A full list of transfers
Player Name - Transferring from - Transferring to
Aaron Bancroft * - Canterbury - Otago
Bernie Upton * - Bay of Plenty - Wellington
Caleb Ralph - Canterbury - Tasman
Craig Clarke - Canterbury - Taranaki
Daniel Morath - Poverty Bay - Hawke’s Bay
George Naoupu * - Canterbury - Hawke’s Bay
Grant Polson - Otago - Manawatu
James Afoa * - Bay of Plenty - North Harbour
Jody Allen - Poverty Bay - Hawke’s Bay
Justin Collins - Auckland - Northland
Leo Taliu - Auckland - Northland
Matt France - Canterbury - Taranaki
Michael Rowe - Northland - Manawatu
Mike Davis - Canterbury - Northland
Paul Perez - Wanganui - Taranaki
Rees Logan - Southland - Tasman
Roimata Hansell-Pune - Auckland - Waikato
Ross Kennedy - Wellington - Otago
Rua Tipoki * - North Harbour - Canterbury
Sam Biddles - Waikato - North Harbour
Shane Cleaver - Canterbury - Taranaki
Steven Baker - Waikato - Northland
Tim Boys - Otago - Southland
Tone Kopelani - Canterbury - Wellington
Tony Koonwaiyou - Auckland - Northland
Asterix means that the player transferred after last year's Cup so were eligible for their new province's S14. team
Former Highlanders Number 8 Grant Webb has signed to play for Hawkes Bay after returning from Japan and former Otago player Sam Harding is returning to play for Wellington after being released by Northampton.