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Using PS2 controllers on the PC



Hi, i am able to use PS2 controllers when i play pro evo 4 on my PC as i have an adaptor from play.com that lets me do this.
i was wondering if people who have the game know if i can do the same with rugby 2005? i am hoping you will be able to configure it so the controls will be just the same as if you are playing a PS2 version of the game.
any imput on this will be much appreciated!
i've just ordered one off play.com, should arrive tomorrow. My answer to your question is I sure bloody hope so!
Haha, the adaptor works perfectly well with pro evo 4, but that might be because the PC version of that game is carbon copy of the ps2 game, for example, it still says things like, press 'X' to continue as if it was still a ps2 game!
oh well we will have to just wait and see!
hursty can u list the games you know the adaptor is compatible with. If it works for the likes of madden, nba live, fifa etc then i'm sure it'll work for all ea sports games.
I own a Superbox 3 pro (PS2->USB adaptator), and it works like a charm with pro evo4, but that's because you can configure the controls. With Rugby 2005, the buttons are not placed correctly, and there's no way to change them. However, if your controller or adaptator is in this list, it will work fine :

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
Order,Friendly Name,CF,Hardcoded Recognition,Name Pattern 1,Name Pattern 2,Image Tip,Buts,Dual,Sqr,Crs,Circ,Tri,L1,R1,L2,R2,Strt,Sel,1,2,3,4,Notes
0,Default,,,___Default,,GENE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
0,Keyboard,,DEVICE_CONF_KEYBOARD,___Keyboard,,KEYB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
0,Mouse,,DEVICE_CONF_MOUSE,___Mouse,,KEYB,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gamepad Pro USB,42,,Garvis*Gamepad*Pro*,GamepadProUSB*,GPRO,10,,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis Destroyer Tiltpad,,,DestroyerTiltpad,,GPRO,7,,1,2,3,4,5,6,,,,,7,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis Eliminator Aftershock,,DEVICE_CONF_ELAF,*EliminatorAftershock*,,GPRO,10,,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis Eliminator GamePad Pro,42,DEVICE_CONF_ELIM,*EliminatorGamePadPro*,,GPRO,10,,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,
,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis GamePad,40,,GravisGamePad,GamePad,GPRO,4,,1,2,3,,,4,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis GamePad Pro,42,,GravisGamePadPro*,,GPRO,10,,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Gravis Xterminator,61,,*Xterminator*,,GPRO,11,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,11,,,,Analog top triggers are not useable
2,Interact 3D Program Pad,,,Interact3DProgramPad*,,GENE,10,,6,3,4,5,1,2,7,8,12,11,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Interact Axis Pad,41,DEVICE_CONF_AXIS,*AxisPad*,,GENE,12+,,1,3,4,2,5,6,7,8,11,12,9,10,,,Report
s lots more buttons than it has. L3/R3 buttons unusual on 9 and 10
2,Interact/3Dfx SV-262A Hammerhead,,,InteractGamingDevice*,InterActHammerHeadFx*,GENE,10,,4,5,6,2,1,8,7,
9,3,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech Dual Action Pad,42,DEVICE_CONF_DUAL,*Logitech*DualAction*,,WING,12,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
,12,,,Dual Analog with L3/R3 clicks
2,Logitech WingMan Action Pad,62,DEVICE_CONF_ACTN,*WingManActionPad*,,WING,9,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech WingMan GamePad,61,,LogitechWingManGamepad*,WingManGamepad,WING,11,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,11
,10,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech WingMan GamePad,,,LogitechWingMan,WingMan,WING,11,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,11,10,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech WingMan GamePad Extreme,,,*WingMan*Gamepad*Extreme*,,WING,10,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech WingMan Rumble Pad,,DEVICE_CONF_RMBL,*WingMan*RumblePad*,,WING,9+,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Logitech WingMan Rumble Pad,61,DEVICE_CONF_RMBP,WingmanRumad*,WingManble*,WING,9+,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,,,,
,,Stupid name
2,Microsoft Sidewinder Dual Strike USB,41,,*SideWinder*Dual*Strike*,,SIDE,8+,,2,4,3,1,7,8,5,6,9,10,,,,,Ideally hat would be second stick
2,Microsoft Sidewinder Free Style Pro,61,DEVICE_CONF_FREE,*FreeStylePro*,MicrosoftSidewinderFreeStylePro,SIDE,10,,
1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad Pro USBversion1.0,61,,*SideWinderGamePadProUSBversion1.0*,*SidewinderGamePadPro*,SID
E,9,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad USB version 1.0,61,,*SideWinderGamePadUSB*,*SideWinderGamePadUSBversion1.0*,SIDE,10,,1,2,3,5
,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Microsoft Sidewinder Plug & Play (6 buttons),41,,*Microsoft*SideWinder*Plug*&*Play*Game*Pad*,,SIDE,6+,,3,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Nostromo n40 by Belkin,42,,*Nostromo*N40*,,GENE,8+,,3,1,2,4,5,7,6,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Nostromo n45 by Belkin,,,*Nostromo*N45*,*4axis13buttongamepadwithhatswitch*,GENE,8+,1,3,1,2,4,5,
7,6,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
2,Nostromo n50 by Belkin,a0,,*Nostromo*N5*,,GENE,10+,,9,4,10,5,8,3,7,2,6,1,,,,,<do not delete>
2,PSX controller in via a MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad,42,DEVICE_CONF_MPSX,MP-8866Dual*,,GENE,12,1,4,3,2,1,7,8,5,6,9,10,11,12,,,PS2 Pad but crazy mappings
2,Wingman Cordless Gamepad,62,DEVICE_CONF_CLRP,*Wingman*Cordless*Gamepad*,,WING,11,,1,2,3,5,7,8,10,
11,9,,4,6,,,Odd having start before second wings
2,WingMan Precision USB (Logitech),41,,*WingMan*Precision*,,WING,6,,3,1,2,4,5,6,,,,,,,,,Unusual button config
2,ThrustMaster Rage 3D game pad,61,,*Thrustmaster*Rage*3D*,,WING,10,,1,2,3,5,9,10,4,6,7,8,,,,,<do not delete>
3,Interact GoPad,,,*Interact*Go*Pad*,*Interact*,GENE,8+,,4,5,6,2,7,8,1,9,3,10,,,,,<do not delete>
3,Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad,61,,*MicrosoftSideWindergamepad*,*MicrosoftSideWinder*,SIDE,10,,1,2,3,5,
7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
10,Gravis Destroyer,40,,GravisDestroyer*,,GENE,4,,1,2,3,,,4,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
10,Microsoft and Sidewinder Controller (6),,,*Sidewinder*,*Microsoft*,SIDE,6,,3,1,2,4,5,6,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
100,Eliminator Controller,,,*Eliminator*,,GENE,6+,,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
100,Gravis Xterminator Controller,,,*Xterminator*,*Gravis*,GPRO,6+,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
100,Logitech and Wingman Controllers with 9 or more buttons,,,*Wingman*,*Logitech*,WING,6+,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
100,Microsoft and Sidewinder Controller (7+),,,*Sidewinder*,*Microsoft*,SIDE,7+,,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,6,9,10,,,,,<do not delete>
200,4-button,,,*,*,GENE,4,,1,2,3,,,4,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
200,5-button,,,*,*,GENE,5,,1,2,3,4,,5,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
200,6-button,,,*,*,GENE,6,,1,2,3,5,4,6,,,,,,,,,<do not delete>
200,7-button,,,*,*,GENE,7,,1,2,3,5,4,6,,,7,,,,,,<do not delete>
200,8-button,,,*,*,GENE,8+,,3,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10,9,,,,,<do not delete>[/b]
sorry, i can only tell you i know it works for pro evo, havent played the others on pc. this is what it says about it on play.com:

