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Best cardio exercices to burn calories and to lose weight

yes, it's one of these really clever things in life...very subtle. I use it all the time to mean "porn", ppl have absolutely no clue. And your commas have not gone unnoticed, this is nearing a diplomatic faux-pas I'm afraid gaston.
There is nothing specifically military-related about crossfit. It's just randomly selected circuits.
The point is that Crossfit isn't really a good thing to recommend to someone that has specific fitness goals because it is inherently non-specific in it's focus.

You're not understanding. The crossfit doesn't have a specific methodology, you can do any exercise of any discipline and transform it into crossfit. Crossfit is just do many repetitions with light weight, basically, or with your own weight. You can do your own routine according to the needs.

There are crossfit routines for rugby, for soccer, for almost any sport. Crossfit is just the 'marketing name'. Take off head the crossfit routines that you know. Say: 'Crossfit' is like saying, do high reps with low weight in the gym, nothing more. There isn't an ancient art in which you have to follow certain steps, anyone can create their own crossfit routine. As we are on a rugby forum, I think it's best to lose weight without losing muscle mass, and that crossfit is very good for that. Just look at the world's best crossfit exponents and see that they have the body type of an RU internacional back, in some cases have even better body.

And yes crossfit is used by the military, so it's also a military exercise:

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No, crossfit is a brand and have their open specific stupid "wods", "boxes" and cult-like followers.

You're thinking of circuit training.
No, crossfit is a brand and have their open specific stupid "wods", "boxes" and cult-like followers.

You're thinking of circuit training.

Yeah, I'm talking about circuit training but most people don't understand what it means, however if you say: 'Crossfit' they have an idea of what is. Crossfit is just a circuit training, but it's very new, so they are still creating routines.

Circuit training is something that has always existed, only that it has never been world famous as is now the crossfit. There are many similarities between both, actually crossfit is a circuit training but with a good marketing campaign.

As Olyy has said - when you say "Crossfit" you actually mean "circuit training"... so just say circuit training.
Telling someone to do Crossfit is telling them to either do "wods" or to join a Crossfit gym.

There are crossfit routines for rugby, for soccer, for almost any sport. Crossfit is just the 'marketing name'. Take off head the crossfit routines that you know. Say: 'Crossfit' is like saying, do high reps with low weight in the gym, nothing more. There isn't an ancient art in which you have to follow certain steps, anyone can create their own crossfit routine. As we are on a rugby forum, I think it's best to lose weight without losing muscle mass, and that crossfit is very good for that. Just look at the world's best crossfit exponents and see that they have the body type of an RU internacional back, in some cases have even better body.

And it's come full circle - the "Crossfit exponents" you're referring to do not train using "Crossfit" type training.
They use a wide variety of training protocols - but they do not apply Crossfit style programming to them.

The OP hasn't said he wants to get in shape for rugby - he has said specifically that he wants to lose weight.

Militaries also get their employees to play team sports like rugby - that does not make rugby a military pursuit.
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I've tried crossfit, have a fair few friends who swear by it as well.
One thing I've noticed is that it helps to combine crossfit (which tends to concentrate on all aspects of fitness, from strength to flexibility) with something like circuit training, as it's designed to push you to the edge, with very little aerobic training. (And yes, it's very cultish)
Crossfit is circuit training.

It's a 'type' of circuit training I admit, but little emphasis is based on building initial fitness. It's designed to hit you hard straight from the off (I actually turned green during one session), so normal circuit training with emphasis on cardio is advised before doing it.
Nope, it's literally just circuit training.

Crossfit's only defining feature is randomness/non-specialisation of it's programming.
euhhh get loads of pron and mast'e'rbate like a maniac in a very athletic way.

Yeh but you lose any muscle gains aswell.

What I do is fap in a cup, then pour the cup into an 8 egg white omelette, pure protein basically.

Also try no hot showers to lose extra calories, and also no pillow.

What is with this talk of crossfit I didn't know so many women come on here.


