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Change of scoring system


Bench Player
Jun 2, 2010
Since PG points had became too important, the value of try was increased from 4 to 5. I think this change is quite fair.
However, the bonus point system is ridiculous. 20 (4 tries)-19 is more valuable than 39 (3 tries)-0!
So, I call for the immediate abolition of the bonus point system. Instead, in order to encourage try-oriented play, I suggest the change of scoring system.
1st, the reduction of the value of PG from 3 to 2. And, under the current laws, goal from FK is not allowed. However, goal from FK should be allowed (1 point).
Try's value 5 is OK, but value of Conversions should be increased.
Here I have an idea. I am not a fan of American Football, but it has advantage over Rugby on one point. That is there is a choice of different plays after touch-down (1-point play or 2-point play), while Rugby has only 1 type of play.
I suggest this:
Conversion from 5m line --2 points
Conversion from 22m line -- 3 points
Conversion from the halfway line -- 4 points

There is no need for change of DG.

And there should be American Football-like Safety. In the case of carry-back, the opponent side can choose 1 point or 5m FK. In the case of tackle in ingoal, 2 points are conceded.
But surely the acuteness of the kicking angle should affect the score grading too?
Good work as per usual sige. Agree that the scoring should change....I have advocated 2 points for a pen for ages. Three reasons.

Always seems ridiculous that breaching the defence by crossing the full length of the field line and touching the ball down gets you five points....while kicking a pen over from near halfway is just 2 points less. In Gaelic a goal is 3 points while kicking the ball over over the bar is 1 point..so three times the reward for going the whole way.

The ref has too much impact. A try is a try (especially with vid replays to verify)..theres no arguing with it, but so many pens are given at the whim of a ref and depending on whatever his interpretation is.

It would increase the incentive to score tries.
It would increase the incentive to cheat as the punishment is far more lenient.
Yeah if I have a choice of letting my side concede 2 points or 8/9 points it really isn't a choice...
It would increase the incentive to cheat as the punishment is far more lenient.

Exactly. There would be far more penalties conceded (and hence a far less free flowing game) if penalties were changed from 3 points to 2 points. If however you increased the value from 3 points to 4 points you would find the number of penalties teams concede dried up dramatically. ....
You could decrease the value of penalties but increase the chances of being yellow carded.

Regardless, I wouldn't mind seeing the bonus point system adjusted - perhaps award a bonus point for outscoring your opponent by 20 points, instead of for scoring four tries.
It would increase the incentive to cheat as the punishment is far more lenient.

Of course if you were to add in my suggestion, then your "cheat's charter" issue could be dealt with immediately

► drop the scoring for a penalty goal from 3 points to 2 points
► if the kick is successful, play restarts with a scrum at the point where the kick was taken from, with the kicking team to feed the scrum.
► if the kick is unsuccessful, play begins with a drop out 22m

conceding a PK on defence will no longer gain an advantage because you will concede two points and be right back where you started, in the same place on defence and the opposition likely to have possession.

Additionally, a more liberal use of yellow cards will help minimise the cynical penalties!
Of course if you were to add in my suggestion, then your "cheat's charter" issue could be dealt with immediately

► drop the scoring for a penalty goal from 3 points to 2 points
► if the kick is successful, play restarts with a scrum at the point where the kick was taken from, with the kicking team to feed the scrum.
► if the kick is unsuccessful, play begins with a drop out 22m

conceding a PK on defence will no longer gain an advantage because you will concede two points and be right back where you started, in the same place on defence and the opposition likely to have possession.

Additionally, a more liberal use of yellow cards will help minimise the cynical penalties!

Finally one proposition I can fully support (though I admit I haven't been following these threads too carefully).

This would be a great idea to open the game without making it become a clone of RL.
I have an addiction to introduction of 1-point play, because I want to see a 1-0 game!

Well why haven't we thought of this before???

We could take rugby as it is now, and do a complete reverse to the stage where William Webb Ellis picked up the Fvcking Soccerball!!

if you want to see 1-0 games, hold on for just a couple more days, there will be plenty of that happening in Brazil.
Of course if you were to add in my suggestion, then your "cheat's charter" issue could be dealt with immediately

► drop the scoring for a penalty goal from 3 points to 2 points
► if the kick is successful, play restarts with a scrum at the point where the kick was taken from, with the kicking team to feed the scrum.
► if the kick is unsuccessful, play begins with a drop out 22m

conceding a PK on defence will no longer gain an advantage because you will concede two points and be right back where you started, in the same place on defence and the opposition likely to have possession.

Additionally, a more liberal use of yellow cards will help minimise the cynical penalties!
Christ you really are as your name suggests. :D

Totally endorsing that. With a reduction in points from 3 to 2 I hadn't thought about teams deliberately committing pens (pretty naive overlooking that one), so this proposal would solve that one.

The ref should have as little say on the outcome of the game as possible...so any reduction of points that comes by way of a refs decision (and it's often their own interpretation) then good.
That is actually the best idea for a rule change I've ever read smart cooky. Send that one off the ARU, the IRB, I want to see that asap.
I thought that a great idea until I thought a bit more.
It would require 100% impartiality from the referees.
Whilst there are a few who are top class, there are also 'occasions' where the ref's are obviously biased, and could result in non-local teams losing by 100 points.
ah, good. The classical. I like the classical/moderns. You know this Japanese musicman Seiji Yokoyama ?

I know his name, but I have not listened to his music much, because most of his music is TV/film music.
His name is Chinese letters is 横山 菁児, and I never spell "Seiji" (Hepburn system), because "Seizi" (Nipponsiki system) is correct.