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<div align="center"><span style="font-family:Book Antiqua">300</span>
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wDiUG52ZyHQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wDiUG52ZyHQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
300...wow! I saw this last night in IMAX. The film is nothing short of amazing. Believe the hype. The look and feel of the movie was cool, sureal and stunning. If you can imagine Gladiator shot like Sin City, you've just scratched the surface. It definitely raises the bar for filmography.
Two thumbs up from me!

That all looks a bit camp doesn't it. Why would you wear a full Spartan helmet but no body armour?

And who's stolen the breasts of the woman in the top picture.

Is this one of those films like The Passion of St Tibulus?
This film looks amazing, and I cant wait to see it in all its glory...

Frank Miller is a Genius...
This film looks amazing, and I cant wait to see it in all its glory...

Frank Miller is a Genius...


No mention of the Thespians in that film I'll bet.
That all looks a bit camp doesn't it. Why would you wear a full Spartan helmet but no body armour?

Considering that homosexuality was the norm in Spartan society, and that a young warrior would be assigned to an older warrior as a lover in order to complete his training, thus encouraging a greater sense of brotherhood on the battlefield, 'a little bit camp' is probably the least of your worries...
<div class='quotemain'>
That all looks a bit camp doesn't it. Why would you wear a full Spartan helmet but no body armour?

Considering that homosexuality was the norm in Spartan society, and that a young warrior would be assigned to an older warrior as a lover in order to complete his training, thus encouraging a greater sense of brotherhood on the battlefield, 'a little bit camp' is probably the least of your worries...
No campness or gayness about it...
see the film, you'll understand.
No campness or gayness about it...
see the film, you'll understand.

Well if they've left out the valiant contribution of Demophilus and & the Thespians then they can shove their film up their togas.

Wearing a helmet but no breastplate is just the same as lying on the floor going "No the face, not the face!"
I'm a big fan of Frank Miller and there's one thing you have to understand about him in regards to this project.
He was in awe of the story, the myth, the legend behind the spartans and he wanted - he demanded - that an eipc be created from this.
His graphic novels boast epicness, they refuse to indulge in anything half-heartedly and as far as scholars are concerned the story of the spartans are true.

However, Frank Miller insisted upon one thing: Historical Innacuracies...to aide the storyline.

A majority of scholars have now come to agreement that the Spartans did not fight 1 Million men - far from it. They believe that the numbers were something along the line of 10,000, but the odds are stilll hugely stacked against them.

However well educated you are in this field, whatever historical inaccuracies you spot allow your disbelief to be suspended somewhat and accept that Frank Miller knew of the inaccuracies and still chose not to include them for lack of adding to the story.

It's not supposed to be a biography of the Spartans.

It's a telling of one the most famous stories known to us today.
I watched a documentary on this battle and I thought they actually estimated the numbers of the Persians to several hundred thousand.
This is a story recorded for us by Herodotus. As you know he is both called the "Father of History" and the "Father of Lies." Why? because he may have exagerated...we'll never know. What Frank Miller did with this story was to take it from a storytellers point of view...not a historians point of view.

Stories like this would have inspired the next generation, and so on, of Spartans...as it does for us today. If you look at this film as how this story might have been related to a group of adolescent Spartans-in-training then you will fully grasp the awe that is created with this film.

And who's stolen the breasts of the woman in the top picture.


the guy next to her from the look of it...

might actually go and watch this one, see if its as good as the original '300 spartans'
And who's stolen the breasts of the woman in the top picture.
Well, they may be small in size, but they're nothing to scoff. She's extremely fit...extremely.

searching google images and flickr...
I'm magic with my fingers....

That's what she said.

Okay...I've officially regressed back to adolesence.

I was thinking that those pics could make an awesome temporary desktop wallpaper.
<div class='quotemain'>Okay...I've officially regressed back to adolesence. [/b]

Tell us something we dont know!!!

Dude, your balls are showing.
I know I have a 6ft Dick but you dont need to advertise that my balls are showing, do you know how difficult it is to get trousers that fit....