You'd be surprised at how many students disagree with you about that week/weekend thing. That's because many students live in (forgot the word) rooms in the city where they study, and go home during the weekend (so their mom can do their laundry and stock them up with more food and such).
So all the big parties are during the week, and everyone behaves like angels during the weekend (well, not everyone, most I guess)
I can't remember the time I was really drunk, must be getting old

Just kidding, although it's at least two years ago I was really drunk. When I start feeling the effects of alcohol now I start to bring some variation in my drinking, one unit of alcohol, one unit of water, and no more than one set of those each hour. That way I'm sure I'll remember everything I do that night the day after, and the water will keep the headache away.
Yes, I am not only sober, I'm dead boring too!