This game is roundly believed, by those who have played it and who have a real liking for the game of rugby, to be the best rugby game created to date...
Therefore (ergo, concurrently) beating everything thats gone before
... which is a positive point, yes?
Thats the real point of this post
... now for the rant...
Can all those who seem determined to pick every last hole in this game, cut it a little slack until the game actually reaches them? (that is if they actually buy/rent it)
Nobody is creating new threads/posts every 5 minutes to shout off about how this is the best game in the world and is perfect in every way... so why are there so many negative threads/posts popping up to try and put this attempt (and that is what it is remember) down?
Sure there are plenty of people on the forum who have not played the game but have voiced how pleased they are at what they've seen so far... and these views have been backed up by the reliable (this is a key word here!) sources who have played the game (and in some cases played it extensively) and have offered favourable reviews (and yes, plenty of flaws too!)
We're all entitiled to our opinions, be they good or bad... but the level of criticism for a game that has been given a very good provisional thumbs up is a little high. Who here played the early FIFA/Madden/NBA/Rugby/NHL games? I played a lot of them and the list of flaws in each could and would seem quite long - that does not make them all bad games though...
Sure we can be sceptical because of what happened with the last attempt that EA/HB made for Rugby 2004... but thats now in the past, it is conceivable that they could make a decent (even good!) game to represent the sport that everybody comes here to discuss (that is unless your just here for the game)
To round up... be positive about the game, if it still turns out bad for you, well thats a pity but then return it to the place you bought it and get an exchange/refund and you should feel a little more satisfied. You're not gonna feel so agrieved about a flaw if you can see the good aspects (of which some do exist for Rugby 2005 believe it or not!)... like life, the glass is half full - not half empty
... any administrator can delete this unashamed rant if they like, but I felt like a positve thread should be started to counter all the negative shite going on round here (and also to just start a thread for the god damn sake of it... seems to be the trend these days on this section of the forum)
Therefore (ergo, concurrently) beating everything thats gone before
... which is a positive point, yes?
Thats the real point of this post
... now for the rant...
Can all those who seem determined to pick every last hole in this game, cut it a little slack until the game actually reaches them? (that is if they actually buy/rent it)
Nobody is creating new threads/posts every 5 minutes to shout off about how this is the best game in the world and is perfect in every way... so why are there so many negative threads/posts popping up to try and put this attempt (and that is what it is remember) down?
Sure there are plenty of people on the forum who have not played the game but have voiced how pleased they are at what they've seen so far... and these views have been backed up by the reliable (this is a key word here!) sources who have played the game (and in some cases played it extensively) and have offered favourable reviews (and yes, plenty of flaws too!)
We're all entitiled to our opinions, be they good or bad... but the level of criticism for a game that has been given a very good provisional thumbs up is a little high. Who here played the early FIFA/Madden/NBA/Rugby/NHL games? I played a lot of them and the list of flaws in each could and would seem quite long - that does not make them all bad games though...
Sure we can be sceptical because of what happened with the last attempt that EA/HB made for Rugby 2004... but thats now in the past, it is conceivable that they could make a decent (even good!) game to represent the sport that everybody comes here to discuss (that is unless your just here for the game)
To round up... be positive about the game, if it still turns out bad for you, well thats a pity but then return it to the place you bought it and get an exchange/refund and you should feel a little more satisfied. You're not gonna feel so agrieved about a flaw if you can see the good aspects (of which some do exist for Rugby 2005 believe it or not!)... like life, the glass is half full - not half empty