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PS3 delayed

the worldwide november laucnh is something to take note on

can they do it

if so microsoft will be taught a lesson
Sony has said the console will ship with a 60 GB hard drive and will play games created for both the PlayStation 1 and 2 at higher resolutions than the original. No potential price was given for the console. [/b]

Never heard about the 60GB hard drive.

The real news people is that Final Fantasy XII has been released in Japan today. It is the best thing you will ever see on a PS2!
so this blu ray thingy, does this mean Sony and whoever has signed up with them will only be creating movies on the blue ray format and not DVD? coz that'd suck, i'd be forced to get one. well it wouldn't really matter coz i'm still gonna get one... IF their under $1000 anything more and i'd have to stop and think about it a little harder.
Originally posted by 187@Apr 4 2006, 05:05 PM
so this blu ray thingy, does this mean Sony and whoever has signed up with them will only be creating movies on the blue ray format and not DVD? coz that'd suck, i'd be forced to get one. well it wouldn't really matter coz i'm still gonna get one... IF their under $1000 anything more and i'd have to stop and think about it a little harder.
Toshiba's 1st HD-DVD player will be AUD$1300.00

Sony 1st Blue Ray player is projected at AUD$1400.00

Dunno what implications this will have on the PS3, but its looking rather ugly on the pricing front
$1300 & $1400!!! sheeit.. how much were dvd players when they first came out? dvd recorders prices have dropped quite alot since they first came out, i remember they were like about that much but now u can get one for like $600.
if that's how much a blu ray player will cost the ps3 will probably cost about as much as well.. definately be holding off till it drops below $1000.
In two sentences can someone sum up what a blue ray can do? Sounds like a gun thingy.... :blink:
Originally posted by Gay-Guy@Apr 4 2006, 05:28 PM
In two sentences can someone sum up what a blue ray can do?  Sounds like a gun thingy.... :blink:
from australianitnews.com

At the core of both DVD formats are blue lasers, which have a shorter wavelength than the red lasers used in current DVD equipment, allowing discs to store data at the higher densities needed for high-definition movies and television.

in a nutshell.........1 sentence :p

thats all i know
thaks for that, i now know 2 much about blu ray

oh and i am beginning to hate technology just because when i get something i like more crap comes out :(

at this stage the only way i will get a ps3 will be if dvd movies go out of fassion and a ps3 is cheaper to buy than a bluray player. which i doubt.
If they price ps3 much over 1000 dollars (Nz/Auz) then they will be losing alot of customers.
i thought it was 999 :) its under 1000 :) na i cant remember i was still at school and i couldnt afford one, or i couldnt talk my parents into getting me one since i needed a pc
Originally posted by Ripper@Apr 7 2006, 11:31 AM
Isn't that what they did when the PS2 came out?
Yeah but they didn't really have any competition when it came out.
lol yeah i conned my mum into buying me the ps2 on the first day, i have a tendancy to want things as soon as they come out, i usually get them, i'm not rich i just have a lot of bills

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