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Would I go Crazy like Britney if I were in her shoes?



Would I go Crazy like Britney if I were in her shoes?
A Journalistic Introspective Report by Nate Rowlan

Firstly if I were in Britney Spears shoes, crazy isn't the first thing I'd do...if you know what I'm saying. Anyway, the legitamacy of this article is, the question would any of us go mental if we endured what celebrities endure today. Sure they get paid loads of money (and let us not forget that money comes from you and I) to entertain and hand in hand with that comes media attention, but would the media attention they recieve drive us a bit over the edge?
I saw the following video clip on a cleb-news website. Please watch before continuing this lovely bit of literature:
<embed src='http://www.brightcove.tv/playerswf' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' flashVars='allowFullScreen=true&initVideoId=1231053891&servicesURL=http://www.brightcove.tv&viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://www.brightcove.tv&cdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.com&autoStart=false' base='http://admin.brightcove.com' name='bcPlayer' width='486' height='412' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' seamlesstabbing='false' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' swLiveConnect='true' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash'></embed>
Personally if everytime I went to Starbucks or to get groceries or went to the gym, mall, shops whatever I had to deal with all of that, I'd go freaking bezerk! I can only assume she's been dealing with this sort of stuff since she was quite young (as is her sister). Every relationship questioned. Every outfitted mocked or adored. Every pound scrutinized. I don't use this as an excuse for drunken driving or bad parenting. I'm simply stating that it's got to wear on ones mental state to have to endure this sort of spectacle every day.
I think I would go crazy and end up punching those ******** everyday. This is not a "Leave Britney Alone" post, but more of, an empathetic view on celebrity.
Then again Nate if the whole celeb thing was getting you down you'd probably just take you millions and go and live a normal life somewhere other than LA....perhaps refrain from getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

...to echo the sentiments of my esteemed colleague Mite, you live by the celebrity sword, you die by the celebrity sword.
Then again Nate if the whole celeb thing was getting you down you'd probably just take you millions and go and live a normal life somewhere other than LA....perhaps refrain from getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

...to echo the sentiments of my esteemed colleague Mite, you live by the celebrity sword, you die by the celebrity sword.

That sums it up perfectly.

And one other thing, most of the time celebs or their people tell the paparazi where they are going to be before they go. It's all about the publicity. They need the press to make the money. No press = no fame = no money.
Still, if i was in her shoes - Yes, i'd be freaking insane by now. [/b]

Or you'd have took your millions and jibbed it for a quieter, happier life surrounded by friends and family. Maybe do some charitable works or something like that.

Nah, people like that want fame more than they want privacy. It's like a drug to them.
Still, if i was in her shoes - Yes, i'd be freaking insane by now. [/b]

Me too. I'm a size 16. Cramming these into her size 6 stilletoes and tottering around all day would drive me outta my mind.......
my god what a shite job following round some bird with a camera all day they must have a great sence of purpose those lads
my god what a shite job following round some bird with a camera all day they must have a great sence of purpose those lads [/b]

Yeah <_<

@teh mite Oh she has slept in many beds how do you think she keeps on getting record contracts. :lol:
This female represents the downfall of humanity. Repulsion is felt from here.

No child possessing qualities are housed by this filth ridden being and no morals or respect for herself and those around her are exhibited. She should be embarrassed.

How dare she reside in the same society, inhale the same air, tread the same earth as I!
getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

you've just described most of my life, but no one takes any photos of me :huh:

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

spooky, you just described the other half of my life :unsure:
We've only got ourselves to blame for the paparazzi; stil it's pretty ironic that what has made Britney will probably destroy her.
<div class='quotemain'>
getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

you've just described most of my life, but no one takes any photos of me :huh:

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

spooky, you just described the other half of my life :unsure: [/b][/quote]

*Hat doffed*
She made her own bed, she should sleep in it. [/b]
Then again Nate if the whole celeb thing was getting you down you'd probably just take you millions and go and live a normal life somewhere other than LA....perhaps refrain from getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

...to echo the sentiments of my esteemed colleague Mite, you live by the celebrity sword, you die by the celebrity sword.
Yes, I do agree with you...but my comments were that, with all the attention, whether I sought it out or not, I'd probably go insane. I'm not giving her or other celebs an out on what they do, or who they are...I was literally watching that video going "My God, I'd go freaking nuts if I had to deal with that everytime I got out of my car."
True, she hasn't left L.A. for some quieter town where she'd get less hassle. Demi Moore did that for like 8 years or something, then got the celeb bug again and came back to H-Wood and married Punk'd. If I were Britney, I spend an day or so naked in front of the mirror calling over my hot celeb friends who may just want to experience some sort of hot lesbian thing, and then move somewhere quiet (and keep the phone numbers of said celeb lesbo-experiementers so I could arrange sexy parties) and start making a daily habit of exercise and watching world news (you know the type that doesn't involve celebrity, but involves politics and current events).
<div class='quotemain'> She made her own bed, she should sleep in it. [/b]
Then again Nate if the whole celeb thing was getting you down you'd probably just take you millions and go and live a normal life somewhere other than LA....perhaps refrain from getting wasted in popular celeb-hangout nightclubs all the time, stepping out of cars whilst not wearing any underwear, doing lots of drugs and generally making a spectacle of yourself.

Pressure is hiding behind the coach from bailifs wondering which supermarket has the cheapest own-brand beans so your kids won't go hungry.

...to echo the sentiments of my esteemed colleague Mite, you live by the celebrity sword, you die by the celebrity sword.
Yes, I do agree with you...but my comments were that, with all the attention, whether I sought it out or not, I'd probably go insane. I'm not giving her or other celebs an out on what they do, or who they are...I was literally watching that video going "My God, I'd go freaking nuts if I had to deal with that everytime I got out of my car."
True, she hasn't left L.A. for some quieter town where she'd get less hassle. Demi Moore did that for like 8 years or something, then got the celeb bug again and came back to H-Wood and married Punk'd. If I were Britney, I spend an day or so naked in front of the mirror calling over my hot celeb friends who may just want to experience some sort of hot lesbian thing, and then move somewhere quiet (and keep the phone numbers of said celeb lesbo-experiementers so I could arrange sexy parties) and start making a daily habit of exercise and watching world news (you know the type that doesn't involve celebrity, but involves politics and current events).

Lesbian affairs and world news...Fantastic life! :D
Yes, I do agree with you...but my comments were that, with all the attention, whether I sought it out or not, I'd probably go insane. I'm not giving her or other celebs an out on what they do, or who they are...I was literally watching that video going "My God, I'd go freaking nuts if I had to deal with that everytime I got out of my car."
True, she hasn't left L.A. for some quieter town where she'd get less hassle.

She doesn't know anything else though does she. A lot of the time I wonder about the people round these self-destructive celebs. Why isn't someone saying "Behave yourself". I know that's what my mates would do to me if I was going off the rails. Showbiz just isn't like that though...no-one stands up to the big ego. I saw Elton John saying he was totally off the rails and getting all his *****iness and crazy whims pandered to until he'd go to visit Watford, the footy club he owned. There everyone would give him stick and tell him things straight...he said it was fantastic 'cause he wasn't getting that anywhere else.

I'd love to have a fraction of her cash. I'd sort everything back home, pay off my mortgage etc etc and then go and backpack round the world again. It's a most fundamentally interesting thing you'll ever do, just going from place to place meeting new people without a care in the world. You see so many rich people destroying themselves, my Mum always says "Much wants more". Personally a bit of wealth (Ie a lottery win or something) would just enable me to live simply.

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