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My new website is in development



Thought this might interest some of you.

Following the demise of my site, rlgame.com, in June. (They wanted £300 from me to allow me to keep the name for a year!!!!!), I'm developing a new website, dedicated to all the Rugby games from Jonah Lomu onwards!

It'll feature reviews, screenshots & Movies of the released Rugby games so far (Bar Pro Rugby Manager - I was never into that one ) along with New info and footage from the Rugby games that are in Development at the minute!

Not only that, you'll be able to purchase a DVD from my site, filled with Hi-Res video reviews of Lomu, Rugby 2001, Rugby 2004, NRL and WCR, along with hundreds of Hi-res screenshots and movies too! There'll also be a unique chance to win a copy of each of the upcoming rugby games on whichever format you'd like, if you purchse the DVD!

There are other things that will be available on the site, and I hope that between JJ's fine website and my own, we can keep you all informed of all the Rugby gaming news that you'd need!


Ah ya *******

If I remember your Rugby League one correctly it was quite nice, and then there is the fact you get all that good information early. Plus you'll probably get a good server. All of that would indicate my site will get ripped up by yours.

Ah well, hopefully we can affliate and help each other out like that.

It would be quite nice if we had one forum that we shared so it will get busy, I'm willing to make you an admin of my rugby gaming forum, or if you set up your own I hope I can help with that.

If your site ever gets massive and you would like a New Zealand helper (for news, reviews and whatever. Maybe even if you start selling rugby games on that site I could dispatch Australation sales), I'm keen.

Good luck, and I hope we get that same coverage from you that you gave for Rugby 2004.
Originally posted by JJ-@Sep 28 2004, 02:08 PM
Ah ya *******

If I remember your Rugby League one correctly it was quite nice, and then there is the fact you get all that good information early. Plus you'll probably get a good server. All of that would indicate my site will get ripped up by yours.

Ah well, hopefully we can affliate and help each other out like that.

It would be quite nice if we had one forum that we shared so it will get busy, I'm willing to make you an admin of my rugby gaming forum, or if you set up your own I hope I can help with that.

If your site ever gets massive and you would like a New Zealand helper (for news, reviews and whatever. Maybe even if you start selling rugby games on that site I could dispatch Australation sales), I'm keen.

Good luck, and I hope we get that same coverage from you that you gave for Rugby 2004.
Well to be honest JJ, I was going to ask you if I could link to TRF, as my main forum? I don't need to be an Admin though, I'm quite happy with the way the forum is without me messing about on it!

Anyway, I think you've done a cracking site there, plenty of info, links nicely laid out etc. I'm sure that our websites can work in harmony together, like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo! ;O (Sorry, I can't stop watching the Star Wars trilogy and I'm Star Wars mad at the minute)

I was quite lucky with the Rugby 2004 scoop, I had a lot of help from people like Knowsleyroader, St Helens RLFC etc, but I'm pretty confident that I can do the same with the other Rugby Games on the horizon!

What I'm trying to do, is pretty much the same as you, and that's create awareness of Rugby Video Games! There are plenty of people I know only started playing Rugby Games when Rugby 2001 came out on the PS2. This is a crying shame, cos they're missing out on what, in my opinion, is the best Rugby game ever released.... Jonah Lomu Rugby.

This is the reason that I'm creating a DVD, featuring hours worth of movies from each Rugby game from JLR onwards! When my site is finished, you'll be able to read reviews, see screenshots, and watch movies never seen before from all the previous games. However, the DVD will feature Video Reviews, Loads more movies, screenshots, comparisions, etc! It really is quite interesting if you're a Rugby Game fan!

Anyway, my site is a few weeks off yet, but I'll keep you posted withit's progress.


Sounds great locks

btw you can link to TRF as your main forum, as JJ has his own.

and i also have the star wars trilogy, don't they looks great compared to the originals
Originally posted by locksley@Sep 28 2004, 08:24 PM
Well to be honest JJ, I was going to ask you if I could link to TRF, as my main forum? I don't need to be an Admin though, I'm quite happy with the way the forum is without me messing about on it!
Ah ok, well hopefully your visitors end up at my Rugby Gaming Forum after they come through TRF.

