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Rock Roundup!


Goth Power

Hey ya'll!

Ready to rock?

For those who do not, know, this christmas time EA are releasing a clone of GH2, but this close is a clone of its own. This baby is called rock band, with the ability to play drums, bass/rythnm, lead, and sing!

Here is a demonstration from quit a bit ago.....


...This is the E3 showcase of the game...with the real guitars.
There is a higher quality video of rock band on xbox live marketplace just download E3 conference Pt1.

Songs confirmed so far according to Wilkipidea:And there are also rumour of being able to download full albums, which sounds very exciting indeed.

QUOTE: Wilkipidea..

Additionally, the game will support downloadable tracks, including full albums. Users can download the albums in their entirety or on a track-by-track basis.[20] The first of these will be Who's Next by The Who, which will be made available shortly after the game's release.[19] Other Metallica tracks will be made available for download, as well.[21]

Every subsequent week after Rock Band's release, there will be new downloadable content.

Downloadable content will consist of the following:

Now, onto:

Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock.

This one looks very special indeed with the added online multiplayer which we so craved for in GH2, it feels like a breath of fresh air!

The current Songlist:Looks quit tasty at the present moment in time!

All the info relating to it can be found here

But with added wireless guitars that can be custimised from the neck to the facia, either way it will be a very fun and expensive october for me.

Keep it here for your up to date rock news!
Arg! I have competition!

I'm not entirely sure you can call Rock Band a clone of Guitar Hero when they both have the same developer behind it, but I have still got to pick up Guitar Hero II and thus still not learned in the ways of rock and plagarism.

Still, great idea for an update, so please do keep the updates coming in!
Arg! I have competition!

I'm not entirely sure you can call Rock Band a clone of Guitar Hero when they both have the same developer behind it, but I have still got to pick up Guitar Hero II and thus still not learned in the ways of rock and plagarism.

Still, great idea for an update, so please do keep the updates coming in!

errr Activision's Neversoft Studio has taken on the guitar hero franshise (GH3), whereas Harmonix left to start up Rock Band with EA.
errr Activision's Neversoft Studio has taken on the guitar hero franshise (GH3), whereas Harmonix left to start up Rock Band with EA.[/b]
I am aware of this. However, the point I was making was over...

For those who do not, know, this christmas time EA are releasing a clone of GH2
...this particular line. Let's be honest, Rock Band is most likely going to be based on the same source code as Guitar Hero II. Infact, i'd be more than willing to bet Guitar Hero III will share the codebase too...

(Although I dont know enough to claim that to be fact, having games out in a period of 6 months usually infers the infrastructure is there.)
One for your little update. Activision, publishers of Guitar Hero, have gone on the offensive, deriding rivals Rock Band.

Global Brand Manager for Activision, Will Kassoy, questioned the ***le's mass-market recognition and ease of use.

"I think some of the early signs we've seen might make [Rock Band] a little more complex than some of the things that make Guitar Hero so great, which is its accessibility and ease of play for everyone. If you go beyond the game industry to just really mass market consumers, people haven't heard about Rock Band yet and the fact that it's only on next-generation platforms is going to be a little bit limiting."

EA Games prez Frank Gibeau responded to the gauntlet with his own choice words.

"We'll compete, obviously, on who's got the better tracks and who's got the better music and who's first to market and who had the brand and who actually built the thing. That'll all come out in this Fall, and the market will help decide."

Ooooh, catfight!
I for one will be buying both games, not only to see which is more kick ass but, because they both look kick ass! :p
UPDATE > Guitar Hero 2 > XBOX 360

New track pack available for 500 MS points.

Its ***led My Chemical Romance pack.

The 3 songs from their latest album are as follows:

"Teenagers", "This is how I dissapear", and "Famous last words"

Worth getting for a avid GH2 fan, I have all songs available and STILL loving the game.
I played it over the weekend, GH2. It's great. Anyone who says otherwise is a rampaging Communist.
I just don't see the appeal of it personally...I have a bloody nice bass rig which is far more fun than GH I find.
Well, each to their own I guess.

First person to ever say that but, there's always one.. :p
4th September 2007 Guitar Hero on your mobile?
(I have only just gotten round to posting this, it has been available for a few weeks)

Gameloft have released a Guitar Hero "clone" if you will, for use on your mobile phone.
It is call Guitar Legend, and although the game is not stunning, with all 7-10 different songs being in Midi format and with 2D graphics....it is also fun to play and I have now completed it 100%

It is available for £5, and is compatible for a wide array of handsets.

Worth the £5's if you are a GH fan, if not don't bother...

I give it 4/5.

Guitar Hero 3 Demo coming soon!

A demo for the hugely anticipated GH3 will be bundled with the forthcoming Tony Hawks: Proving Ground ***le.

Don't fret, for people who don't want to buy this pricey game just for the demo...it will be released on XBL marketplace 2 weeks following the release of TH:pG this October.

I myself cannot wait for this, I have wanted to try it out for quite some time.

The 5 songs included in demo:

Lay Down (by Priestess)
Even Flow (by Pearl Jam)
The Metal (by Tenacious D)
Hit Me with your Best Shot (as made famous by Pat Benatar),
Rock You like a Hurricane (as made famous by Scorpions).

Stay tuned for more GH news!
Needless to say this thread is a mile behind the news (Foo FIghters and Velvet Revolver packs available online to purchase) but anywho...

Just witnessed in person the last and by far the hardest track on GH3, Dragonforce's - Through the fire and flames, played on expert in pro battle, with a score of a tad over 400,000 achieved at a staggering 89% of notes hit. Add to that the guy was talking to us all the way through and got tired towards end, so wasn't in the zone if you know what I mean. He said his best so far is 94%, and apparently there is few scores worldwide better (some yes, just not that many). Was amazing to see first hand, almost freakish even :)
If you have live then you can look at the leaderboards for that song, last time I looked the highest score was about 900K
I can finish it for about 180,000 but that's via the easy mode. I can't even handle medium but then again I'm not good enough to make the step up to medium full stop at the moment...
I can do it on hard, but some people leave after a few minutes because they can't hack it and I'm just flowing through.

It's an awsome track too.

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