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The Sharks: 2012

As long as lwazi mvovo is starting they'll do well.
I think Sithole will pass him this year. Sithole has better pace and might be able to step and not just blast down the touchline like Mvovo (or walk down it, like Ndungane).
Sibusisu's defence is questionable, but no worse than Mvovo.
Wandile Mjekwvu and Morgan Newman have been part of the Sharks preseason training.
Don't know too much about Newman, but I remember Mjekevu being one of the only decent players in the Lions in 2010.
Big lad, seems like he could be an outside back in the mould of JP. Apparently he can play centre; we need a big, fast player in midfield that isn't nearing retirement.

Newman is a solid enough player at Vodacom cup level. Holds his ground well in defense and though I wouldn't call him a play-maker he usually looks to distribute. A bit like Andries Strauss IMO though I'd prefer Strauss. Mjekevu is tall and very quick. A bit frail though IMO and prone to injury. Still VERY young and a little bit of meat on those bones and I can see him do very well. Deceptively strong but gets found out (ITO size) if not on the move. Personally, I'd like to see him play at wing for a few years before coming inside.

Jacques-Louis Potgieter is headed to Bayonne.
I had high hopes for him but he never really settled in, all the best to him. Now Mike Phillips has a new halfback friend!
JLP picked the wrong franchise to play his rugby if he wanted to make it in SA. Flitted around after leaving the Cheetahs and didn't get a look-in. Best of luck to him.
Adi Jabocs is gone - good thing.
Stef gone - good thing.

Riaan Viljoen - good buy and I rate him highly, he could be used at 12,13 or 15 and I hope they use him
Louis Ludik could be useful at centre, time will tell
Lambie is a marvellous 15 and should stay there, but logically a fine 10 as well if needed
Sithole can grow into a world class wing this season given enough game time and a bit of tlc

When it comes to the loosies Jacques Botes is the name everyone forgets, has he ever had a bad game, compare his try scoring frequency to anyone in that forward pack, you might be surprised at the results
Young Marchell Coetzee to grow into the no 7 jersey with Willem Alberts at 8 and 6 is open but I will lay Jacques Botes above Keegan Daniel any day


Keegan was just appointed captain for 2012 - http://www.supersport.com/rugby/super-rugby/news/120116/Daniel_to_captain_Sharks
There sinks my predictions and opinion to the bottom of the ocean :)
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Totally agree regarding Jacobs and Terblanche moving on. Now just Marius Joubert. Jacobs got a bit of a raw deal at the Sharks the last season IMO but his departure though it could hurt the Sharks short term is good in the long run.

Also agree regarding Daniel as captain; doesn't have the cool head I'd prefer but he always gives it 110% and that is good (leading by example ala Schalla) though he tends to be a bit greedy with the ball IMO. That said he'll be keeping one of Deysel, Botes, Kankowski, Alberts or Coetzee on the bench all 5 of which are probably better bets as loose forwards.

Still Sharks are the only SA team I can see go all the way if they can sort out their midfield (and it works.. easier said than done) and not move players about constantly.
I've always been impressed by Keegan Daniel, I didn't see him play much last year but in 2009 and 2010 he had one of the best work rates, ran and tackled hard and deserved his caps with the Springboks
I think Lambie as VC would have been a decent choice. He seems like a leader on the field and is undoubtedly a future Sharks captain.
Daniel has a hot head, and I would have considered Skeate as the captain. Kanko doesn't really seem like captaincy material, while Deysel and Alberts are always injured.
A little disappointed that Daniel has been named captain, not sure if he should even be in the starting XV. Our loose trio should include Botes, Coetzee and Alberts. Also feel losing Jacobs is a bad thing, as he was always a good impact player and our only attacking option in the midfield. Will be interesting to see how our backline plays out with the team having quite a number of players who can play more than one position. Happy with the departure of Terblanche and JLP, hopefully Bosman and Joubert will go soon as well. Really don't know why we ever got rid of Barrit and Murray, they may of not been the greatest midfield, but were a much better one than the one we have now.

As much as i love the Sharks, not yet buying into the hype that they are South African's best chance at winning. I think we just have fewer problems than both the Stormers and Bulls.
I think Coetzee offers more in the 7 shirt than Alberts or Deysel. I'd like to see him at 8 with either though. Botes is a good player, always gives 100%. Hopefully we will see a bit of Kleinhans this season.
Sharks re-sign key players

Several senior players have opted to renew their contracts including the likes of Springboks Patrick Lambie, Beast Mtawarira and brothers Bismarck and Jannie du Plessis.
Great news re the du Plessiss's's's's and Lambie.

Hopefully Beast will scrum properly this year.
So the latest news out of the Shark tank is that the Beast is injured and that they are going to test JP Pietersen at 13...

some good and bad news...