You do realise my forums aren't these ones eh, I'm just a moderator here, I'm admin at www.rugbyforum.tk - which was The Rugby Forum backup, but is now a dedicated rugby gaming forum, and has a wider range of forums for each rugby gaming series (although the World Championship Rugby forum is still back here because I figure it's easier to keep everything related to a particular game in one forum). If you would like to share the rugby gaming forum (so that if there is a piece of news from your site your visitors can discuss it for examply) I'll set up a link your site from the forum, similar to the one I'm using for my site (on the front page of the forum).
Originally posted by JJ-+Sep 28 2004, 09:07 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (-JJ- @ Sep 28 2004, 09:07 PM)</div>
@Sep 28 2004, 08:24 PM
Well to be honest JJ, I was going to ask you if I could link to TRF, as my main forum?  I don't need to be an Admin though, I'm quite happy with the way the forum is without me messing about on it! 
Ah ok, well hopefully your visitors end up at my Rugby Gaming Forum after they come through TRF.

You do realise my forums aren't these ones eh, I'm just a moderator here, I'm admin at www.rugbyforum.tk - which was The Rugby Forum backup, but is now a dedicated rugby gaming forum, and has a wider range of forums for each rugby gaming series (although the World Championship Rugby forum is still back here because I figure it's easier to keep everything related to a particular game in one forum). If you would like to share the rugby gaming forum (so that if there is a piece of news from your site your visitors can discuss it for examply) I'll set up a link your site from the forum, similar to the one I'm using for my site (on the front page of the forum). [/b]
Ah, I see! Sorry about the mix up! I thought TFR was yours!!!!

That forum of yours sounds great, would you mind if I linked to that?


Locksley, what the ****?

Jonah Lomu Rugby onward? I gotta argue from the historical standpoint, and how games like EA's RWC 95 and International Rugby League were fun (still are) and all we had. And though I've never seen it, I understand there is one game that dates back to the early 90's.

Document the history while it's still available.

You say:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
What I'm trying to do, is pretty much the same as you, and that's create awareness of Rugby Video Games![/b]

Then do that.

Why an arbitrary cut-off at Lomu?


Back you beast.. BACK!

Just when Id erased every single sliver of my memory of RWC 95 on Sega you just had to come along and burn it right into the centre of my long term memory
Originally posted by captainamerica@Sep 29 2004, 01:05 PM
Locksley, what the ****?

Jonah Lomu Rugby onward? I gotta argue from the historical standpoint, and how games like EA's RWC 95 and International Rugby League were fun (still are) and all we had. And though I've never seen it, I understand there is one game that dates back to the early 90's.

Document the history while it's still available.

You say:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
What I'm trying to do, is pretty much the same as you, and that's create awareness of Rugby Video Games!

Then do that.

Why an arbitrary cut-off at Lomu?


Are you the only one that cares about these games? lol, i couldn't care less if they weren't included
I think what he is trying to say is that the history of rugby union/league gaming is relatively short - so why not include the first few - it wouldn't be that hard and would give a COMPLETE history of rugby gaming...............
Originally posted by captainamerica@Sep 29 2004, 01:05 PM
Locksley, what the ****?

Jonah Lomu Rugby onward? I gotta argue from the historical standpoint, and how games like EA's RWC 95 and International Rugby League were fun (still are) and all we had. And though I've never seen it, I understand there is one game that dates back to the early 90's.

Document the history while it's still available.

You say:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
What I'm trying to do, is pretty much the same as you, and that's create awareness of Rugby Video Games!

Then do that.

Why an arbitrary cut-off at Lomu?


I suppose the only reason I'm starting with Lomu is because it's the first Rugby game I played that I just couldn't stop playing!

Yes, I had WCR 95 on the Amiga, (World Class Rugby on the Snes), and IRL, but I didn't really play these much! I also had ET's Rugby League on Amiga, and International Rugby on the Amstrad CPC 464!!!!
, but I think Lomu brought rugby gaming to the masses when it was released on the playstation (Along with PC and Sega Saturn versions).

However, if any of you have any footage at all from any of the above games, I'll gladly create a section on my site devoted to them!

