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Rugby 08 Editor




last updated 4:57pm NZST on 27 July 2007

This is where I will be putting my latest releases before they go public.

If you download them let me know what problems you face. Please install using the setup3.msi thing (i think thats what it was)

so far this is what i have done:

Open Roster - Will open the roster

Search - will search for a player (only works after opening a roster duh)

next - will search for the next ittereation in the text box. - if it is the first person then it will act like the search button, i may remove the search button and just use this one.

Player Info


Comentary number (converted to name from the 06 commentary file, if anyone has the new updated one let me know)

nationality - not sure if this is working 100% when saving

Primary Pos

Secondary Pos

Tertiary (third) pos











kicking power

Goal Kicking
















Gap Defense

Special Abilities. - we really need to find out what the 3 i am missing are. or if they do anything.

Save - will overwrite the roster file, wont even prompt, or tell you it has done.

exit - will exit out of the program.

you will need the .net framwork 2.0 for this (i think) god i hope it installs.

updated (again) stupid stupid thing

spies still has a funny thing after his name, some of the others might have it too.

let me know what you think.
i'll try to find the rest of the commentary, portugal is still not coming up as a nationality either.
will you be implementing height into the editor?

also should i continue posting here or would you prefer pm or messenger?
here so everyone can see whats been told to me.

i hope to have everything in there, i couldnt find the height though. I did it really quickly.

Portugal should be there, they all should be there now.
ah portugal are a new team :) thanks ill sort that out later, unless you know where they go :)
just at offset 24 the three bytes are all 0's for the binary part

Height is Offset 28, 1 byte, In inches minus 60

as for the commentary how were the extra ones found out for 06 im a little baffled, im not too on-to-it at the moment :)

you probably already have this and know it anyway but heres the hex edit lis from 06
im not sure if itll work for most things but im positive it works for : nationality, weight, height, face
EA SPORTS Rugby 2006 â€" player record data structure

What follows sets out the Offset from the start of the record, Structure, Data and my comments. (Its more readable in a table but I can't post it that way.)

The file df1c3d146fe8c3fb56c661409dadac7b.rdf in data.gob contains the 1751 player records, each of 100 bytes. The first player is R.Roncero and the last L.Hinton.

Offset 0
2 bytes
ID number

Offset 2
2 bytes
Commentary name ID number

Offset 4
16 bytes
Player name
In form “S.Taylor†padded with zeros; 'Star' players have ^ appended to the string, eg “Y.Nyanga^â€.

Offset 20
4 bits - Secondary position
4 bits - Primary position
4 bits - Not used
4 bits - Tertiary position

(2 bytes)

0001 â€" prop
0010 â€" hooker
0011 â€" prop
0100 â€" second row
0101 â€" flanker
0110 â€" flanker
0111 â€" number 8
1000 â€" scrum half
1001 â€" fly half
1010 â€" winger
1011 â€" centre
1100 â€" full back
1101-1111 â€" not used

Offset 22
1 byte
In lbs minus 100; the lightest player is Campeggia at 151lbs, coded as 51.

Offset 23
1 byte
Not used

Offset 24
24 bits (3 bytes)

1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Georgia
0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" France real
0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Fiji
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" France really england
0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" England
0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Canada
0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Australia
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Argentina

0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Samoa
0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 â€" Russia
0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 â€" Romania
0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 â€" New Zealand
0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 â€" Namibia
0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 â€" Japan
0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 â€" Italy
0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 â€" Ireland

0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 â€" Wales
0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 â€" USA
0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 â€" Uruguay
0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 â€" not used
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 â€" Tonga
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 â€" Spain
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 â€" South Africa
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 â€" Scotland
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 - PORTUGAL
Offset 27
1 byte
Not used

Offset 28
1 byte
In inches minus 60; the tallest player is Charteris at 7' 10â€, coded as 22

Offset 29
1 byte
Birth year
Range 68-87

Offset 30
1 byte
Birth month
Range 1-13 (!). The error is Ajroud.

Offset 31
1 bit - Left- or Right-footed
0 â€" left; 1 â€" right

7 bits - Birth day
Range 1-31

This looks bizarre. The effect is that the byte-value for a right-footed player born on the first of the month appears as 129.

Offset 32
1 byte
Range 0-10

Offset 33
1 byte
Range 25-98

Offset 34
1 byte
Range 21-96

Offset 35
1 byte
Range 31-98

Offset 36
1 byte
Range 24-99

Offset 37
1 byte
Range 10-98

Offset 38
1 byte
Range 20-96

Offset 39
1 byte
Range 10-98

Offset 40
1 byte
Range 2-93

Offset 41
1 byte
Kicking power
Range 0-98

Offset 42
1 byte
Goal kicking
Range 0-96

Offset 43
1 byte
Range 18-94

Offset 44
1 byte
Range 23-98

Offset 45
1 byte
Range 5-97

Offset 46
1 byte
Range 0-96

Offset 47
1 byte
Range 0-97

Offset 48
1 byte
Range 0-95

Offset 49
1 byte
Range 4-95

Offset 50
1 byte
Range 21-98

Offset 51
3 bytes
Not used

Offset 54
1 byte
Not known
Range 30-97

Offset 55
1 byte
Not known
Range 22-97

Offset 56
1 byte
Not known
Range 20-97

Offset 57
1 byte
Not known
Range 8-98

Offset 58
1 byte
Not known
Range 24-100

Offset 59
1 byte
Not known
Range 50-100

Offset 60
1 byte
Not known
Range 40-100

Offset 61
1 byte
Not known
Range 45-100

Offset 62
22 bytes
Not used

Offset 84
16 bits (2 bytes)

