R Rugbyface Guest Feb 22, 2006 #1 Anyone remember this? The original EA RUgby game... Quite a funny article on it here: EA RUGBY 95
S SaintsFan_Webby Guest Feb 22, 2006 #2 I used to spend hours on that game. Not exactly realistic, but a good laugh, especially in multiplayer.
I used to spend hours on that game. Not exactly realistic, but a good laugh, especially in multiplayer.
Z ZARugby Guest Feb 23, 2006 #3 I do! Also played it hours on end... I played the PC version - still have it ;-) Tried to get it to work the other day (just to appreciate the progress EA made) but no success. Still waiting for Rugy 06 release in South Africa! :-(
I do! Also played it hours on end... I played the PC version - still have it ;-) Tried to get it to work the other day (just to appreciate the progress EA made) but no success. Still waiting for Rugy 06 release in South Africa! :-(
E EVOL Guest Feb 23, 2006 #4 ding ding ding da din ding ding ding i remember when it first came out and wowing over the graphics lately i've been playing it on my psp with an emulator. Go GJR Roberts
ding ding ding da din ding ding ding i remember when it first came out and wowing over the graphics lately i've been playing it on my psp with an emulator. Go GJR Roberts