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what did HB spend a year doing?



the game is just the same as rugby 05 but a bit more responsive and has quick pens and linouts (that dont work very well!!!)

what did HB spend a year doing - nothing much!

PS why cant you take a quick tap when you call a mark - they need to get rid of the selection screen full stop for pens and free quicks - make it like lomu where you push a button on the pad to choose what you want to do eg x to kick to touch triangle to run it etc.

also why cant the scrum half pick t up and run it from a scrum

stupid stupid stupid

lomu is still the best
Haven't played Rugby 06 yet, but I'll post my 2 cents:
Lomu stinks and hasn't been the best for a long time (not since EA rugby 2001 to be precise).
i bought lomu is the mid-late 90s and never did play it. can't even find the disc now. i don't suppose it even runs on the PC with XP on , does it?
Mate, why don't you stop making threads slating this game, it's pretty clear you don't like it, but how is this thread any different to your one from yesterday? You're entitled to your opinion but there's no need to start a hate campaign against the game... quite a few people think it's good
Originally posted by loratadine@Feb 12 2006, 11:36 AM
you are a muppet mate - this game is the best game out for rugby ever.
Just cause somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that they are any lesser than you.

This game is very revised version of Rugby 2005. But EA aren't ever going to make a game so good in a series that no-one will buy the next one. It's just EA making their money. It's the same with all EA Sports games - Fifa 2004,2005 and 2006 look the same apart from wee changes.
Originally posted by edinburgh_gunner@Feb 12 2006, 11:51 AM
Fifa 2004,2005 and 2006 look the same apart from wee changes.
Beg to differ, 2004 and 06 are miles apart.
totally agree with you teh mite m- fifa 06 could actually compete with pes 2
Originally posted by loratadine@Feb 12 2006, 11:59 PM
totally agree with you teh mite m- fifa 06 could actually compete with pes 2
Err, lets not go overboard there Lora :)
Originally posted by sanzar@Feb 12 2006, 11:00 PM
Haven't played Rugby 06 yet, but I'll post my 2 cents:
Lomu stinks and hasn't been the best for a long time (not since EA rugby 2001 to be precise).
Sorry Sanzar, but that just isn't true. To be honest, NO rugby game will EVER last as long as Lomu did. It's STILL played today. You obviously didn't have it first time of release, or you'd agree.
With you Locks I think JlR will always be the king. Have not played 06 but I hear it is still got no rucking system so that still puts 06 in the shade. But in all fairness i would not be playing JLR in single player anymore. As I have moved on but still living in hope for a rugby game to give me the joy that Lomu did.
i've changed my mind - have played it a bit more and am likeing it more now - on 2 player is very good

try not to use run fast two much and you win more rucks

they still need better rucking though
Originally posted by locksley@Feb 13 2006, 05:48 AM
Sorry Sanzar, but that just isn't true. To be honest, NO rugby game will EVER last as long as Lomu did. It's STILL played today. You obviously didn't have it first time of release, or you'd agree.
howzit locks

i still have "jonah lomu rugby" but do you know how to get it to play on windows XP?

think the easiest way it to find the playstation version and run it under psxemu or bleem
how about buy the pc version...i saw it at eb for 20 bux a while back
Originally posted by TheBokke@Feb 13 2006, 07:17 AM
With you Locks I think JlR will always be the king. Have not played 06 but I hear it is still got no rucking system so that still puts 06 in the shade. But in all fairness i would not be playing JLR in single player anymore. As I have moved on but still living in hope for a rugby game to give me the joy that Lomu did.
As a 2 player game, Lomu is definately still king - no question about it. It's up there with PES as a 2 player sports game.

As a 1 player game, it is dreadful though, and the recent games are a lot more fun on your own than Lomu is. For me though, the 2 player aspect of a game is by FAR the most important part of a sports game, and Lomu is still streets ahead here. The current crop of games can't compete as they are too slow and unresponsive, with game mechanics that are slaved to animations - with Lomu it's fast, responsive, with a huge amount of scope for control, tactics, and competitivness.

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