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Forum upgrade to 4.2.1


Bench Player
Mar 28, 2010
Country Flag
After months and months of waiting, the people behind our software (vBulletin) recently released a bug fix version, 4.2.1. As of today we have successfully upgraded to this version. As part of the procedure, we retired our "Old TRF Design" skin as it would have required numerous template corrections and we'd prefer stick to a single, consistent, look for all our users. If you have any issues with the design or spot any bugs created from the upgrade, then please post details here - remember to include info like which browser you've experienced the issue in and whether you have any add-ons installed.
Looks very swish.

Edit. I have a little feedback regarding the front page. With the page open on half of one of my monitors the 'visit forums' link (the one in green) get's bumped down to the next line despite there being plenty of space either side to fit it in. My monitor is 1920px wide (a very common resolution nowadays), and I think many would run their browsers only on half the screen using the aero snap feature in Windows 7/8. Any chance this could be fixed so the front page looks correct on a width of 960px?

The scrolling 'latest' bit at the top of the page doesn't seem to be working for me either. There's something trying to scroll, but no more than the first letter appears. OS: Windows 8, browser: Google Chrome.

Screenshot do demonstrate these two 'issues':

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I have ants in my kitchen.

(Hey, you said to report any bugs! :p )

Forum-wise, it looks good! :bravo:

It looks very nice! Ever since seeing the new front page I've looked forward to the forums getting a similar treatment.
Seems to work fine at 960px here, can you try whitelisting TRF in ad blocker and sending another screenshot? Also confirm Zoom level in Chrome, thanks

Eagle-eye users may have spotted our total registered user number drop from around 29,700 users to 28,944. This was due to us removing accounts that had either been banned (with 0 posts) or accounts that never completed the registration process. We're keen to ensure the number we show is as accurate as possible :)
I've noticed a few things, including the rep bar disappearing, which I'm happy about. I was wondering about ***les, though - do they change at various levels or after x amount of posts is everyone just a 'senior member'? I'm sure there's a note about this somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look for it. :p

No rep bar? I will go on a murderous rampage unless said be be replaced.
I've noticed a few things, including the rep bar disappearing, which I'm happy about. I was wondering about ***les, though - do they change at various levels or after x amount of posts is everyone just a 'senior member'? I'm sure there's a note about this somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look for it. :p


I think the user ***les were there before? What did you previously have under your name?

Not sure what happened to the rep bar, but it is still on the profile pages for those who care about such things ;)
I think the user ***les were there before? What did you previously have under your name?

Not sure what happened to the rep bar, but it is still on the profile pages for those who care about such things ;)

Yeah, the ***les were there before, but I wasn't sure when/if they change. I thought maybe with the re-do we'd have automatic (not custom) rugby-related ***les, running through the numbers: ex.: 1-10 posts = loosehead prop, 10-100 posts = hooker, 100-500 = tighthead, 500-1000 = lock, 1000-1500 = flanker, 1500-2000 = #8, 2000-2500 = scrum half, 2500-3000 = fly half/first five eight, and so on and so forth, all the way to fullback. Just using that as an example, and not suggesting at what post count ***les change or whether or not to distinguish every position (such as inside and outside centres, or just use 'centre' to cover both). Not even suggesting you do such a thing, it's just that I was expecting something along those lines.

Seems to work fine at 960px here, can you try whitelisting TRF in ad blocker and sending another screenshot? Also confirm Zoom level in Chrome, thanks

'Twas the zoom level, nice spot. I had it set to 90%, which obviously didn't play nicely.

Yeah, the ***les were there before, but I wasn't sure when/if they change. I thought maybe with the re-do we'd have automatic (not custom) rugby-related ***les, running through the numbers: ex.: 1-10 posts = loosehead prop, 10-100 posts = hooker, 100-500 = tighthead, 500-1000 = lock, 1000-1500 = flanker, 1500-2000 = #8, 2000-2500 = scrum half, 2500-3000 = fly half/first five eight, and so on and so forth, all the way to fullback. Just using that as an example, and not suggesting at what post count ***les change or whether or not to distinguish every position (such as inside and outside centres, or just use 'centre' to cover both). Not even suggesting you do such a thing, it's just that I was expecting something along those lines.

