Ja, that sort of thing precisely. I've seen a few. On Netflix's 'chef's table" for instance. One I saw a clip of was on an insane scale. I'll keep an eye out for your picks- please do upload!
I think we braai pretty frequently. Myself only once a week generally speaking but my closest neighbours for instance 4 times (like clockwork Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). We tend to have dedicated spaces inside and out which is essentially a built (brick and mortar) slab with a flue. That's probably 80% of it in SA. At least "middle class white" SA. I regularly had to submit building plans at Khayelitsha (these days it all digital) and the guys there use half drums with fixed grills on wheels next to the main roads. I had pulled over a bite a few times. Very tasty. Because they pull up for the whole day they tend to have lower heat and the meat propped up (on display to the road). Not prime cuts usually and mostly in a sousatie (kebab) or chicken and heavy on the marinate but very tasty. I won't say no. Good for a R10 (at least back then).
The craziest braai I've experience is on my dad's uncle's cattle farm outside Klerksdorp. He has a huge shed which he quips is mostly only there to catch rainwater as you don't farm with cattle per se as much as with cattle feed in SA. Anyway, he made such a hot fire with corn cobs that you can't get anywhere near it. He used a pulley system to get a purpose made grill out over and above for a minute, pulled on a chain to turn it over and then got it back out again. Steak 3 fingers thick (almost triangular in shape- I can't say precisely what cut. Should've asked) and not fitting on your plate. With another plate for 'sides'. I only ate like a quarter of mine. It was right up there for me . Probably like the 4/5th best I've had. Charred pitch black on the outside but oh soft, juicy, rare for the rest of it. Probably not the way I'd do it but it got the job done. I've never seen anyone else do it that way though both in terms of the style and generosity but these are big boys.
yep we have all sorts of asados and everybody will have it s own technic but esentially i would say we dont marinade. we like to feel the taste of the meat. amd we do the fire separately.
the main diference is the landscape our cattle es breeded in very flat landsacpe with natural grass (that is what you try to get) i guess that due to the mountan landscapes there in SA you have your cattle more muscular therefore more chewy as happens in brasil (they use cebu) in arg nobody would eat that.
unfortunately more and more feed lots are beeing used and that kind of meat will be more Porkish the red less intense and the fat less white. ill be tender but the taste will resemble the pork.
The most common cut would be caw rib (called asasdo) my favorite is more and more popular lately "ojo de bife" something similar to rib eye. another favorite is the entraña (the breathing muscle) the classics are called "vacio"and "asado" very tipical oldschool. another classic is matambre (the name comes from "mata hambre" (hunger killer) despectivly called so, cos in the old days only poor gauchos eat it. the most delicate is called "lomo" the back
almost everywhere else people would eat just meat, but i think many of us could distinguish with eyes closed the differnent cuts. each one of them have different tastes
i used to do it once a week too but lately (last 10 years ) the prices slowly escalated to the world standards (it used to be cheap) and also the health, cos many asados turn into marathonic eating fest.
kebab stile is a way of making a shity piece of meat taste good and become tender and i love it!! i had great bbq in south USA, texas or tennessie for example they use to smoke it and maritate it. again those long slow cooking will tenderize the meat. they use the brisket (here called falda) for us a cheap cut that nobody wants! but in hands of a good asador is also good. tipicaly used by the construction workers on friday lunch specialy. they usually cook them in improvised parrillas (grills) and use leftover pieces o wood from the contruction. in the usa they also breed they cattle huge. but smoked for 10 hs are just delicious (they have nothing to envy us is just another style)
our best one is the angus " Ternera" under 170 kilo baby cow. then a second good is "novillo" (little new) up to 430 k over that kg in arg is to do burgers

about the grill we have all sorts of them but allways have a place to do the fire away from the grill. and adjustable hight. if you have space (garden ) you have a pernanent grill made with bricks chimney included. some people would even grill in the balcony (unplesent for neighbours)
it looks like your uncle knows hes deal!!

a few months ago i opened a threat about braai asados and bbqs ill like to see somo of your stuff new ideas are allways welcome. latelly ive been trying rubs and bbq sauce that i pick up in the usa and same smoking too.
i allways do potatoes and sweet potatoes just put them in the embers, flip them a few times until its soft inside (just stick a knife to see) some people put them in aluminium foil, but i like to cook them with the shell and then open them in the middle and add some litlle salt and butter they pick up the a smokey taste!!
i hope the other agies help me here
@Cruz_del_Sur @FNS @justanargie @Horacito ??