Keep the animations and everything the same, just add a button similar to the hands in ruck, called the attempted push. The system would work like this, as you bind players your meter would be a color coded meter that works similar to the current meter the only difference is that it would be color coded, it could be red yellow and green on each side of the meter representing each team. Green being almost a 90% that you would win the ruck, how the bar is effected is by how, first who is the attacking team and then how many and who goes into the ruck, you get one attempt to take the ruck, if you try it on red you maybe have a 25% chance to take the ruck if you try it on yellow you have a 50% chance to take the ruck and on green a 90% chance. And for the hands in ruck you can keep it the same just add a referee vision cone, the more filled up the cone is the more likely he is to see what is going on at the rucks, so you know when to attempt the hands in the ruck, this is true even in real rugby the players are always checking to see if the ref is looking, could be a nice feature, because you could be managing both meters one that is some what auto the refs vision cone, and one that you have an input on. What are your thoughts, I think it is a fairly simple system that could be implemented, and would add some more player interaction to rucks.