I´m looking for a workout for Physical Preparation for Elite-Level Rugby Players for the preseason. With the description of the workout and a planification for at least 1 or 2 months. Someone can send me one?
Thank you for your answer, i´ll try to find it in the net and then if i can post it here, i know several rugby federations or teams prepare a physical training for preseason that contry players use and that´s what i´m looking for. Here in Spain the Nz coach that trained the Spanish National Team prepared one that was very complete and i had it but i´ve lost it. It explained week by week 6 days training what u have to do to get the best in the workout.
It has a very well explained workout in weight and running and that´s what in looking for, if someone has one from their teams or from wherever please post it here [/b]