Any chance Locks or anyone else who has played the game answer this?
Looking at the preview videos, especially the game play pieces, it seems many of the AI defensive problems that existied in rugby 2005 remain in rugby 2006.
It seems like the attacking AI had approved but I was wondering...
What is the AI defence like on medium and hard difficulty?
Is the blind side still easy to exploit as it is was in rugby 2005 on higher difficulty?
Does the dreaded 'gap' still exist on higher difficulties?!
Is bunching as bad on higher difficulties?
Looking at the preview videos, especially the game play pieces, it seems many of the AI defensive problems that existied in rugby 2005 remain in rugby 2006.
It seems like the attacking AI had approved but I was wondering...
What is the AI defence like on medium and hard difficulty?
Is the blind side still easy to exploit as it is was in rugby 2005 on higher difficulty?
Does the dreaded 'gap' still exist on higher difficulties?!
Is bunching as bad on higher difficulties?