They were custom, in the form of 'x is making substitute appearances' or 'x is a hall of famer' etc.

They do appear to have changed looking through members ***les in this thread.
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They were custom, in the form of 'x is making substitute appearances' or 'x is a hall of famer' etc.

They do appear to have changed looking through members ***les in this thread.

I was referring to the auto ***les, not the custom ones. I thought maybe they would change them to something more rugby-related. Most forums I visit change their auto ***les to something fitting the forum. For instance, on one comic book forum I visit when anyone reaches post #666 their ***le changes to 'Ultimate Evil', for just that one post. When I hit it I was loath to make my 667 post - I wanted to remain the Ultimate Evil forever! :devban:

Yeah, the Rep bar is missing!! now I can't see Dizzy's full blast red rep bar when posting...

It was a way for me to see who were more credible when posting... now everyone is again on the same level... bring back the biasness!!!
I was referring to the auto ***les, not the custom ones. I thought maybe they would change them to something more rugby-related. Most forums I visit change their auto ***les to something fitting the forum. For instance, on one comic book forum I visit when anyone reaches post #666 their ***le changes to 'Ultimate Evil', for just that one post. When I hit it I was loath to make my 667 post - I wanted to remain the Ultimate Evil forever! :devban:


Sorry, that's what I meant. The Auto ***les were unique to this forum and were related to rugby. I'm sure they will be re-instated shortly, and you'll go from being a 'senior member' to 'making the first IV' or whatever it was.

I wouldn't mind some new auto-***les, maybe with some kind of references to historically great threads/members could be interesting?
Yeah, the Rep bar is missing!! now I can't see Dizzy's full blast red rep bar when posting...

It was a way for me to see who were more credible when posting... now everyone is again on the same level... bring back the biasness!!!

It took me forever to get green. Then I turned a thread gay, and BAM! I was RICH! :D

Sorry, that's what I meant. The Auto ***les were unique to this forum and were related to rugby. I'm sure they will be re-instated shortly, and you'll go from being a 'senior member' to 'making the first IV' or whatever it was.

I wouldn't mind some new auto-***les, maybe with some kind of references to historically great threads/members could be interesting?

Ah, I see. Yeah, that's what I meant, too. :)

On the custom ***les thing, I will have to check with Charlie - we certainly didn't remove any, so perhaps it's just a templating issue that is stopping them from appearing.

We'll be rolling out some other changes and improvements soon :)
What has happened to reputation?

I tried Repping someone today, and nothing happened. Usually, a page would come up where you could make a comment.

I can't even find where rep received/given is listed. I'm sure it used to be in the message section.
What has happened to reputation?

I tried Repping someone today, and nothing happened. Usually, a page would come up where you could make a comment.

I can't even find where rep received/given is listed. I'm sure it used to be in the message section.

I just did a little test, and had no trouble repping you. Also, the rep list is found under settings. If not, then I would suggest you've got bugs in yer 'puter.

Hello anyone who remembers me.

Having not visited for a good year or two now, this place looks a lot different - generally for the best (and good work on the personalised email inviting me to come and have a look... someone's been studying customer retention!)

Don't know if it's just me / how long ago this changed, but it actually took me longer than it perhaps should to find the actual forums from the main portal... especially if you have an ad like the wonga one shown below, even that green button can hide a bit:

Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 16.01.26.png

Very small thing, but then most usability changes are!
Hi toup, thanks for coming back :)

We're just about to put the forums on the home page, rather than make you click through.

Hope you stick around
I can't see any user's avatars (including my own) All I see is a text link, e.g. TRF_Fullback's Avatar, smartcooky's Avatar.

Clicking on the link take you to the user's profile.

Is it just me, or is it a problem