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My funny conversation...



Ok, allow me to set the scene.
My mate is a major internet geek. He spends hours playing Counter Strike and has the assumption that i am ignorant towards all things game-related.
He started talking to me about these games (which bore me endlessly) so i thought i'd have a bit of fun and see if i could play the trick on him that Tim and Dawn play on Gareth in The Office.
It ends up working a treat simply because he believes i am that ignorant towards anything he's interested.

¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
since last june ive played cs 218 hrs
Matty_Boi says:
what's cs?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
couter stirke
Matty_Boi says:
what's that?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
a game that u play online
Matty_Boi says:
what's it about?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
2 sides, terorrist and counter terorrist
Matty_Boi says:
is it like westerners against arabs?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
there are 2 types of map, bomb or hostage maps
Matty_Boi says:
and are you american?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
on bomb maps the t's (terrorists) have to plant the bomb and let it expole and the ct's (counter terrosists) have to pernet the planting of the bomb or defuse the bomb
Matty_Boi says:
who's saddam hussein, you or them?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
nonono, ill explain when i see u next
Matty_Boi says:
i think i get it. do you get to hide in a cave underground if you're a terrorist?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
depends on the map, much eayier if i tell u face to face cos i cant spell
Matty_Boi says:
are you in afghanistan or saudi or some other eastern country?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
umm... i know ur in itly fpr one map, and saudi for 2, not sure about the rest
Matty_Boi says:
cool. so do you get a problem with jews a lot?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
there is no race or religon about it
Matty_Boi says:
is it possible for the enemy to sneak up and take you from behind?
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
if u go all sneaky like it can be done - i do it quite foten
Matty_Boi says:
that's awesome, mate!
¦¦OHK¦¦Psychotic tree hugger says:
yer its y i play it so much.

Oh, i just never though it would work out so well, what with him being a fan of the office and all.
I really just wanted to share that one with you. It may be a "you had to be there" sort of thing, but i thought it was great.

Anyone else managed to embarass any of their mates in a similar fashion?

My best one involved the numbers 108 and 7. But we all already know about that.

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