On a more serious note, Chester Williams first started playing rugby at the age of 16. A few years later, he was busy winning the RWC with the Springboks in 1995.
Eddie Andrews was a big, fat, overweight bloke who decided to start to play some rugby, just to get into some sort of shape, on a social level. Because he was too fat for the social cricket side. And that was at age 19. And guess what? Seven years later, he was an international rugby player. A pretty crap one, but still.
And Frank Bunce was well into his 30`s when he made his All Black debut. Went on to become an absolute legend, the best centre of his generation by some distance. In fact, IMO, the best centre in the professional era.
So to answer your question, no you`re not too old. Not even close to being too old. If you`ve got the drive to put in the hours, you can easily still make it in rugby. But just realise that you`ll need to put in some extra effort, seeing as you`ve got a lot of catchup to do.