Just out of interest, does anyone remember International rugby on the Amstrad CPC? It was released about 1985/86, and although it was a rugby union game, it featured Rugby League teams Hull and Hull KR on the loading screen! The best thing about it though, was the fact that your players hair turned grey when he had the ball!
I'll see if i can dig out some pics.
Originally posted by locksley@Sep 29 2004, 08:29 PM
I suppose the only reason I'm starting with Lomu is because it's the first Rugby game I played that I just couldn't stop playing! 

Yes, I had WCR 95 on the Amiga, (World Class Rugby on the Snes), and IRL, but I didn't really play these much!  I also had ET's Rugby League on Amiga, and International Rugby on the Amstrad CPC 464!!!!
, but I think Lomu brought rugby gaming to the masses when it was released on the playstation (Along with PC and Sega Saturn versions).

However, if any of you have any footage at all from any of the above games, I'll gladly create a section on my site devoted to them! 

Just out of interest, does anyone remember International rugby on the Amstrad CPC?  It was released about 1985/86, and although it was a rugby union game, it featured Rugby League teams Hull and Hull KR on the loading screen!  The best thing about it though, was the fact that your players hair turned grey when he had the ball!
  I'll see if i can dig out some pics.
Locks, thanks for taking my post in the nature it was intended. I reread it this morning and could see where it might be construed as aggro -- none was sought.

NZL Fan's surmise was my point:
I think what he is trying to say is that the history of rugby union/league gaming is relatively short - so why not include the first few - it wouldn't be that hard and would give a COMPLETE history of rugby gaming...............

Without question, Lomu really put it on the map, but if you're going to do a history of the Beatles, you don't start with Revolver. (Will Rugby 2005 or WCR2 be Sgt. Pepper? We can only hope.)

But, you've illustrated my point beautifully by bringing up games I didn't even know existed. The Amiga and Amstrad games, as well as World Class Rugby available on SNES -- of course, why would these games see the light of day in the States? And those screens you posted from the 85/86 game are genius. God awful and brilliant at the same time.

You and JJ have taken on a fantastic endeavor with this type of chronicle, and without question you both are qualified, and will do it justice.

But, like the screens you've posted, it's great to see the evolution of the games. Especially with the sport of Rugby, because of the inherent complexity of the laws and seeing which games, no matter how crude the visuals, captured certain aspects of the sport.

Lastly (the crowd goes wild! CaptainAmerica is going to shut up soon!) as far as getting video of the past games, yeah, that'll be tricky. I'm not technically minded and my Sega is 1800 miles away. I still haven't found a computer other than my dismantled 486 DX (also 1800 miles away) that can play the PC version of RWC'95. But I'll help wherever else possible, though I think you'll be just fine.

Good luck and I look forward to it all.

And Ripper, you just had to come along and burn it right into the centre of my long term memory -- burn, *****, burn!
Originally posted by NZL fan+Sep 30 2004, 09:05 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (NZL fan @ Sep 30 2004, 09:05 AM)</div>
What do you mean?????

Those graphics are better then rugby 2004..................... [/b]
lol.... Mind you, you have got a point!
Originally posted by kingwilko@Sep 30 2004, 11:41 AM
I used to love IRL, especially the mad commentary...
Just thought I'd share this with you!

As I'm making the vids for the new site, I've been playing on Lomu for the past 2 nights, trying to get certain bits of Action for the clips! Do you know what? I'd totally forgotten how good this game is! No matter how much I tell everyone how great it is, it's even better!!!!!

Ok, the graphics are well shoddy, and the teams are old, but the gameplay is still rock solid even today..... after 7 YEARS!!!! In fact, after playing Rugby 2004, the gameplay on JLR seems even sweeter!!!!!

Love it!

After playing all the games to get clips over the past 2 nights, my fav rugby game order goes like this:

1. Jonah Lomu Rugby (By a Country Mile)
2. NRL Rugby League (Agression button is superb, great tackle animations, excellent commentary)
3. EA Rugby 2001 (Yes, this is infintely more satisfying than 2004 & WCR)
4. World Championship Rugby (Great passing, but the defence really lets this one down badly)
5. Rugby 2004 (Erm..... It makes you laugh!!)

Honestly, if you still have JLR, did it out and play it again! You won't regret it!

Next time I get home I'll dig it out Locks - looking forward to the website by the way!

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