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Review your 2006


St Helens RLFC


Worst. Year. Ever.

2006 has been a vile year for me, it has comfortably been the worst year I've endured in living memory. A lot of bad things happened to family when I was a kid but I was too young to remember them. It has pretty much been a washout from start to finish. It all revolves around losing my grandad in April, God rest his soul, after a short illness although he was shot to pieces with all sorts of other ailments. First relative I remember dying, and it was horrible. I carried his coffin, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. And scattering his ashes WAS the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I have been in and out of work. I finally seem to have got a proper job that I'm going to hold onto for a while at least, but if the chance to better myself comes along then I will grasp it firmly. The problem work has caused me though is hours. I work 11:30am - 8pm and it is destroying my body. I have put on so much weight owing to the fact that when I get in, I have my tea and go to bed. I'm way too tired to exercise and all the gyms are shut. I want to transfer to St Helens but that office is set to be shut. I need to get that sorted.

I am also eternally short of money. I want a loan but the bank have refused to give me one, so I'm saddled with this shortcoming until they do. It is a great pressure on my mind.

But having said that, 2006 has been a great sporting year. Liverpool won the FA Cup, Saints won everything they actually could have...

It's also great that I have got my own house. It's just hard to appreciate it because it feels like I'm never in it.

And of course, me and Charlie bought TRF and we've done a lot of positive good stuff with it and our hard work looks like it is paying off.

So.... how about your year?
Started drunk and broke, had the house broken into once, been beaten up by a bunch of football casuals once, been turned down by job for promotion, had the flat windows smashed in an attempted break in, almost broke my neck playing rugby, had my ulcerative colitis flare up and discovered damp in the flat.

Oh, and got with and since split up with a girl I really liked (notice past tense).

Not quite as bad as yours, but still a shitter.
2006 has been pretty good to be honest both personally and sporting wise.

2005 didn't finish off the best and going into 2006 didn't exactly fill me with confidence, what with my Erasmus year being such a f*** up and losing a pile of weight. But once I made the decision to come home things started looking up, I still had some time in Paris and my cousin visited me from Florida who I hadn't seen in over 3½ years which was brilliant and sent me home in decent spirits.

Got home for at just the right time, brother in laws stag weekend and the Ireland Wales match, great weekend, although I did lose my mobile again.

Started working in March doing gardening for 6 months, which was great especially considering the Summer we had plus was in need of the money considering my debt.

April got off to a great start with my sister getting married, had an absolutely brilliant weekend, couldn't have gone any better.

May wasn't the best, had a mini stroke but have been given the all clear so it doesn't really bother me.

Back in college in September, catching up with so many mates who'd come back from Erasmus, college system itself was a bit chaotic but we got used to it. Ryder Cup was absolutely amazing, all the emotion with Darren Clarke and capped off with a thumping win to boot.

Sporting wise it hasn't been a bad year either, Triple Crown for Ireland thanks to some dodgy officiating, although the dvd does prove 1 of the tries was legit. Munster winning the HEC was fantastic despite knocking Leinster out along the way and we end the year with a distinct possibility of winning a grand slam.

Sad to see Lansdowne Rd go but we've one last hurrah on New Years Eve and then into Croke Park, what odds of beating England 19-16 :p

Highlight of the year though in sporting terms was Kilkenny denying Cork a third All Ireland in a row, low point had to be that embarassment served up by the international rules team.

All in all a pretty decent year.
Started badly, split up with my girlfriend, but things only got better.

Watched Saints go on an incredible unbeaten streak, the highlight out King Carlos inspired 58-17 win over Saracens.

Returned to the Staff on TRF; always a pleasure.

Passed my driving test.

Finished school with 2 decent A Levels and one that I f***ed up a bit.

Got into my first choice Uni and haven't looked back since. Really, really enjoying life at the moment, long may it continue. Never been so consistently drunk in my life. Not perfect, but beats where I've been before.
Summary: Great first year at uni and the most social year I've had. Feel free to skip the rest.

January - mid February: Working at KFC basically full time which wasn't too bad. Lot's of goodbyes to friends leaving Waihi for tertiary education.

Mid February - early March: Nervous but also excited as I left home and went to uni, making a whole new group of friends.

