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Anyone ever taken pro plus?



Its some sort of stimulant tablet sold over the counter at chemists.

I am in the middle of my As level exams :zzz: :wall: , bored out of my skull and revised to death, I need that little bit more in the evening to do an hour or so before I hit the sack.

Any ideas or other recommendations


I remember seeing someone taking lots of pro plus and irn bru just before a 3 and a half hour long A-Level exam.

His plight was obvious after ten minutes and his flight to the toilets after fifteen minutes even more so!
What`s in Pro Plus? Don`t know it at all, but if it`s the same sort of thing like Bioplus here in SA, don`t mate. My girlfriend at the time tried it for highschool finals back in 1994. Fell asleep halfway through her English exam, and had to do a supplementary exam a week after the finals.

What used to work for me during those long, lonely nights of Pharmacology 402 at varsity was a combination of sets of pushups, followed by an ice-cold shower. Wakes you up allright, and also helps a little for making sure your fitness levels don`t fall off the charts during study time.
I always just forget the "extra hour" (and a lot of the other hours to be honest) and go to bed instead. No better way to replenish energy than a 10 hour sleep in my book.

Also cements what you have been revising if you go to sleep straight after you finish reading. My knowledge of science is rubbish, but it's basically all about the brain being able to commit facts to long term memory better this way.
no point in pushing your body like that, even just drinking coffee, you can't concentrate as well and the information just doesn't go in

better off getting a decent nights sleep and starting again in the morning
most of the time you just forget the **** you study anyways

therefor i dont study.

but if i did i would reccomend doing it nights in advance rather than crammin it the night before because chances are you wont remember half the **** you crammed the night before and it'll be a waste of time.
but if i did i would reccomend doing it nights in advance rather than crammin it the night before because chances are you wont remember half the **** you crammed the night before and it'll be a waste of time.

I honestly do it the other way around.

I always leave everything until the last minute. For some reason I find I work better under pressure, and blind panic seems to make my mind into a sponge.

Whereas if I start well in advance I get bored very quickly and don't concentrate.
same happens for me i usually cant be arsed untill like day b4 then i suddenly realise i actually need to know this stuff for the nxt day
If your in the middle of your exams you don't want to be messing around with stuff you've never tried. If you're tired go to bed and study in the morning.

And your exams are officially nothing compared to the Leaving Cert which I am doing now.
The new A and AS levels are nothing compared to anything really. They have been toned down and weaned away from heavy revision and essay writing which is awful.

However, the old A-levels (up to 2001) were far better, better than Advanced Highers or Leaving Certifications in Scotland and Ireland respectively, I would say the best of the British Isles. The old A-levels were based on serious, heavy and intelligent essay writing and most questions asked you to do a David Strettle (i.e. make something out of nothing). For example, an old Government & Politics essay question:

Margaret Thatcher was quoted as saying "There is no such thing as society, only working males and their families", discuss (30)[/b]

The question is basically asking you to discuss Thatcherism and the New Right (no such thing as society), compare and contrast it with traditional One Nation Toryism and discuss the compromise between the two strands of Conservative thought (males and their families). The 30 denotes the maximum number of marks and you usually get a mark or two for each well founded paragraph you'd do so usually it'd take me about three to four sides of A4 to answer a question.

This had to be done under three and a half hours mind you, I was very lucky to just have three questions to do!

No other system on the planet could touch how hardcore traditional A-levels were, can anyone else tell me why nations like Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong negotiated with British exam bodies to continue the tradition A-level for them while the UK was watering down its own domestic version?
I took half a packet once trying to cram for an exam, it kept me awake all night, which was good. When it wore off the next day I was that tired I fell asleep for the last hour of the exam. BE WARNED.
i hear ritlin works well if you dont have ADD, my friend took it once he claimed he was up at 3 am doin sit ups.
I ain't looking for any extension of revision, just for that placebo effect on the hour I do when I really feel like falling into bed.

Anyway its all a bit late for me, got economics in the afternoon, then Law on monday for the finish.

For the A2's, it might be a better option to revise the whole year, not just a few days/weeks.

The question is basically asking you to discuss Thatcherism and the New Right (no such thing as society), compare and contrast it with traditional One Nation Toryism and discuss the compromise between the two strands of Conservative thought (males and their families). The 30 denotes the maximum number of marks and you usually get a mark or two for each well founded paragraph you'd do so usually it'd take me about three to four sides of A4 to answer a question.

This had to be done under three and a half hours mind you, I was very lucky to just have three questions to do!


In my history exam I have to do 3 5-6 page essays on topics as diverse as the Irish Civil War and the 1973 Oil Crisis and most of European history in between (the Jarrow March or France's inter-war governments anyone?). I also have to do a document-based question on the 1913 strike and lockout, foundation of the GAA, or 1185 and 1886 elections in the UK including a contextualisation mini-essay. For this, I have 2 hours and 50 minutes.
And my essays are relatively short, some of the best students are annoyed if they don't hit 9 pages per essay.

On Wednesday I had two English papers in which I wrote a combined total of almost 40 pages in about 6 hours.

These are two of my 8 subjects.
I did that as well. My Government & Politics exams were three in number, spanned three to four hours and I had to do this for my AS and then my A level so Six in total.

The old (pre 2002) English A and AS Levels also were as strenuous (if not more so) as yours.

I think the ultimate proof is in the UCAS classification, an Irish Leaving Cert is worth two thirds of an old A-level.

In GCSE History we studied the Arab Israeli conflict, Victorian Medicine, the Civil wars of the British Isles, slavery and European History as well. Pre 2002 A-Level history covers other areas, I didn't do it but I know it was very very hard.

Todays GCSEs and AS/A-levels though? Christ, they're awful. Dumbed down, filtered and devoid of any kind of value so that "everyone" wins. Within a decade we've managed to turn the world's most challenging and valued educational exam standards into a laughing stock. Luckily, Schools in the Far East & India have kept the old A-level alive. Meanwhile here in England, the public schools are going to design their own exam, buy in the old A-level from abroad or just switch to the dreaded International Baccalaureate (which isn't worth the bloody paper its printed on) and even some of the better state schools are looking at the IB too! Universities are looking at setting entrance exams (which the role the old A-level used to fill). Its horrible, a horrible decline.

A common Irish misconception is that British education is geared towards glorifying the British Empire, minimising its involvement in Slavery and its involvement in Cromwell's merry jaunt around Scotland and Ireland.

Actually the opposite is true, teaching on the British Empire is either done in a very negative way or not taught at all, Droghdea is taught as well as Wexford and the full horrors of Slavery are taught not only in History but in English classes as well. Sadly, the Irish/Highland sackings/slaughters of Aberdeen and Dundee are not taught which evidently points to a sense of bias in English teaching which might surprise the average Irishman.

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