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So, if you don't know, London is under a foot or more of snow.

For some cities, this is no problem. But because we get big snowfalls maybe a few days a year and they usually melt come midday, we have no infrastructure to sort it out.

So gingergenius can't cycle his bike until he gets to the main road, because the wheels don't go round in 15 inch deep snow. When I did get to the main road I had to cycle in the little grooves made by cars, which was nuts cos I kept sliding around everywhere, and had to go about 2mph.

Then the trains, tubes, buses etc. are cancelled. So I go home, phone work and they're shut for the day so it's all good, I've got a day off.

So what to do with my day off? Sweet f*** all because there's no way of getting anywhere besides walking. And I'm not walking for more than 15 minutes. Which puts most of my friends, gf and everyone else out of reach. This sucks. Looks like a day of computer games and porn, which is what I always thought Sundays were for...
I've been sent home from sixth form because something important (probably the heating system) has broke. Also, loads of people can't get there.

I'm now trying to decide what to do. The girl I'm 'sort of going out with' goes to a different college that hasn't closed so that's a no go.

I might go sledding, revisit my younger days :D
Get to, uhh, catch up on homework I kind of didn't do (like the rebel I am!) the other day, at least.
School was open early on, but I found out five minutes later that we were allowed to go home. :mellow: The ********! Still snowing here; lightly, but relentlessly.
I jibbed uni off myself today. I do though love the way this country comes to a standstill whenever the weather is bad.
we've got snow in Dublin as well, not sure how much chaos it's causing, can't be as bad as the snow we got in Paris in early January and then the temperatures plummeted and it took a week to make making conditions pretty treacherous for pedestrians.
Ok I can't believe its still snowing.

This morning it was mad heavy, in a 5 min cycle ride I was covered and my hands were so numb I could hardly unlock my front door.

now it's like someone's sprinkling salt. My chimney's got stalactites hanging from it. This is like an unofficial holiday, everything's ground to a standstill.
welcome to my daily life


thats out back of my house last year we had 517cm of snow over the entire witner was effing crazy
This just isn't going to let up to be honest, wouldn't be surprised if I'm off college tomorrow as well. Better have gone by Wednesday, I'm playing Rugby and I don't want it to be called off!

It'd be like this all the time if the Gulf Stream was diverted...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Hall @ Feb 2 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
This just isn't going to let up to be honest, wouldn't be surprised if I'm off college tomorrow as well. Better have gone by Wednesday, I'm playing Rugby and I don't want it to be called off!

It'd be like this all the time if the Gulf Stream was diverted...[/b]

i wish it bloody was diverted because 1) we'd be used to it (like Canadian is), 2) I like it when it's cold, and 3) It's never bloody hot enough anyway.

Thinking about it, New York gets proper snow and is on the same latitude as madrid.

We're on the same latitude as northern Canada and Siberia. But the only thing we have in common is that it gets dark early and we get long days in the summer.

That Gulf Stream has a massive effect... boosts our temperatures by at least 10 degrees.
Been in London visiting my girlfriend this weekend. Was supposed to go back to Reading this morning but what with everything having pretty much died it's just not happening. Be a good excuse to miss my seminar tomorrow as well the way things are going, there's a foot of snow outside the door, it's ridiculous.
I had appointments in Berkshire today and I managed to get there but none of my customers made it to work.Lazy swines. Anyway been sledging with my kids which was great fun. So I never made any money but I had a really nice day.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Canadian_Rugger @ Feb 2 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
welcome to my daily life


thats out back of my house last year we had 517cm of snow over the entire witner was effing crazy[/b]

At Least you having running Buses. We have that + the "out-to-lunch until May" Transit system.
What I couldnt believe was the underground system was completely closed.Surely some of it could have still worked. Its underground isnt it?
The buses really **** me off. There's one that goes straight to my girlfriend in east acton, takes about 15 minutes but it's not f***ing running. I can't cycle cos I tried going 200m this morning and nearly killed myself. I can't walk because that would take about an hour. She can't come halfway because she's just been in hospital and it's not really fair. It would involve about 100 changes if I took the tube, and besides they're running like ****. I can't drive because I can't drive.

So basically this is crap. The novelty's worn off. Go away snow.
I find it so funny when crazy weather happens like this. On New Years I was in Halifax NS and there was a blizzard... I still went to the bar and drank my face off oh and then walked back to my hotel was crazy... and I was out driving around in it... you get used to it but trust me I would much rather have your situation of no snow usually then what we get... especially when it drops down to 30 below

heh funny thing is here is what I use to get around on when it snows alot...


I kid you not it... I live in a hillbilly part of Canada and we don't even have buses or public transit... lol I just get on my skidoo and giver when it snows
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
I'm playing Rugby and I don't want it to be called off![/b]
They play in snow occasionally in the Russian Professional League. You should play there!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
I can't drive because I can't drive.[/b]
Trust me, today was not driving. It was slush-gliding.

I dislike snow for one reason. In Britain, we seem to be totally useless at dealing with it. I appreciate that we don't get much snow in Britain, but we have absolutely nothing in terms of a contingency plan for when it occurs, and i am talking for any amount. The larger the amount, the more apocalyptic it gets!

I bet if it lasts until wednesday we will have some kind of shopping panic, like we will all hit the supermarket to buy 3 weeks worth of food in case we all die in our homes.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fa'atau82 @ Feb 2 2009, 08:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
I'm playing Rugby and I don't want it to be called off![/b]
They play in snow occasionally in the Russian Professional League. You should play there!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
I can't drive because I can't drive.[/b]
Trust me, today was not driving. It was slush-gliding.

I dislike snow for one reason. In Britain, we seem to be totally useless at dealing with it. I appreciate that we don't get much snow in Britain, but we have absolutely nothing in terms of a contingency plan for when it occurs, and i am talking for any amount. The larger the amount, the more apocalyptic it gets!

I bet if it lasts until wednesday we will have some kind of shopping panic, like we will all hit the supermarket to buy 3 weeks worth of food in case we all die in our homes.

yes! I can easily see that happening!
There were only a few accidents here caused by the weather (it wasn't all that bad here either, not even a foot of snow) but in general the roads are made snowfree rather quickly. Except in certain quiter streets, like mine. No problem for me, I have a week off after my exams, had a nice chat with my neighbour while clearing the pavement and felt really sorry for the postwoman who was riding her bicycle in a very wobbly way. Made a tiny snowman with the snow I cleared, but it has melted :(

A moment of silence for the snowmen and -women who have since long disappeared from all our lives....

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