March - October: At uni. Drinking sessions twice a week on average, experiencing nightclubs. All good. Academic side was good too, did well. Holidays spent at home catching up with friends and working back at KFC. Season ticket at Waikato Stadium saw a Chiefs team that performed all right at home, an All Blacks v Ireland match that could've been better, and an awesome season for Waikato.

Early November: Ready to leave the Halls of Residence. It was a great way to meet new people but the rules and food were a bit tired by the end. Looking forward to flatting next year.

November - December: Back at home for summer. Good to catch up with mates I haven't seen since Feb. Work hasn't been too bad yet, but I'm also not getting enough work and the Student Loan is already getting big. Birthday didn't really happen due to an unexpected death in the extended family.
Jan: Worked every now and then but mainly just went to parties, got ******, etc.
Feb: Left home for the first time, celebrated this by getting drunk 8 nights in a row.
March - June: First semester at uni was f***ing awesome. Drinking 3 or more nights a week hard. Made heaps of friends.
July: Split up with my gf. Pretty happy so got on the **** for 12 nights in a row (freedom week)
Rest of the year: Complete blur, mostly drunk, never had money when I needed it, failed some of my exams etc...

So pretty much the best year ever. Never drunk so much or scored so much in my life. May have failed uni but hey I at uni for the good times, if I get a degree out of it thats just one of the consequences
I'll keep it short -


Academically it's been fantastic, the worst result I've had all year was a credit and that was at 74.

As for the rest, well it started off ok, but the family dog died, which wasn't great, but it's not as bad as losing a person that's for sure...
Then what happened? Well I basically spent the last 6 weeks of this semester breaking up with my girlfriend after she got insanely jealous over a girl at uni (nothing happened though). She started hurting herself and all sorts of horrible **** (I had to restrain her for a number of hours on 3 different occasions to stop her...) until she eventually put herself in hospital. That was pretty much it for us but it took a long time to actually get split cause we'd lived together for 4 years... So yeah, that was pretty much one of the worst things I've been through in my short time on this planet.
So now I'm back at the old man's house.
Mine was pretty cool actually.

Finally got married and used the oportunity to nip off on honeymoon to walk the Inca Trail.

'cause of the wedding I didn't do my stint of voluntary work in France this year but next year I am hoping to.

Had a few health scares and ****ling worries to some loved ones but you've just got to be there for them and hope it'll be okay (I've no reason to believe it won't).

One thing I am annoyed about is that I have become really lazy socially, too often I'll just be happy to lounge around at the weekend instead of making the effort to get out and have a proper weekend. There are reasons for this...Lots to do with the house and garden, I drive to and from Manchester every day so I get kind of tired after all that AND we've been holding down supporting two sports teams.

Everton just hit their stride in Jan 2006 and for short periods have been amongst the best teams in the country...we snotted the rednoses 3-0 to go top of the league along the way (Sorry, but we did, and it was ace).

Waterloo have gone from being a tremendous Division 2 team to being cannon fodder amongst the profesioanls in Division 1 but thems the breaks.

landed in a **** sch, short of rugby, not wantnig to get conscripted, running soon, hw bout u?

sounds rather poetic
been a pretty good year for me really, spent most of it drunk and with lovely girls (well they were at the time) then at the end of the summer i got myself a girlfriend and things have settled down a bit
A-levels going well and should easily get the grades i need for uni which is great considering the lack of work i seem to do.

low point of the year would have to be my family selling our herd of dairy cows due to the **** poor milk price... may not seem that bad but i grew up around our cows... not having them around has changed my life a lot.
but silver linings and all that, not having them around has meant that i hve much more free time on my hands and have been able to do a lot of things i wouldn't have done otherwise, namely joining the local rugby club and going to newquay for the best, drunkest week of my entire life.

oh and passed my driving test, first time, no minors :D
2006 has been good for me.

Did my highers, did OK. Started my final year at school and I'm loving it at the moment.

In sport, Ayr United are doing Ok and have announced a new stadium ( a massive thing if your an Ayr fan given our situation a few years back). Edinburgh became a franchise and are on the up on and off the field.

On the field, I'm going from strength to strength. People saying really good things about me and I'm being scouted by Edinburgh apparently. Loving playing rugby, and the banter off of it.

Only downside has been starting work, which sucks, and I've struggled for money alot recently but hey, that's live eh?

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