We've worked closely with Joytech to develop this exclusive USB Dual convertor that will allow you to play your PC games using the Sony PlayStation2 game pad!

The software driver has been written to work with more PC games than any other similar convertors.

Now you can play your favourite PC games with one of the world's best controllers! Best of all you can now play multi-player games through the same convertor!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
PSX controller in via a MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad,42,DEVICE_CONF_MPSX,MP-8866Dual*,,GENE,12,1,4,3,2,1,7,8,5,6,9,10,11,12,,,PS2 Pad but crazy mappings[/b]

i think this is the one we have hursty.
Originally posted by cavan@Mar 10 2005, 11:49 PM
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
PSX controller in via a MP-8866 Dual USB Joypad,42,DEVICE_CONF_MPSX,MP-8866Dual*,,GENE,12,1,4,3,2,1,7,8,5,6,9,10,11,12,,,PS2 Pad but crazy mappings

i think this is the one we have hursty. [/b][/quote]
yeh sounds about right, oh well we may be in luck then!
off to lectures now, hopefully be more good news on here regarding controllers when im back!
yeah exactly darfh. u can play with the ps2 joypad but u can't choose button controls.
well guys we can attach the joy stick and PS controls to PC but you can not take such advantage as like on the PS so mostly it do not allow to you for button controls.

Zombie Games
Last edited:
Very nice. I feel satisfied with my PS2. Each component will allow the use of a hand at 2 PS2 or Xbox controller, allowing gamers the opportunity countervailing right on your computer. Once connected, if the operating system on the machine is Windows XP or Windows Me, the PC will automatically recognize the drive without installation, however, when playing, 2 pcs This will not be hands start to shake with the manipulation of the operator as in the PS2 "genuine". Therefore, if you want the device to maximize its features, players will have to proceed with the installation of switch ports driver disk into the machine.!
Magic Games , Dora Games

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