IMO this move with JP Pietersen is a great idea, he's big, strong and fast, and very good defensively... At worst, he'll still be better than Adi Jacobs. also this opens the slot to play both Mvovo and Sithole on the wings...
Agreed, like to idea of JP there, but he will have to up his work rate a bit
Starting XV for the Sharks vs Bulls: 1st fixture of the SA conference S15:

1 Bismarck du Plessis
2 Craig Burden
3 Jannie du Plessis
4 Willem Alberts
5 Jean Deysel
6 Keegan Daniel (c)
7 Jacques Botes
8 Steven Sykes
9 Frederick Michalak
10 Riaan Viljoen
11 Lwazi Mvovo
12 Patrick Lambie
13 JP Pietersen
14 Louis Ludik
15 Ryan Kankowski

(tongue in cheek.. though I wouldn't even be surprised...)
Starting XV for the Sharks vs Bulls: 1st fixture of the SA conference S15:

1 Bismarck du Plessis
2 Craig Burden
3 Jannie du Plessis
4 Willem Alberts
5 Jean Deysel
6 Keegan Daniel (c)
7 Jacques Botes
8 Steven Sykes
9 Frederick Michalak
10 Riaan Viljoen
11 Lwazi Mvovo
12 Patrick Lambie
13 JP Pietersen
14 Louis Ludik
15 Ryan Kankowski

(tongue in cheek.. though I wouldn't even be surprised...)

There's only one guy in that squad that is playing in position, and that's Jannie Du Plessis!!!
There's only one guy in that squad that is playing in position, and that's Jannie Du Plessis!!!

I was only making a joke WRT Petersen out of position and the Sharks' track ercord for playing people out of position, sorry.
I was only making a joke WRT Petersen out of position and the Sharks' track ercord for playing people out of position, sorry.

LOL, I got the joke... but it would've made more sense if you had the entire 15 of guys out of position... oh here's a thought, why not move Meyer Tosman to number 3...
Sounds like JPP did well in his first run at 13


Sharks coach John Plumtree was generally satisfied with the internal trials match held at Mr Price KINGS PARK on Friday evening, given the heat and the lack of game time amongst the two squads.
"In general, the game had some moments and there was some great continuity with offloading, so there was some quite nice play," he said afterwards. "There was also obviously a fair bit of rustiness in terms of the arriving ruck players, so there were some penalties and free kicks which was a bit disappointing. But the referees are going to come down harder on the attacking arrival players if they go off their feet or for poor entry.

"But there were some good moments in the game."

Looking at the two backlines, and the individual players in the spotlight, he admitted that, "The players in the Raggies team didn't get many chances, they were OK but didn't get enough opportunities.

"We've still got the games against Boland and EP Kings, but what was really nice to see was the way Pat Lambie came onto the ball and I thought JP combined really nicely with Meyer Bosman, I thought that partnership looked good. I thought JP (at centre) was excellent. Tim Whitehead and Paul Jordaan didn't get a lot of opportunity. In terms of the outside backs, there was quite a bit of width to the game and I thought Lwazi Mvovo had a couple of good moments."

He felt that some clever tactical kicking was executed, "but as I said, it was quite frustrating that we couldn't get more flow to the game. However, the ball was also very slippery, typical of this time of year."

Looking at the effort from the forwards he explained that the players haven't had a lot of time to work on lineouts so the throwing in "was a little rusty. I thought Wiehahn Herbst and Dale Chadwick were quite good. Pieter-Steph du Toit looked good and I thought Anton Bresler played well. Jandre Marais too."

In essence, having coming through a tough pre-season conditioning phase, he felt that, "the boys looked fit and strong."

He now has a number of lock options which is more than a satisfactory situation to be in, given The Sharks depth in the second row.

"We definitely have a few options there and it's which one of the youngsters put their hands up. It's good to have competition there, it means some nice problems coming up for me if they all play well."

Former team-mates of Plumtree were also at the game, including Mark Andrews, John Allan, Jeremy Thomson and Dick Muir who would be able to offer different perspectives and insights.

"It's nice having the ex-players along, there is a lot of talent and it's good to have their views," the coach added.

So, does JP Pietersen have a realistic chance of moving from wing to outside centre? Plumtree believes that it is highly possible that the move could work out in everyone's favour.

"It's something he's excited about which is the main thing, it's not really about me. If he wasn't interested, it wouldn't happen. We're giving him the chance, we're still in the baby stages, but if he's keen to have another go, then we'll do it. If it comes off, it would mean not having to bench a Sithole, Mvovo or Ndungane. It also gives the Springboks extra firepower with Jaque Fourie in Japan."

The Sharks coach concluded with a look ahead, explaining that he might have some tough calls to make for the upcoming Boland game at Mr Price KINGS PARK this Friday night. The following weekend sees them travel to play the EP Kings.

"That game will be more of a dress rehearsal for the Bulls in the opening Super Rugby game."

Of course this was only a trials match and apparently the other forwards got severely handled, so JPP was afforded plenty of go forward ball. This is gonna seriously change the backline dynamics as now there is a question mark on how players like Joubert, Whitehead & Jordaan are going to fit into Plumtree's plans. Joubert should play a player/coach or mentor role as we have young guys coming through and he is very obviously not fulfilling what was expected of him.
JPP certainly has the build and attitude for 13 the question is will he do well with no experience in what is a tough position. He just might.
Personally I'm not convinced about Pieterson at 13 - clearly he has the pre-requisite size and defensive skills (and a good work-rate), but I wonder whether he has the distribution skills required of a centre. This is certainly something he can develop with experience, but in some ways distribution is very much a mind-set. Very few converted wings make great centres in my opinion, as usually their first thought when the get the ball is 'how can I score from here' rather than 'how can my team score from here' - this makes them great finishers, but not necessarily great distributors. This is not to say he won't develop into a quality centre - he certainly has the potential to, but it may take a few years for this to happen.
Plum tried out Ndungane at full-back last year which he hardly put to use during the season itself so this doesn't prove a thing. However, I think his ball-handling and passing skills (which he has for a center) he might be able to fill the gap Terblanche and Jacobs left behind