Protein supplement designed for kids in sport
Powerbeck Sports has been producing sports nutrition for athletes for the past 25 years having great success and producing world and British champions in several different sports. Due to our own children competing in sport (rugby, kick boxing, football) we tend to find our self in club houses on a Sunday whilst the kids have their after match meal and were shocked to see what they were eating. Hot dog, chips and orange squash or hamburger or ham sandwiches loaded with cheap margarine and tomato sauce on everything – come on what the hell is all that about. You have just had your child train twice a week and then compete for an hour and all they get to replace the nutrients they have used is junk food loaded with sugar, bad fats and carbohydrates, (that will not only send their blood sugar too high and make it crash down fast leaving them craving for crisp and sweets) but nothing to aid recovery and help the muscles repair and grow.
As Parents it's down to you to feed your children and make the choices for them, of course they are going to eat the junk food after training but would you. Do you go to the gym and train as hard as you can with your parents standing on the edge shouting 'come on' and then go home and get out the hotdogs, I think not – so why would we do it to our children. We all want the best for our kids and we get as much pleasure out of them training as they do so why not educate them and give them what their young bodies require to help them be the best they can, stay in a good healthy shape and let them feel good. Remember as our children grow they are submitted more and more to what the ideal body should look like and with more teenage girls than ever wanted to be a size zero and lads wanting to be as big as WWE wrestlers it is important that you educate your child from an early age. It's great they do sport so let's give them the best and start feeding our kids with the best.
Key times are for breakfast, 1 hour before training, directly after training or for super just before bed time. Pro-teen can be used to help your child gain weight, maintain weight or even lose weight if they are prone to putting unwanted 'puppy fat' on. Don't leave it to chance with the old thought 'it's only puppy fat; they will lose it when they grow taller, or I know they are overweight but they will be big and strong when they are older'. Today we have an all time high of children who are not only over weight but obese. How have the kids today got so unhealthy, lazy and to be honest fat? Luckily if your reading this your child has already chosen sport and they are active enough to stay fit – as parents why not do your bit and feed them with a perfect tasty drink which will improve performance and feed the body.
For best results have 1 scoop mixed with 250ml skimmed milk or water 1 hour before training and the same again directly after.
For weight gain have with breakfast and for supper – not instead of.