rugby, a bit like Alisha Lehman who apparently plays football, or Caitlin Clark basketball... all 3 sell different things to their audience, but they aren't selling their sport (Clark aside who is still contributing to Basketball).

And to the same degree, that is what Squidge does, he isn't trying to push rugby forward, he's trying to push squidgy forward, and including big social media celebs might get him access to their audience.

I personally struggle to watch his videos, not because of his voice, style or very obvious political leanings, but his niaivity of the game. From watching one video it is blatantly obvious he has never played at any level, never coached, and never learnt any if the practical application of the analysis he does, it is very frustrating to watch. That said I know a few analysis teams with the same issues.

I say fair play to Llona, she's what she would say 'getting the bag' as are all the other female social media sport influencer's.

What I find interesting, is that usually none of this fame brings bums to seats, I know a lot of women who complain women's sports are under appreciated and watched, while also have never attended or watched games themselves.

In Caitlin Clarks case, attendances, and viewership skyrocket when she's involved, not just in numbers, but in demographic of increase. Not only is the usual crowd there, the new crowd is younger, and of mixed sex.

Clark seems to have struck a really good balance of sport/fame, engaged new fans, without driving away current fans and comparisons to MJ are pretty apt.

From what I've just seen, Llona Maher is a typical tik toker, appeasing her audience with a lot of popular talking points that teen girls agree with, similar to Squidge I suppose lol.

I don't see how that translates to rugby, and suspect it won't, not that that's her responsibility.
Bristol's womens side's attendances have gone up quite a lot since she signed and she's not even made her debut yet - they're having to move games to Ashton Gate because they keep selling out their other ground
Their attendance record used to be 4100 but they've had two over 6000 last month
Bristol's womens side's attendances have gone up quite a lot since she signed and she's not even made her debut yet - they're having to move games to Ashton Gate because they keep selling out their other ground
Their attendance record used to be 4100 but they've had two over 6000 last month
And that's on her, despite it being a derby, against the champions, who beat Bristol in the final?

Is she even in Bristol yet?

Interesting subject, if she can pull the Caitlin Clark effect...
Quiet debut, didn't do much, didn't need to do much - looked embarrassed when the camera was showing her sitting on the bench; I'm sure she'll have a lot more to do with autographs and selfies around the ground.
Quiet debut, didn't do much, didn't need to do much - looked embarrassed when the camera was showing her sitting on the bench; I'm sure she'll have a lot more to do with autographs and selfies around the ground.
Ye a little disappointing, but reality is she didn't have much to do. I'd give her some blame for the 5th Glos try, she was head and shoulders ahead in the race to the ball and slid in half hearted, Glos score on that pick up.

I've watched plenty of her highlights, she's big, strong and quick, plus has a good hand off. For those things alone she'll score tries, but a lot of those highlights seem to be a pro athlete bumping and dumping smaller lesser athletes.

I certainly don't think her 7s abilities will transfer to 15s in the same superstar manner, but most struggle (see Isles).

I think her season leading to the world cup will be more signing autographs than celebrating tries, and it's hard to imagine a winger helping the USA team struggling past more than the group stage.

Ultimately this looks like a PR move, stay in the headlines all year, upping the profile a bit before returning to 7s and maybe going into the jungle, or next level American celeb show
Quite enjoyed this. It's Squidge and I know he can be a bit Marmite, but there's no analysis here, just an excellent highlight reel.

i enjoyed that (only complaint being length, struggled to find 1hr 40mins to watch youtube)...but i think we need more people genuinely excited by rugby and all the stuff around rugby....far too much rugby content arund the place is critique, what needs to be fixed or changed, its why ive largely stopped reading match threads, most of it is complaints

was largely watching to see the Melbourne Club Rugby final....was genuinely excited when we got to the top 10 thinking wow i know it was important for us but cool its ranked so high...and then :(...sydney made it FFS!

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