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Petition to get Rugby played on Espn/Espn2.

aye ive seen that circulating for a few years now

unfortunately i dont see it happening anytime soon, i remember them signing a deal with ESPN U not sure whatever happened to that one though, we had a few matches on during the churchill cup in 06 but then it stopped and i havent seen it on since.

especially since they seem to be too busy broadcasting such 'sports' as the spelling bee, poker, and paintball tournaments.
aye ive seen that circulating for a few years now

unfortunately i dont see it happening anytime soon, i remember them signing a deal with ESPN U not sure whatever happened to that one though, we had a few matches on during the churchill cup in 06 but then it stopped and i havent seen it on since.

especially since they seem to be too busy broadcasting such 'sports' as the spelling bee, poker, and paintball tournaments.
Ya when did a spelling bee, poker, paintball, and billiards become a sport...and i also have an issue with people calling golf a sport too...but thats a whole different arguement
aye ive seen that circulating for a few years now

unfortunately i dont see it happening anytime soon, i remember them signing a deal with ESPN U not sure whatever happened to that one though, we had a few matches on during the churchill cup in 06 but then it stopped and i havent seen it on since.

especially since they seem to be too busy broadcasting such 'sports' as the spelling bee, poker, and paintball tournaments.

I signed this petition like 4 years ago. ESPN are a bunch of douches for spelling bees and poker.
only in america ay?? i think i saw dominoes on espn the other day!! soon they will have tiddlywinks
God I remember when ALL rugby was free to air on New Zealand television....gone are the days of that.
Are Setanta not braodcasting in the States now?
As I understand it they will be carrying quite a bit of Rugby, not any of the stuff Sky has sewn up but Magners league and the like
Well there is setanta, and mediazone online...also the pub that i go to shows the games
Petitions like this have been circulated many times. I signed it, but I don't know why this time will be any different than the last 20 times. It's going to take more than internet signatures to get them to wake up. It doesn't help that the petition isn't all that well done, and it's obvious the original author doesn't really know how broadcast rights and permissions work.

They will use the poor rating of the World Cup to show there is little interest, even though rugby fans have to go to pretty great lengths to be able to watch, especially when compared to other sports. FoxSportsWorld used to have a top level rugby game every Sunday, but that has since been dropped when they went to an all-soccer format.
the only thing ESPN have done recently for showing rugby were those few games of Churchill Cup last year on ESPNU which hardly anyone gets

anyone know if ESPN Deportes carries / shows Argentinean rugby in the states? wish i could get the Argentine version of ESPN that would kick ass plus help me keep up on the old Espanol while watching "el juego con pelota oval" lol
voicekiller, what is this pub your talking about. i'm from maryland aswell and i want to be able to catch a few games.
God I remember when ALL rugby was free to air on New Zealand television....gone are the days of that. [/b]

At least you have a dedicated rugby channel :rahh: :wah:
Pretty much all of the rugby I get to watch is either on Setanta Broadband (the online service) or over at the University of California over in Berkeley. There is a small club league in the San Francisco Bay Area but I only hear about games after the fact with them and the bigger tournaments those teams take part in usually happen out of state; again, I hear about them after the fact.

It would be nice to see more Rugby on television here, either through ESPN or FoxSports but I don't think that will happen soon as there is no professional interest here yet. Here's hoping that someone has the courage to broadcast some RWC games however, I think that unless the US does really well, I don't know if that will happen...
only in america ay?? i think i saw dominoes on espn the other day!! soon they will have tiddlywinks
I saw paper scissors rock followed by spelling Bee on ESPN yesterday...seriously, if there is no rugby on ESPN yet those crap the American broadcasters are bloody idiots....like the Olympic committee not having rugby but having that stupid ribbon twirling crap...
lol yeah i watched that rock paper scissors for a few minutes on espn. That has got to be the most stupid thing i've seen on a sports channel. They actually called the participants "athletes".

If they can put competitive cheerleading and poker on ESPN, they sure as hell can put rugby!

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