just watching sunday roast and its genius!!!
they have a great balance of rugby league analizers
mark geyer or mg is THE MAN..in ya face with everything totally straight up
and matthew johns is insane!..absolute super spoof comic who represents the lighter and funnier side of rugby league!
followed vossy and that news paper writer and this show is amazing!!!
so is the footy show...especially the sunday footy show which gets down to the nitty gritty!
WHY DONT WE HAVE QUALITY LIKE THAT IN UNION..with the exception of the northern televised shows i see on rugby channel..our southern hemisphere shows are joke!...and lame and dry and exausted.....
the sky presentations is pitiful!..they diffinetly know whut they talkin about but is so boring and slow paced...its like going to a pub in the country side and talkin rugby wit oldmen..<nothin wrong but its tv!!!...
Rugby channel is ****!..with the exception of smallblacks tv,try time and toyota grass roots everything else is lame...even re:union gets on my nerves sometime
there shud be interactive show like boots n all(not the sth african one the aussie league one)..where viewers email in or send in letters for requests and stuff
dont get me wrong,re:union provides the info but gets too serious unlike a show like sunday roast where it balances between serious,informative and entertaining value
so im stressing the fact that our rugby programming isnt entertaining!..i was zurich of heineken cup i think where they had a very good indepth halftime show where skys lame rubbish highlights boring stats and doesnt show goodplays just the tries..
the league presentation in australia and great britain are superior to that of nz,aussie an s.a...
with the exception sky nz's league broadcasting team of the dude who got his head knocked by clint brown HAHAHAHA...and the ropati brothers who suffer from broken english and stutter language....
they have a great balance of rugby league analizers
mark geyer or mg is THE MAN..in ya face with everything totally straight up
and matthew johns is insane!..absolute super spoof comic who represents the lighter and funnier side of rugby league!
followed vossy and that news paper writer and this show is amazing!!!
so is the footy show...especially the sunday footy show which gets down to the nitty gritty!
WHY DONT WE HAVE QUALITY LIKE THAT IN UNION..with the exception of the northern televised shows i see on rugby channel..our southern hemisphere shows are joke!...and lame and dry and exausted.....
the sky presentations is pitiful!..they diffinetly know whut they talkin about but is so boring and slow paced...its like going to a pub in the country side and talkin rugby wit oldmen..<nothin wrong but its tv!!!...
Rugby channel is ****!..with the exception of smallblacks tv,try time and toyota grass roots everything else is lame...even re:union gets on my nerves sometime
there shud be interactive show like boots n all(not the sth african one the aussie league one)..where viewers email in or send in letters for requests and stuff
dont get me wrong,re:union provides the info but gets too serious unlike a show like sunday roast where it balances between serious,informative and entertaining value
so im stressing the fact that our rugby programming isnt entertaining!..i was zurich of heineken cup i think where they had a very good indepth halftime show where skys lame rubbish highlights boring stats and doesnt show goodplays just the tries..
the league presentation in australia and great britain are superior to that of nz,aussie an s.a...
with the exception sky nz's league broadcasting team of the dude who got his head knocked by clint brown HAHAHAHA...and the ropati brothers who suffer from broken english and stutter language....