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Going around here, i think i've caught it since friday ive had a fever, headache, sore throat, cough, runny nose

It's horrible

Feels like im dying!!

Anyone else suffering/suffered through one this year?
Knock on wood, never had the flu in my life. That I can remember that is, I'd have to ask my parents.

Drink Chicken Noodle soup, scientists once discovered it actually helps your body defeat Flu.

Should have gotten your flu shot.
how do you know when you have bird flu?

when you snease you go "aahh-choo picock"
Knock on wood, never had the flu in my life. That I can remember that is, I'd have to ask my parents.

Drink Chicken Noodle soup, scientists once discovered it actually helps your body defeat Flu.

Should have gotten your flu shot. [/b]
Unless I'm very much mistake, influenza stays in the system for exactly 7 days, no matter what.
Yeah, it's gone around Oklahoma like Mad. I've caught two seperate things...and I rarely get ill. It's been frustrating.
how do you know when you have bird flu?

when you snease you go "aahh-choo picock"

It's one of those jokes that are so lame you just have to giggle.
I don't have the flu, but i've got the something-irritating-in-the-back-of my-throat-that-makes-me-cough-every-few-minutes and a runny nose.
Had 3 in a row about a month back, kept me out of work for a week, which is no bloody good when you're a temp worker, had to use all my holiday pay to make rent that month
<div class='quotemain'> i always knew you were gay... [/b]

That's only 'cause your boyfriend tells you so.

and hes only my boyfriend because i could give him what he needed.

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