Originally posted by C A Iversen@Oct 22 2005, 07:49 PM
I think your right on the money, NZL Fan. Promotion and release are really areas Sidhe have to work on with their ***les. I know it sounds like bagging them, but it's a consistent problem that needs to be addressed. I was talking to a friend today who is a casual gamer, doesn't play too many games, but he is a huge fan of New Zealand and Australian horse racing. What could I tell him about this game? It's ***le, what its features will roughly be and what formats will get this release. What was his first question? What could it possibly be?
WHEN can I buy this game? I told him it's hard to say at this stage, but I'm fairly sure it will be before the end of the year. Naturally not understanding anything about the development process, he was very surprised and dismayed that it wasn't going to be available in the week surrounding the Melbourne Cup. I think that reaction is only natural.
I believe we need to be well informed on this forum, and able to give some better information to people who we can help buy the product.
I tell him, he may tell three, they may tell two each and so on. From now on though, I'm not spreading the word untill theres better word to spread.