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Wheres Lomu??



Just wondering if any has made a Jonah Lomu player?? Im sure i saw one on here a couple of weeks ago, or maybe months. But i just hate playing as cardiff with J Lamo!! got kits and everything, just need the actual player. Cheers
A roster that I posted gave him along with many new players, check it out. Further down the forum.

There is a skin for his face in the games code, but installing it will turn shitloads of other players into him also.

Somone else will know how to install the skin.
yeah i downloaded a zipped file kitsandstuff, now a couple of players now have his face!!and i have to us BigGUI and individually put the kits on, but found that bourgoin, and the leinster kits dont work, so now i have reinstall the whole game all over again. I put the .Big files and the fhs ones or what ever into the main rugby06 folder but still dont work. Gotta do individually!!Any tips, help??
when i first started mucking around with faces and found jonahs head i added the big file to the directory and renamed it so lamo would have the lomu head, this also changed from memory issac feuenati among others as well. then i discovered hex editing and this changed every thing, coz all you need to do is use woosahs editor and change lamos face number from 41109 or whatever it is to 16343 and walaa

just delete the big file that changes the other faces and your good to go
EVOL I did the same thing as nui1stxv. I just dumped all the files from the kitand stuff RAR file into my R06 main folder. Can you tell me the name of the .big file I need to delete to sort out the mulitple Lomu face problem. cheers

P.S. how's the complete logo update patch going?
Well he has finished playing he is now playing for north harbour, but since they arnt in the game then i guess you could keep him in cardif if you really have to have him in the game :)

personally i dont think he is worth it :)
Originally posted by junaid@Jun 15 2006, 04:30 PM
EVOL I did the same thing as nui1stxv. I just dumped all the files from the kitand stuff RAR file into my R06 main folder. Can you tell me the name of the .big file I need to delete to sort out the mulitple Lomu face problem. cheers

P.S. how's the complete logo update patch going?

as for the logo update ive been busy and im still sick so not been doin it

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