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Mal Meninga Discussion



Has Gay Guy convinced you, does Mal Meninga deserve to become a member of the TRFs Hall of Fame.

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definitely - didnt know too much about the bloke - but he spunded like a true legend
He's a qlder, but Mal was unstoppable and I grew up admiring his exploits for the raiders.
Absolutely fantastic player. So proud that he played for my club, if only a season. A resounding "yes."
Originally posted by The TRUTH!!@Feb 20 2006, 04:04 AM
Yep... he's gotta be in , but maybe after Wally Lewis
Superb player and hugely respected but I agree with "The Truth", Wally Lewis is the greatest player of the modern era, and it would be criminal not to induct him before Mel...........

I say a resounding No.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Malcolm Norman Meninga

Eminems, M&M's, or MnM's

Deserves his place in the TRF Hall of Fame.

Just coz he played alongside Wally Lewis, doesnt meen he should wait until Wally is Famed.

Otherwise we have approx 20 players to induct before Wally........Dally, Clive, Reg, etc

Show Mal the key..........let him in...before he palms the door down :bravo: :cheers:
It has to be a no from me, yes he was class but there were some ahead of him who got higher grades
well then do an article on him and make his case,

it seems a bit strange that people are voting no just because they think that somebody else should be inducted ahead of them.

The question is does Mal Meninga deserve to be in TRFs Hall of Fame, not does he deserve to go in ahead of Wally Lewis. Similar reasons have been given for Lomu in the other thread.

It might change in the future but at the moment there's no specific order into how anyone is inducted and it doesn't devalue their place in the Hall of Fame if X, Y or Z is inducted before them.
Originally posted by Ride The Cliche+Feb 20 2006, 10:42 AM-->
<!--QuoteBegin-The TRUTH!!
@Feb 20 2006, 04:04 AM
Yep... he's gotta be in , but maybe after Wally Lewis
Superb player and hugely respected but I agree with "The Truth", Wally Lewis is the greatest player of the modern era, and it would be criminal not to induct him before Mel...........

I say a resounding No. [/b]
Lewis was a great ORIGIN player... and gets enough recognition despite having a comparitively average record with the broncos. Mal was big at all levels, he deserves his place here.
That was a nice post about Mal Meninga by Gay-Guy. Of course, I voted 'yes' to him being in the Hall of Fame (although frankly, I'm not sure exactly what it all means).

But I wanted to take the opportunity to add my own Mal story. It was 1991 and I had just finished my first season of union ball in college. Needless to say, I was hooked. However, living in the U.S. doesn't present itself with many rugby opportunities. Today, I have a good-sized library of books and tapes, but in the summer of 1991, I had yet to see rugby in a media format.

That is, until I turned on Home Team Sports in D.C. (a local sports channel catering to the Washington Redskins and Baltimore Orioles of baseball). Lo and behold, there it was to my astonishment. The State of Origin. I nearly crapped my pants. And even though the code was different from what I was in the midst of learning, it was still rugby. And on center stage was Mal Meninga.

I remember calling my friend and teammate (he too was new to rugby union) about it and he rushed over to watch the game. He was more thrilled than I was and thought big Mal was a bad ass.

What I remember most about him was an aura of calm about him amid all the chaos of State of Orign as he kicked for goal. I've rarely seen much league since then. But Mal Meninga remains one of my earliest memories about the game. It's a lasting memory, too.

I don't know if I have the balls to ask but I might be able to get an official quite from big Mal for the forum if it helps.

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