St Helens RLFC

Worst. Year. Ever.
2006 has been a vile year for me, it has comfortably been the worst year I've endured in living memory. A lot of bad things happened to family when I was a kid but I was too young to remember them. It has pretty much been a washout from start to finish. It all revolves around losing my grandad in April, God rest his soul, after a short illness although he was shot to pieces with all sorts of other ailments. First relative I remember dying, and it was horrible. I carried his coffin, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. And scattering his ashes WAS the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I have been in and out of work. I finally seem to have got a proper job that I'm going to hold onto for a while at least, but if the chance to better myself comes along then I will grasp it firmly. The problem work has caused me though is hours. I work 11:30am - 8pm and it is destroying my body. I have put on so much weight owing to the fact that when I get in, I have my tea and go to bed. I'm way too tired to exercise and all the gyms are shut. I want to transfer to St Helens but that office is set to be shut. I need to get that sorted.
I am also eternally short of money. I want a loan but the bank have refused to give me one, so I'm saddled with this shortcoming until they do. It is a great pressure on my mind.
But having said that, 2006 has been a great sporting year. Liverpool won the FA Cup, Saints won everything they actually could have...
It's also great that I have got my own house. It's just hard to appreciate it because it feels like I'm never in it.
And of course, me and Charlie bought TRF and we've done a lot of positive good stuff with it and our hard work looks like it is paying off.
So.... how about your year?