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Northampton Saints Vs Bristol Rugby


Saint N Sinner

Northampton Saints Vs Bristol Rugby

Franklins Gardens 14th Jan 2006


Well, it wasn't a bad day for rugby, not bad at all.

It all started with dark clouds over the horizon, a soggy pitch, miserable stewards, and a flask of mulled wine. "What a start" I thought, and with the added excitement of a fire evacuation after the match well, I could hardly contain myself. (Please note, sarcasm can appear even in the most unlikely of places)

Well, as both teams ran out onto the pitch, I and I imagine the other 12,226 fans, just gave them that added encouragement and just said "we are going to win today" Well I did, and it bloody worked, you have to give me that.

It wasn't a slow start either, with Sam Harding crossing the line in only a couple of minutes we knew the afternoon was going to be one to remember, if the beginning was anything to go by. Bruce converted to bring the scores to 7-0.

But was followed 4 minutes later with a penalty from Bristol's number 10, Hayes.
Northampton quickly grasped their game once again, with another Harding try on 9 minutes, which was successfully converted, which earnt Northampton a well deserved 9 point lead.

Carlos Spencer's magic was clearly seen, even from the gates of heaven which is where his skills obviousley come from. As he gained, no....gifted... Northampton a 16 point lead as he flew over the line, which brought the scoreboard to a healthy looking 19-3 lead at half-time.

Well, after a nice fag and a beer at half-time it was time to hit the terrace's for another 40 minutes of fast paced, action packed rugby.

It only took 25 minutes for Sharky (Robinson) to get on the score sheet with a nice little move to bring the home side to a impressive lead, as Bruce added the 2 points we headed for a 23 point lead. Something that I had to think twice about as its been a while since I have seen one, in our favour that is.

All those doubter's who thought "Big" Ben Cohen was out for the count, as his form dipped dramatically after the RWC back in 2003. Well today was one of his best in the Saint's jersey, as he rounded up 2 try's in the space of 2 minutes. One on the 70th and the other on the 72nd minute. Both where comfortably converted as we saw Bruce kicking his way back into the kicking role with style, and kicking Northampton into a 37 point lead. (40-3)

The last try was to come from the second SH on the pitch! Two you say? Yeah, well our injuries have become a major problem up to recent, so we stuck Jonny Howard on the pitch, and he did show his pace and skill he has, with a try on the 75th minute. By now Saints where well and truelly sent high up the pool with a clear 5 point lead.

But Bristol had the last say with a "consolation" Sambucetti try on the 79th minutes which left the game with nothing left to offer. Especially seen as the bloody early leavers got in our way once again!

Anyway, it was great game that was very much enjoyed. I just cannot wait to see Lardy's face on European Rugby Special, he will have very little to say. Lets just say he won't be complimenting Wally, thats all I am going to say.

The "farce" of an evacuation that followed the game really got me confused. I'm not gonna go into it too much but, half the fire exits where closed, and the stewards couldn't be arsed to do anything about it.

Oh well, life goes on. Saints settle comfortably at the top of their pool with a nice 7 try win,
leaving Bristol behind in the trail of dust.

Hoping for more next week in Viadana which will secure a QTR final place for Northampton, and hopefully a nice spot in the semi's and so on.

Thanks for reading and hopefully you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved reviewing it.

That was my opinion.

Air Ben
Originally posted by toup@Jan 14 2006, 11:01 AM
Whoops... slipped
Well, as he broke the trend, I thought I'd say I'm looking forward to reading it - if we win of course.
Originally posted by harrison2468+Jan 14 2006, 11:03 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (harrison2468 @ Jan 14 2006, 11:03 AM)</div>
@Jan 14 2006, 11:01 AM
Whoops... slipped
Well, as he broke the trend, I thought I'd say I'm looking forward to reading it - if we win of course.
16 Dylan Hartley
17 Brett Sturgess
19 Darren Fox
20 Mark Soden
21 Johnny Howard
22 John Rudd

...........................15 REIHANA (CC)

14 LAMONT...............................................11 BEN COHEN

................13 Clarke

..................................12 Myring

.............................................10 SPENCER

.............................................................9 ROBINSON

.......................8 Daniel Browne

.....7 HARDING...........................6 Lewitt

...............5 Lord.................4 Damien Browne

3 Budgen.....2 THOMPSON (CC).....1 SMITH


1 Mark Irish.....2 Saul Nelson.....3 Wayne Thompson

.....4 Mariano Sambucetti...........5 Ollie Hodge

6 Richard Martin-Redman........................7 Craig Short (capt)

...................................8 Geraint Lewis

..........................................9 Jake Rauluni

.................................................10 Tommy Hayes

..............................................................12 Manuel Contepomi

........................................................................13 Mark Denney

11 Sean Marsden..............................................................14 Lee Robinson

............................................15 Vaughan Going

16 Alex Clarke,
17 Martin Rospide,
18 Neil Clark,
19 Gareth Llewellyn,
20 Joe El Abd,
21 David Lemi,
22 Danny Gray


With the squads bing put out, it's proberbly not going to happen though!
Originally posted by Teh Mite@Jan 14 2006, 11:28 AM
With the squads bing put out, it's proberbly not going to happen though!
True, only looked at the team this morning. Still, a good team, with the likes of Sambucetti, Lewis, Hayes, Contepomi and Mardsen, there are some good players in this mainly second-string, and I'm sure they will still give you a good game, as they have to prove something. Is it possible for both teams to qualify from the group btw?
Originally posted by Teh Mite@Jan 14 2006, 12:13 PM
Don't think so.
There are only five groups, so I presume three runner-up spots will be available. By the looks of the table, the runners-up, if that is the case, will be from groups 1.3 and 5.
Well, 45-8.

The only Bristol try came because Mark Robinson had a dead leg and was moved out to the wing just before a breakaway. Bristol never really turned up.
Originally posted by Teh Mite@Jan 14 2006, 05:12 PM
Well, 45-8.

The only Bristol try came because Mark Robinson had a dead leg and was moved out to the wing just before a breakaway. Bristol never really turned up.
Yep, disappointing. Well done to Saints though, continuing their recent turn of form.
It was a great performance/ We never gave Bristol that much breathing space.

(Full report coming soon)