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qustion about rugby 2005 training mode



I Got rugby 2005 on pc!

I'm trying to play the tournement but it's not able to be chosen...

do i have to finish the training mode first?

but it is too hard for me.....

so I wish to get someone's profile fle(save file)...

Please send me that file on my e-mail....

I' living in korea and not many people play this game ....so it is too hard to get

the way to play.....

Hep me!!!
How the hell can trianing mode be too hard, do you not know all the controls or something! There is a thread here to help with that, otherwise I guess you really do need help
Can anybody please help this guy, Just the fact that hes in korea and has this game should be reason enough!!
lol mate, if u dunno how to finish the training mode......then i dont think u should play this at all. Sorry to say it, but yeh
If you cant finish the training....dont play a match!!!
Trust me!
You will get a serious hiding!!!
Originally posted by Padz@Mar 10 2005, 10:50 PM
lol mate, if u dunno how to finish the training mode......then i dont think u should play this at all. Sorry to say it, but yeh
He might be using a keyboard mate... If thats the case even the most dedicated of us would probably struggle a little.
can u still do fend and sidesteps with the keyboard? Dosen't it require a 3d stick on a controller. I couldn't use the hitstick on keyboard in Madden 2005. Which sucked so I order a ps2 adaptor...
Yes you can do sidesteps , shoulder charges, and stiff arms on the keyboard
i dont get it, whats wrong playing with keyboard? i play on keyboard in Hard difficulty and still win matches.
Same here Padz , Why go spend a **** load of money on a controller when u can play on a keyboard.

Dunno but i agree padz , My keyboard plays just as well
you can't play pro evo 4 too well with a keyboard, plus with a controller you can play 2 player.

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