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Xbox Live/PSN


First XV
TRF Legend
Jul 28, 2012
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hey guys, im abit off a gamer myself.

but i just wanted to know if anyone has a psn/xbox live account and what they're gamertag/psn username is i might add some off u's ;)
Might? Christ what a high honour it would be. Scotty if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best.
My gamer tag is ravin unicorn by the way. No judgement please.
As do I on Xbox. I was once wonderfully rich but no longer.
I do, But I only have Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag and UFC.

I'm waiting for Fifa 15 and Shadow of Mordor...
what is your psn ? might add you i only have 4 friends and its annoying
so, are they allowing porn games yet on those new super realistic devices or what ?

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