St Helens RLFC
Dug this out the other day, and it's still great fun to play! 
Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying Rugby 04 was better, but I generally agree with you BT... I thought this game was attrocious, it just didn't feel like rugby to me.Originally posted by BigTen@Jul 21 2006, 12:03 PM
I just don't get this game - I really thought that it felt like a chore playing it and that it is nothing compared to EA's 2006 version.
I didn't mind the graphics or the sound but I just have a huge problem with the game play.
It feels more like rugby league than union and it is so frustrating when control of the ball never changes and the line-outs are pathetic. Seriously JLR had better lineouts and that game is almost ten years old now. Swordfish stuffed up by making JLR so good (especially for it's time) and not improving on the orginal.
I am sorry to say this (especially as Trevor seems such a nice guy and I know that his team worked extremely hard on this) but I am glad that they are not going to be making another rugby game.
I know that I am going to be slated for saying this - but I had more fun playing EA's Rugby '04!
Not made by Swordfish.Originally posted by ***an@Jul 22 2006, 05:45 PM
I played it for a week, but then Rugby 06 came out - and there was no going back. It was a shocking commercial decision to release it in February.
Which one? RC or EA?Originally posted by sanzar@Jul 23 2006, 03:28 PM
The beauty of Rugby 06
Amen to that...save a lot of petrol!Originally posted by woosaah@Jul 25 2006, 10:47 PM
yeah i would only get xbox live when rugby goes online