Special abilities
1000 0000 0000 0000 â€" Tackle breaker
0100 0000 0000 0000 â€" Crash ball
0010 0000 0000 0000 â€" Tactical kicker
0001 0000 0000 0000 â€" Goal Kicker
0000 1000 0000 0000 â€" Scoring
0000 0100 0000 0000 â€" Playmaker
0000 0010 0000 0000 â€" Passing
0000 0001 0000 0000 â€" Command
0000 0000 1000 0000 â€" not known
0000 0000 0100 0000 â€" not known
0000 0000 0010 0000 â€" not known
0000 0000 0001 0000 â€" Jumper
0000 0000 0000 1000 â€" Scrummager
0000 0000 0000 0100 â€" Defensive organiser
0000 0000 0000 0010 â€" Ball winner
0000 0000 0000 0001 â€" Tackler

Offset 86
2 bytes
Not used

Offset 88
1 byte
Range 0-6

Offset 89
1 byte
Either 0 or 4

Offset 90 {This cracks it open UNSIGNED SHORT = portrait as well as skin, body}
1 byte
Range 2-255

Offset 91
1 byte
Range 0-175

Offset 92
1 byte

Offset 93
1 byte
Either 0, 32, 64 or 96

Offset 94
1 byte
Either 0, 1, 2, 3, 24, 26 or 27

Offset 95
5 bytes

Note that when I suggest bytes are unused, that refers only to the player database. They may be used for player data (such as form and morale) in saved tournament files or for created players in rosters (especially their appearance). I have yet to investigate that far.

Some of what I label 'not used' bytes are likely to result from the use of multi-byte integer types in the original programme coding (ie using a long integer type for a value when a shortint would have been sufficient).

Hugh Kernohan[/b]
and my contribution was
OFFSET 88 = Boot Style
there's 10 different boot styles between 0 - 9 (1 byte)

the next ones are in binary

OFFSET 89 = Socks Up/Down (might be more i haven't fully checked this)
00000100 = up
00000000 = down

with the rest of the accessories you can combine the binary to add multiple items to the player

OFFSET 93 = Wrist Tape
00000000 = no tape
01000000 = right wrist tape
00100000 = left wrist tape
01100000 = both wrist tape

OFFSET 94 = Thigh Tape and Gloves
00000000 = no thigh tape or gloves
00100000 = gloves
00010000 = gloves
00001000 = gloves ( any comination of the gloves in the binary don't seem to change the outcome)
00000010 = right leg tape
00000001 = left leg tape
cheers, i did have some of that not all of it. There was a list of commentary names in the data.gob last time. i havnt opened up mine yet so i dont know whats in there, yet.

i have to find all the editing stuff again o_O
well guys what do you think of it? does it look ok?

going to work on the teams now, thats going to be different, shouldnt be too much of a change from 06 though.

also there is a new one with global updates available.

it makes sure stats dont go over 99 (so if you do it gap defence etc go to 99 from 100) and it wont go under 0 either.

have fun :)
It's wicked, I posted in the wrong place b4, I made alot of changes and the game was not loading up, then I downloaded and installed the 3rd release and everything is fine now.

Once you do the team changes it will be Major!! Keep up the good work Woosaah!
ive found the commentary files ae1f26ae17127457ba8ffe376ffc7f76.xml but like 06 im not seeing the xtra ones, where were they found last time?

who did find em last time?
I can't get the editor to work, I have the latest .net framework. When I try and run the editor it asks to open the file OpenFileDialog1.
sorry you need to open the roter file first, then the rugby08.exe file.

i havnt changed it to say nothing yet, but I will do.

as for the commentary file i have o idea who found it last time.i think it was listed in the 06 modification thread.

I havnt extracted the data.gob file yet, got to get the programs to do it :) been to busy on this editor and playing the game :)
I've started using your editor, great job! So far I have found that when trying to edit G.Quinnell an error comes up. Im sure if you try you will see what I mean.

cheers man, fixed that :) was just an issue with his weight, stupid heavy ******* :D

still working on the team edit at the moment.
Awesome roster editor as always Woosah. Would be nice if the player names could be sorted alphabetically as in 06 as there are so many fake player names in this version that its difficult to remember how they are spelt in order to search for them.
Did a whole lot of editing to S14 and tri nations teams and didn't encounter any problems.
I assume you will be trying to add things like age, height, boot styles, faces, wrist bands, leg bands, socks up/down etc etc. as seen in your 06 editor.
Keep up the great work.
yeah sorting out the team line up first, then I can release it. before i do the rest of the stuff.

I wanted it to look alot better as well as the other editor looked like crap, it was just functional :)
I've edited quite a lot of players and so far all seems to be working fine. Can't wait to try out the team editing features, any idea when you will have a release?


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