Just wanna get some feedback on this idea for a control set up for defence.
Controls (PS2/3 controller)
R2=Move defence forward
Use the R2 button to advance your defensive line forward together as one.
The AI would control moving back the ten.
L1=Slide defence <<<
Press and hold the L1 button to slide your defensive line to the left, tightening gaps on the left side of your defensive line and opening gaps on the right side.
R1=Slide Defence >>>
Press and hold the R1 button to slide your defensive line to the right, tightening gaps on the right side of your defensive line and opening gaps on the left side.
L1 + R1=Slide Defence together in line with player with the ball
Press and hold L1 + R1 together to slide your defensive line in together from the left and right side of the ball carrier creating a wall of defensive players, the longer you hold the buttons down the more tighter the defence gets.
Double tap and hold L1= < left side umbrella defence
Double tap and hold L1 to advance players forward from the left side of your defensive line in such a way as to create an arc of players (umbrella defence) that could force attacking play away from the left side of the field and provide an intercept opportunity if the attack risks passing to that side.
Double tap and hold R1= > right side umbrella defence
Double tap and hold R1 to advance players forward from the right side of your defensive line in such a way as to create an arc of players (umbrella defence) that could force attacking play away from the right side of the field and provide an intercept opportunity.
L2=Marker Defence on/off
I came up with this idea while watching the Roast on Sunday and think it is a good one. How I was thinking it would work is with a simple tap of the button you could change the way your defensive line works when marking the opposition players. With marker defence ON the D line will stay spread and perform all actions but with the line fully spread as if marking the whole attacking line, so wingers will stay wide and come in when spread but never too far so as not to leave space out wide that can't be covered if there is a one on one out wide.
With marker defence OFF I was thinking that the defence when spreading left or right could spread more in field and to one side, being even tighter defensively in the middle and to the side you choose to defend, leaving gaps out wide on the opposite side making it seem more like you are leaving players unmarked out wide, so the trade off for tighter D in the middle and other side of the field is there is more chance of being exploited wider out on the opposite side with cross kicks. (hope it makes sense)
So if you could imagine the above ideas working together in game you get a good idea how realistic the gameplay could be and how many options you could have on defence.
These ideas cover most real defensive options and i don't think it would be too hard to perform these actions either but if possible an option to give the AI control of player movement could be there for beginners or those who just want to tackle alone.
D-pad Left=Drop back Left Winger
D-pad Right=Drop back Right Winger
This would make defending 40/20s your responsibility
D-pad Up=Drop back Fullback
D-pad Down=Bring Fullback into the Defensive line
I was thinking maybe have three positions for the fullback, Deep, close and in.
Deep meaning obviously deep in prep for a deep kick, close meaning in line with the player with the ball but a few metres behind the defensive line and in meaning part of the defensive line.
Circle=Tackle/attempt one on one strip/control ruck or hold player down
Square=change to nearest player to the ball
X or Right Stick Up=Attempt Shoulder charge
Triangle=Dive for loose ball/attempt intercept/jump for or contest high ball
So in saying all this I really do believe these ideas would create a greater sense of realism on defence and give the player so much more control of the gameplay.
So what do y'all think?, good?, crap?
Thoughts +/-