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NFL games



I've been playing a demo of Blitz: The League and I'm thououghly enjoying it (reminds me of Mutant League Football on the Mega Drive). So, what's the best NFL/Gridiron ou there for the 360 as I think I'm going to have to get myself one?

Come on people, pip-pip!
Madden, technically it is the only NFL Game due to them having the exclusive Licence.

I would personally wait a Month or Two for Madden 08 for the 360, which will be the first Next Gen to be fully featured (and it has a hell of a lot of Gameplay Improvements)

No Doubt 2K Whingers will ***** about how All Pro Football is the way to go because it is so realistic and EA are evil because they make PROFITZ!!!, ignoring the fact that it has stupidly fake Teams, Stadiums and Players and has Zero Replay Value (It has less Franchise Features than Rugby 04)
I also had a go at the Madden 07 demo last night, but I thought that it was a load of arse. Was 07 supposed to be renouned for being bad?
Id wait for madden 08. 07 is a dog of a game and Blitz while good, can be finished in 2 days and youll never touch it again in sp. If you have heaps of mates or online its gd, but the novelty wears of pretty quick so just hire it.

Id wait for madden, but keep your eye on pro football aswell. Ill be getting both, as pro footballs latest game is the sole reason the madden team as been told to pull finger, so as long as 2k is around we should get more for our money from ea.
Blitz is the way forward man.
f*** Madden and all his stupid calls which take up half of the game! I just want to get on with the game and do the illegally big hits!
I'm currently trolling ebay to find it (Blitz) on the cheep. Madden feels far to EAish for my taste, which makes a game crap when you don't know much about the sport in real life. Plus Blitz has all the pop-bang-whiz that grabbed my attention, looks better, has more responsive controls and is actually fun.
It looks like EA are pulling their fingers out for 2008 though for the first time in a loooong time though. Madden 2008 will definitely be worth a look. I think they're rewriting a lot of the AI, plus the development blog shows a lot of great new features (ie eliminating the money plays, terrible blocking is being rectified, receiving is generally more realistic) and it seems that there's going to be a much more realistic differentiation between good and mediocre players...the game is becoming less and less influenced by speed which is a major advancement.


I'm REALLY looking forward to this game. And it's helped to offset the disappointing vibes emnating from Rugby 08. All I need now is for a Wii Cricket game to be announced (first person batting) and I'll be splurging on my keyboard.
The new 2k game looks quite promicing, despite not having official licences. But it does have a shed load of legends, which seems cool. But also Madden 08 looks like impressive with all these new features, looks cool. I like 07 on 360, i played the wii version and was suprised to be honest, didn't think the graphics would be any gd at all, but they aren't too bad, but the contrils take ages to get used too.
Madden 2007 is a pile of ****. They completely removed any form of "defence" from the game. Which makes it bad. They *seem* like they've pulled their fingers out this time though and I damn well hope so...there's a lot of promising new stuff in there (new defensive AI and offensive AI, zone blocking for Broncos fans :D, no more jet packing by receivers, shifty moves by receivers after the catch and less animation clunkiness). I would buy it for Wii but I've always bought it for PC...I find it easier to do stuff like editing etc. Which I feel I need to do to keep the game fresh after the season.
Well, All pro football 28k is out in the states, and theres no sign of a PAL release. so i guess its madden by default....again.
I might get madden 08 for the wii to see what a proper sports game will be like on it and madden is pretty much the closest thing to rugby which won't be coming onto the wii anytime soon.
Well, All pro football 28k is out in the states, and theres no sign of a PAL release. so i guess its madden by default....again. [/b]

All Pro 2K8 is pretty fun. It kinda sucks playing with fake teams, but I really like the presentation and gameplay. It feels better than NCAA 08 that just came out on 360. But yeah, both are NTSC/U only.
There really is no contest between Madden and the competition, Madden is the clear best
There really is no contest between Madden and the competition, Madden is the clear best [/b]

Yeah, but considering the standard of the last two Maddens, it's not saying much. 2002 and 2005 are the only Maddens I've really found worth their price tag to be honest...of course I'm a sucker (but 07 is just horrible and I'd rather go forward than backwards as 08 is sounding like EA have removed heads from arses) so I'll buy 08 regardless.
There really is no contest between Madden and the competition, Madden is the clear best

There is no competition. The NFL license makes or breaks a games attempt in the market. How many people will really consider a game with out real players and teams? This is bad overall for the genre.

If you look at ice hockey, EA and 2k put out a game each year. 2k's game has overall been better, and EA playing catch up. This causes more inovation!

That said, Ive played a pre release of Madden 08 and it was very good I thought. The animation was very smooth. I will get it for the PS3 based on my impressions.
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There really is no contest between Madden and the competition, Madden is the clear best

There is no competition. The NFL license makes or breaks a games attempt in the market. How many people will really consider a game with out real players and teams? This is bad overall for the genre.

If you look at ice hockey, EA and 2k put out a game each year. 2k's game has overall been better, and EA playing catch up. This causes more inovation!

That said, Ive played a pre release of Madden 08 and it was very good I thought. The animation was very smooth. I will get it for the PS3 based on my impressions. [/b][/quote]

That sounds promising. What's the defensive back AI like now? I hated it last year because Champ kept getting burnt in it. Considering he gave up a total of 0 TDs last season I find that a bit insulting. Oh and do players still run into each other? I know it's not the easiest thing to fix but it'd be nice if it were to disappear.

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