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TRF New Look - Why?

Originally posted by umosay+Jan 21 2006, 09:19 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (umosay @ Jan 21 2006, 09:19 PM)</div>
@Jan 21 2006, 08:50 PM
Why are the bottoms of the new buttons still cut off? Or is that 'perceived' as 'trendy' by this new younger and more attractive 'generation' of forum 'users'?
Update to something other than IE
What's better than Internet Exporer?
Normally I find Mozilla better when using a pc, cause you have the whole mouse thing with the wheel and you can open the tabs by clicking on the wheel but IE is easier to use on a laptop provided you're not infected with adware then you're screwed.
Originally posted by ..::ERIC::..@Jan 23 2006, 04:21 PM
But I love using Umosay to view teh intraweb.
^ I tried it but it was **** so i went back to Opera
has this just been changed, or have i only just noticed it, when there are is a 4 digit number it is now, 4 444, where as before it was 4444. personally i would like it to be the correct : 4,444 way
Yeah, I noticed it as well. Looks weird. A major issue that needs fixing right away!!
good stuff. its not a major issue, but its one of those things that make me scream in my head "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE"... well maybe not... it just is annoying.
err... example of what was annoying? the 4 444 thing....

or were you refering to my pre-edit post of me writing the ,'s the otherway, which i soon went on to comfirm, then found out i do do ,'s the correct way
Sorry. It used to just be 123456 format and I thought, wow, we're so massive now, I'd like some better formatting, but you don't like spaces?

Meah. I'll give my 2 weeks notice. In a week.

<- For me.
Originally posted by JJ-@Jan 29 2006, 10:42 AM
Sorry. It used to just be 123456 format and I thought, wow, we're so massive now, I'd like some better formatting, but you don't like spaces?

Meah. I'll give my 2 weeks notice. In a week.

<- For me.
and THATS why you didnt win mod of the year

but yes, the forum is getting bigger... and somewhat better
Originally posted by sambad5@Jan 29 2006, 10:11 AM
but yes, the forum is getting bigger...
I'd still like more rugby members as opposed to computer game members....
Well, i really like the logo, the symbol, this is quite an improvement! (the ball in the upper corner is quite something) !
Yeah, sparks up the place a bit...the old logo gets a little old after a while...

What about a new colour scheme? Shiny blue might be an idea...