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Petition to stop Big Ewis from starting threads on TRF

Should Big Eiws be banned from starting threads?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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If you don't want to read a members posts, block them. Saves you and everybody else.
This! Exactly this!!

You used (an almost certainly) mentally ill woman for a laugh and a shot at Tony earlier in the thread.

I'm with Draggs on this, if someone is hijacking threads than give us a report. If you felt the subject material was innaprorpriate a.k.a. the "pooing location" thread than I'm willing to give that a look as well, the others are harmless fun and most have quickly faded down the thread list anyway.
You used (an almost certainly) mentally ill woman for a laugh and a shot at Tony earlier in the thread.

I'm with Draggs on this, if someone is hijacking threads than give us a report. If you felt the subject material was innaprorpriate a.k.a. the "pooing location" thread than I'm willing to give that a look as well, the others are harmless fun and most have quickly faded down the thread list anyway.

WHAAAAAATT ??!!!! I'm literally going through the trouble of writing this kind of poetic stuff up to make ppl laugh, I don't need to, I know those stories, I was in them ! A good literary read, ideally with a nice morning coffee. Taking a ***** in public, I've got more of those actually, but obviously ppl being this stuck up nobody replied to that thread. What are we, a fkng aristocratic 40yo circle who take offense to A POO STORY ??!!!!! "Rugby forum" eh, yeaaaaaaahhhh...:rolleyes: :p

I know what you're saying though, and yes I understand there are limits, but seriously...such lyrical prowess and a mighty plot like that, very very vexed you'd pick that as reference for potential reports...what is this world coming to, (two part question), and do you prefer mayonnaise or mustard on them hotdogs ?
For the record I didn't think the "pooing location" thread was that awful, but can I can see that others might find it's presence on the forum at least debatable and might be worth disscussing.
I like Big E's threads. Sometimes when I come here I just need some 'social time', and I don't always have something to say about rugby, especially if I've missed the games. So it's nice to keep a foot in the door, as it were, by replying to one of Big E's threads.

(Life has been a bit hectic lately and I just don't have the mental capacity to deal with technical discussions on the sport I love...however, if someone wants to start a 'who has the nicest bum in rugby' thread, I'll be glad to join in. ;) )

I like Big E's threads. Sometimes when I come here I just need some 'social time', and I don't always have something to say about rugby, especially if I've missed the games. So it's nice to keep a foot in the door, as it were, by replying to one of Big E's threads.

(Life has been a bit hectic lately and I just don't have the mental capacity to deal with technical discussions on the sport I love...however, if someone wants to start a 'who has the nicest bum in rugby' thread, I'll be glad to join in. ;) )


well I'm in a profoundly artistic period these days as you can clearly notice...but that thread idea ain't far fetched. A sexiest looking ass XV thread - solid. Of course, don't forget we're in the most anally congested Rugby forum around, and that could potentially cause a riot. Just imagine: another outraged user vociferously voicing his opinion, a couple of ppl debating the morals behind the topic...Extreme stuff. Scary in fact.
How f**king dare anyone out there make fun of Big E after all he has been through.!

He lost his boyfriend, he went through a divorce. He had two fkg kids.

His husband turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now he's going through a custody battle. All you people care about is….. readers and making money off of him.

HE'S A HUMAN! ah! ooh! What you don't realize is that Big E is making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about him.

He hasn't performed on stage in years. His song is called "F**K Philippe Saint Andre" for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!.

LEAVE HIM ALONE! You are lucky he even performed for you B*ST*RDS!

Heineken talked about professionalism and said if Big E was a professional he would've pulled it off no matter what.

Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.

Leave Big E Alone Please…. !
Leave Big E alone!…right now!….I mean it.!

Anyone that has a problem with him you deal with me, because he is not well right now.


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I've added a poll on this subject matter (which is spelt wrong) to this thread for ****s and giggles.
I think we should just restrict the number he can make, that way he has to think long and hard about which threads he posts.
Conrad, your post has moved me so...*holds in tears*...sorry - so very much. I'm a little lost for words. I really wish I could hold in the crap that I need to deposit in the toilet so I could pay tribute to your tribute, but I'm afraid it's at the very edge of my outward sphincter. Please forgive me.

Okay I really need to take that shiit now, hooolyyyyy..
I think we should just restrict the number he can make, that way he has to think long and hard about which threads he posts.

Hmmmm, maybe I should have added a third option to the poll.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... we're in the most anally congested Rugby forum around, blah blah bla...

Wait. What??! There are OTHER rugby forums out there?!?

The Russia vs. Uruguay thread, for the first leg in the battle for the final spot at the 2015 RWC. 9 posts, 479 views with 16 members viewing, thread was started by me on September 1st, 4:00 p.m. my time.

This thread, 33 posts, 523 views, with 35 members viewing, thread was started by Heineken on September 26th, 5:50 a.m. my time.

We really need to get back to the rugby here on TRF(myself included as I have posted multiple times here).
the only possible outcome if this thread is that everyone is banned from posting new threads and Ewis becomes the forum moderator.

Hmmmm, maybe I should have added a third option to the poll.

it's never too late!
:p what a deliciously absurd idea...I like it !

You would. You're French...and the French are both delicious, and absurd.






Don't ask me how I know they're delicious...





Such a silly thread, and I therefore refuse to read/think/comment on it.
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