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If You Died...


Goth Power

...Next week...

..What 5 things would youm like to do before you went?

My list:

Have sex one last time. (leaving Michaela with enough sperm to reproduce) :p
Spend hours cussing Americans on Halo 2.
Eat a bacon buttie.
Scratch my arse.
Play guitar all night long on my patio with amp full blast.
1. Plan the most kickass funeral ever.
2. Spend time with my family.
3. Hit the **** with my closest friends.
4. f*** one of them beautiful $1000 hookers.
5. Spend time of TRF... Ok maybe not.
1.Buy a premium health insurance plan
2.Do a lot of drugs
3.Have a lot of sex with beautiful models
4.Eat incredibly expensive food (in the hope it will be tasty)
5.Walk into parliment and start throwing off fruit at Tony Abbott's fat head
1. Go on a family trip to Europe.
2. Rob a bank
3. Try to get my wife pregnant
4. Eat loads of McDonalds
5. Tell everyone I love them.

maybe not in that order...robbing the bank should be last.
1: Make love to my wife for one last time
2-5: See 1 above! :D

Would also like to throw in a case of Johnny Walker Blue Label, after all, man can not live on sex alone.
1. Not a violent person but the thought of lamping someone with a 7 iron is quite appealing.
2. Get a collosal bank loan, making sure I have payment protection, that'll teach the banks for stealing our money
3. Plenty of sex is a given
4. Go out on the lash one last time
5. Watch some tv
ah thought I was missing out on something, maybe that's why I'll be dead in a week then

lol....I started typing then had to delete....this is too heavy......

Good thread though...had me reflecting:)
1. Not a violent person but the thought of lamping someone with a 7 iron is quite appealing.

One would have to argue that the first half of your sentence is made slightly superfluous by the second half of your sentence. I'm keeping my eye on you from now on...
1. Get myself in HUGE debt. Like get a credit card and buy **** loads of stuff
2. Have unprotected sex with as many chicks as i can
3. Toss off on someone i dont likes car untill he/she sees me doing it
4. Get in a fight with the Mongrel Mob
5. Spend a lot of time with my family and friends
1. Drink alcohol non stop for 7 days
2. Eat and snort substances to keep me awake for 7 days
3. Screw alot of chicks.....on the 7th day ask a chick to "screw the living **** out of me"
4. By a pack of lifesavers
5. Kill a stingray

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