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Nrl Preview Of Rl2




found this on NRL.com, just thought i would share it with you guys
good stuff Woosaah

This will confirm that if any delay is on the cards the players turning up, will be signing flyers instead

So if EB screw this, then the players will be like WTF!!!
there is no delay on the cards at all. I don't think Sidhe can deliberately plan to have late shipping. I will be really suprised if the game doesn't release on the 8th now .
The game has gone gold. Meaning the only things that could possibly delay it now would be an accident at the "burning" place or while it was in transit.
The EB ive pre ordered with still insists on a 2 month delay for the pc version, Im going to tell them what i think of them when i pick my game up from them next friday!
Originally posted by JJ-@Dec 1 2005, 09:31 AM
The game has gone gold. Meaning the only things that could possibly delay it now would be an accident at the "burning" place or while it was in transit.
its the transit issue i am talking about

its gone gold so its not the manufacturing i am referring too

EB are prone to proclaim "We are having issues with our suppliers" or "Ther'es an industrial strike at the loading docks" etc etc etc

So again if this issue comes into play for EB the players at EB will be signing flyers, or Nintendogs.

heck i know for a raw fact that the Target only 50m from my EB, gets games in 1 day earlier than EB.

Also, one time they once said to me:

"Oh yeah we got it in out the back but its not upacked....come in tomorrow to pick it up"............yeah great service you total wanks
ah eb are good like that one reason i tend to avoid them. but they have been good the few times i have got games from them. Hopefully though of the sake that do trust eb that nothing bad happens and that the game releases on time at their stores.

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